Saturday, August 24, 2024



I am sharing a photo I took the last time we were at one of the gardens at the beginning of last month. The original settings were a little bit off, and it came out way too bright. I tried to darken. This is about as good as I could do, but I was happy I caught the bee enjoying itself, and another ever so faintly.

I broke the cardinal rule and took the photo when the sun was at its high point, around noon. It makes such a difference. We don't usually go out until later in the day, just so that we can get better lighting for taking photos. And because it's less heat during the summer months.

I also read that photos of flowers should be taken when it's cloudy? Anyone heard that? I really should learn more about settings but these days I take a lot of photos with my cell phone and don't think about it.

I hope you all have a great Sunday, and thanks for dropping by.


  1. It has always seemed to me that flowers are so much prettier and glowing when you snap them with the sun on them! The photos are also very different in the sun than in the shade. This shot is really pretty, it looks almost like a surrealistic edit.

    1. Thanks Ginny, me trying to take the washed-out look may have made it look that way :) I agree, there are times when the sun through the petals makes it especially pretty.

  2. The sunflower is looking very good Denise.
    I try to take flowers when it's cloudy and still, but it doesn't always work out that way.
    Sometimes the sun behind a flower looks nice.

    1. Happy you think so Margaret, thank you! It’s the same with me :) sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t.

  3. That sunflower shot is GREAT! Happy Sunday, Denise.

    1. I feel a lot better after reading your comment Angie, thank you :) Happy Sunday!

  4. I like your photo of the sunflower. You have captured the glowing colour as well as the softness of the leaves very well. Thank you for sharing this delightful photo.

    1. Thank you so much Linda :) so nice of you to say and you are very welcome.

  5. Flower colours can be washed out by full sun. Like you I tend to avoid going out then anyway.
    What ever time of day this is gorgeous - and it is great to see the pollinators at work.

    1. Thank you Sue :) I always feel good seeing our little friends among the flowers.

  6. I love sunflowers. It's a nice picture even if the lighting was off. I think I've forgotten more than i ever learned about photography and how to take a good picture. These days I'm just lazy and snap with my phone.

    1. Thanks Ann, I use my cell phone more and more :)

  7. Happy Sunday to you. I have to stay indoor because of the severe storm

    1. Thank you Roentare, and the same to you :) I hope your storm passes soon.

  8. I have forgotten what little I learned using settings, been about 5 years since my DSLR died and no settings to use. I love the photo and I can tell it was sun high in the sky, it is beautiful to me... I do remember that light is everything and where it comes from is too. with cell I can't see what I am taking because the sun make it shine .

    1. It’s the same for me, I have long since forgotten settings since I use my cell more. I hope one day soon they will bring out a screen that I can see what I am taking photos of when it’s bright sunlight. Thanks for liking my flower. I think I over think things.

  9. Have a great Sunday, with the light at just the right angle!

  10. It's bright and cheerful and a reminder of sunny days.

  11. Uwielbiam słoneczniki bardz⁷o podoba mi się.ta.fotografia. Też nie słyszałam, że kwiaty należy fotografować w p9chmurne dni. Milego tygodnia życzę.:)

    1. Dziękuję bardzo! :) Nie wiem, czy dobrze robię, robiąc zdjęcia w pochmurne dni. Będę musiał zrobić pewne badania.

  12. I have heard cloudy days make good photos and videos

  13. I take pictures any time of day. That's the great thing about using manual mode on the camera because we control the settings. That said, I love a cloudy overcast day.

    1. Hello Ivy, I need to try manual on my other camera. I don’t use it as much because my wrists ache after a while. It’s why I started using my phone more :) Cloudy days can be very nice.

    2. That's understandable. Cameras can get heavy. Many camera phones offer some manual features. My phone calls it pro-mode, it's really just manual mode.

  14. I've heard that about photography too -- in classes and all. Or with less brilliant lighting. But you are where you are, when you are, and not always able to go back. Personally, I think this photo looks absolutely lovely and not at all washed out by the light! Happy weekend -- what's left of it.

    1. Thanks so much Jeanie, I can be my own worst critic at times :) I hope your week was/is a good one. Have a great week ahead!

  15. Happy Sunday to you as well! I think your sunflower looks perfect with the busy bee. Sometimes I feel I get the best photos in the rain, but I'm no expert by any means. Your photos are always top notch, my friend!

    1. That is so sweet of you Martha Ellen, thank you so much :) Rainy day photos are lovely, especially when we can capture rain drops. Happy Sunday to you too my friend, and have a great week ahead.

  16. I have a problem with too much light here in Florida. Photos taken during the day aren't really good. I have to do early morning or late afternoon. I like your sunflower & bee.

    1. Thank you Carol, so glad :) That’s interesting, I never thought about that before regarding too much light in Florida, but it makes sense. Early morning and late afternoon is what I always heard too, during that ‘golden hour’ :)

  17. This is one I woukd call a great success..I love it.

  18. Forget the rules, this is a great photo!! You were there at the time you were there and you took the photo. That's how I roll. Not that I am a good example.

    1. Hi Yogi, thank you :) and I would say you are a very good example. I have always enjoyed your photography.

  19. The cloudy rule is because colors may look more saturated then. But I don’t think it’s as important with today’s digital cameras as it was with film. The flower looks lovely.

    1. Thank you for that info Linda, much appreciated :) Also glad you enjoyed the flower. Sunflowers are hard to beat. Very true about today’s digital cameras.

  20. What a beautiful shot!
    Despite the bright sunlight, you captured a lovely moment with the bee.
    I've heard that cloudy days are great for flower photos because the light is softer.

    Happy Monday, Denise!

    1. Thank you Veronica Lee :) I very much appreciate your comment. Happy Monday to you also :)

  21. That is a lovely photo of the sunflower, Denise. It's cheerful for these last summer days. It's still a bit warm here during the day, but cooler in the mornings and evenings. Fall is coming, I can feel it! : )

    1. Thank you Sheri, we have the same temperature changes from daytime to nighttime. Fall will be here before we know it :)


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