Tuesday, August 27, 2024


(and thank you Pinterest)

And this sweet little pooch says I hope you all slept well.

How about some pretty art to start off with?

And Buggy art!

One more!

Did you know…

I am a big believer in this. 

I am definitely this.

Today’s dream cottage,

Also this one.

In my fantasy world the bedroom would look like this.

Part of the family room would look like this.

And such a great porch. Just imagine how many birds and squirrels, raccoons and foxes would visit me in the middle of this beautiful forest.  And bears, oh my!

Almost forgot the dining room….

and the kitchen, the heart of any home.

Very true!

Here is a description of…

I love this picture of an ancient oak…

and this poem.

There are times when we all need a hug, whether we know it or not.

And as much as I adore flowers and they fill me with joy, it is important to note that…

And now for something I would like to try sometime…

A little humor! If you can put a popular tune together and fit it to the words, you may be singing it all day.  Sorry about that or you can thank me later.

I love this! So cute!

And in my fantasy world, this would be very natural. In reality not so much but it is a nice dream.

While we are on the subject of bears, isn’t this cute?  I looked for a knitting pattern without success. Maybe you clever knitters out there could figure something out.

Well, I think that’s all for now.


With hugs from


  1. So much to love and ponder today! I love both cottages, especially the dining room and kitchen, which are both farmhouse style. The table and chairs are awesome and I would have ones like them if I had room. Love the moon and stars poem too. And I want this porch! I miss having a porch, we do not have one.

    1. I am happy you enjoyed, thank you Ginny :) I love the idea of having a porch. I have never had one.

  2. The memes are good making me smile and think.
    The AI are lovely.
    Take care.

    1. That’s great, thank you Margaret :) you take care too.

  3. A really interesting collection. I am definitely not a night owl. How is your poor sore knee?

    1. Sweet of you to ask. Thank you so much my friend :) It is still painful but not as much so I am hopeful things are moving in the right direction. These things just take time, don’t they? I have to be more patient as I am eager to get out and about.

  4. What a wonderful selection here today. I love all the pictures and I want to hang out on that porch. The bedroom looks so cozy and inviting.
    That sweater with the little teddy bear is simply adorable.

    1. So glad you think so Ann :) I enjoy finding and putting these posts together.

  5. Hello,
    What a lovely post , a wonderful collection of thoughts and images. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Happy you think so Eileen. Thank you and I wish you the same :)

  6. I love them all! Especially the teddy bear in the sweater! Too cute!And thanks for the honey mustard recipe!!

    1. You are very welcome Donna :) glad you enjoyed. Sending hugs!


  7. Lots to smile at today - thank you, Denise - but my favourite is the jumper with the little bear.

    1. That’s lovely! You are very welcome, and thank you Janice :) Isn’t it a darling sweater?

  8. I want the bedroom the porch and the kitchen. you went hunting on pinterest and bagged a lot of things. all of them are beautiful.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I enjoy Pinterest for its neat finds :)

  9. Cute images all. I think our fantasy homes would be much the same!

  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Denise bravo and cheering for this Cheerful and beautiful post.
    I love the Greek word for animals...they are so soulful
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. That’s great Cecilia :) It is a lovely word isn’t it? And I agree with you. Sending hugs!

  11. Lots of fun things happening here. What an interesting list of words with their meanings. I did enjoy your dream bedroom and kitchen!! Happy Tuesday to you.

    1. Thank you Ellen, I have always enjoyed words and finding out their meanings, even did this as a child :) Those rooms are a delight. Happy Tuesday to you too!

  12. The post contained a lot of beautiful things!
    I really liked the poem about the hug, the picture with the grandmother receiving the flower, the pictures with the interior of the houses since soon we will enter autumn and then winter so we will be staying at home for many hours!!
    Have a nice day Denise!

    1. I am happy you enjoyed this Katerina. Thank you :) As you say, the winter months will soon be here. You have a nice day also.

  13. What a happy post Denise! I enjoyed each and every one. The dream rooms are all cozy and magical. I would love to live in that thatched roof home with those rooms inside! The interesting word meanings would be great to use in sentences if I could only remember them! Have a happy evening!

    1. That is wonderful Martha Ellen :) so glad! I hope your evening was restful and enjoyable, and I wish you a happy rest of the week.

  14. So many wonderful and delightful pictures and quotes you have shared, Denise. I love that bedroom with the loft! And that porch looks like my surroundings in the mountains. I was told by my neighbor he saw a bear right by my house before I moved in! ; )

    I enjoyed this post very much, Denise.


    1. Hi Sheri :) very happy you found them so, and thank you! How amazing you have a surroundings just like this one. Well, in my fantasy world you have just invited two guests. The bear and me, hahaha ;)

  15. Me enamore d e la fotografía del primer pájaro y la del perrito. tambien me gustaron los osos. Te mando un beso.

    1. Gracias, tu comentario me hizo muy feliz. te mando un beso :)

  16. What a lovely, fun post. I don't know what to comment on first.
    I loved the bird at the very top with the good morning sign, and the little boy giving the old lady a flower and chocolates, The sweater with the little bear is adorable.
    Great shots of the oak and the art to start with and buggy art near the top. Loved the cottage pictures too.

    1. Very happy you enjoyed it Sandra :) I certainly enjoyed putting it together. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  17. Surely there are some friendly Hobbits in those cottages! Linda in Kansas

  18. I fear I am a noceur. I keep trying to go to bed earlier but then I can’t go to sleep. That means it’s hard to wake up when Charlie starts campaigning to go out.

    1. Me too, always have been since I was little. I can imagine Charlie expects you to be an early riser :)


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