Thursday, August 15, 2024

ODDS AND BODS - 8/15/24

Thank you for all your comments after my knee sprain post yesterday. I cannot put into words how very much I appreciated them. Our blogging community is a very caring and loving family.  

 I started this one on Thursday, August 8th, 2024. We had a good soaking rain, and there was a tornado watch also, but it didn’t come about.  A few trees toppled in the area.

This is our forecast from Friday, August the 8th to Saturday the 17th, 2024.

Are you a…

Or a…

I am all of the above and
   I absolutely love…

More words but this time describing…

Another rabbit and still going through my rabbit phase. When was I ever out of it?  I had many of these as a child, lots of them all at once. They provided endless comfort and companionship, along with a much loved dog and cat, Skipper and Binky. The European Robin is a sweet addition. 

Let’s be rebels!

I found the following on line, a letter sent from a teacher to all her students parents, and would like to say “Yay”, and a big thank you to all the great teachers out there, past and present. I am applauding heartily.

Always knew it!  We are all connected. 

This is today’s dream cottage.

And yes, I can see this in there, definitely a comfy place to snuggle up with a good book and looking ahead, wrapped up in a favorite blanket and sipping a cup of tea, or coffee, or hot chocolate. I find myself looking to Fall weather after a hot and humid summer, another favorite time of the year for me.

And pardon me while I go make myself an open-faced sandwich far too pretty to eat. I will just stare at it for a while, and take photos and then lunch!

This looks delicious…

But just in case you want to go in a healthier direction. 

All for now and …



  1. The tree stump and fingerprint are blowing my mind!!! I only knew two of the group names. The letter from the teacher is brilliant. No matter how much money she makes, she needs a raise. I adore the rabbit & robin pic!!

    1. Hi Ginny, happy you enjoyed all these odds and bods. I loved the teacher's letter too and I agree with you totally.

  2. Lovely post Denise, I did enjoy reading it..thank you.
    Take care.

  3. Love all of these. The sandwich is really cute. Sent the teacher one to my DiL teacher. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda :) Lovely that you sent the letter to your DiL. Do you have a blog or other website? I would love to come and visit.

  4. Lovely selection, Denise. I wish I'd had a copy of that letter to send to parents - how thoughtful and, sadly, how necessary.
    Hope your knee is feeling a little easier today.

    1. That's great Janice :) so happy you enjoyed this and yes very sad that it is necessary. Thank you, my knee is going to take a while I think.

  5. Lovely post. I love trees. I hope you are feeling better.

    1. Thank you so much, I am always happy they are enjoyed. One step at a time on the knee, pardon the pun if you read my story of it :)

  6. What a fun post this is. Love the "handle with care". That tree stump and fingerprint are pretty cool. That's the cutest sandwich I've ever seen.

    1. Very happy you thought so Ann, thank you :) It's fun to find these things.

  7. The world needs more teachers like that; perhaps we have more but just don’t realize it or acknowledge it.

    1. I agree David and I think there is a lot of truth in what you say :)

  8. I love the trees and rain! Wonderful words and lovely images. If only all the teacher would handle the children with care. The lemon cake looks yummy. Wishing you a day of happy moments. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, so glad and you take care also :)

  9. Love all the photos! SO pretty!!

  10. Learning new vocabulary from your post

    1. I enjoyed learning them too roentare, thank you :)

  11. Your words, pictures and information are always a pleasure for me to see.
    Such good information for a teacher, hope it is seen by some as the new school year will be starting soon.

    1. I am so pleased you think so :) that would be very nice.

  12. so many beautiful photos today, love that rabbit, really I do.. and I want that lush big comfy chair and a footstool, perfect for reading. I had to laugh at the sandwich, I am a take a slice of bread, cover with mayo, lay a piece of meat on it fold in half and eat..

    1. Happy you think so Sandra :) A slice of bread, cover with mayo, lay a piece of meat on and fold half and eat, sounds good too ;)

  13. And just this morning we were watching a rafter of turkeys pecking across our front acre. Lots of lovely thoughts and photos here. Have a wonderful Thursday, Denise.

    1. How wonderful Ellen :) Thank you and you have a wonderful Thursday also.

  14. Denise thank you for all the happiness you spread! I enjoyed this post very much. A lot of goodness is presented here as always but especially today!

    1. Thank you for this sweet comment Martha Ellen :) I am happy it brought you happiness my friend.

  15. Me gusto la casa de ensueño y los conejos. Cuídate de la lluvia. Te mando un beso.

    1. Me alegro que te guste mi post. Muchas gracias. te mando un beso :)

  16. What is stunning sandwich! And I learned a few new words.

  17. Dear Denise , Thank you for this most engaging post. The thumb print and tree stump made me realize once again how we are all connected,...nice one!. I agree with Ginny, such a caring thoughtful teacher needs a raise, and I hope she is appreciated. I learnt three words I didn't know, but I am every one of them, and actually wrote them down for future use. The photo of the tiny tot holding the umbrella over the dog is cute, and reminds me of my late husband because he knew our dog Mel wouldn't do the necessary in the rain, so he held an umbrella over her until the job was done. My hero!. Your pretty open sandwich is most creative, and the Lemon Pie looks delicious Your post is full of so many wonderful happy moments The cottage, and inviting arm chair, and image of the rabbit with robin all brought a smile to my face, in fact I was smiling all the way through your lovely post Oh, and I'm sorry to learn that you hurt your knee and hope it is on the mend
    All the best

    1. Greetings Sonjia and thank you, so glad you enjoyed everything. I enjoyed your comments and your memories very much, such a sweet one of your husband to do that. A very kind heart indeed :) Thank you also for your well wishes regarding my knee, much appreciated my friend :)

  18. Denise, that is the nicest note, "handle with care." I'm going to send that to Jess, who is a first grade teacher. The words are just simple and perfect. The tree stump and fingerprint is amazing. And that daisy sandwich is delightful. I love that chair - it looks so comfortable and cozy. I want one just like it! haha. You always find the most wonderful things to share, Denise.


    1. I am glad you liked the note from the teacher Sheri and am so pleased you are sending it to Jess :) school will be here before we know it. I am also very happy you enjoy what I share. I would love that comfy chair also. One day perhaps :)


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