Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I start with a view of the old house that belonged to the owners who donated this land to the Fairfax County Park Authority, with the wish for it to remain a park. We owe them a great deal of thanks. I never fail to take a photo of the house, and that incredible blue sky was too good an opportunity to pass up. If you go to this link you can read a short history, and also see an old photo of how the place used to look many years ago. 

I forgot to share my photos from our last trip to Green Spring Gardens, when we visited the first week in July. The bees were busy collecting pollen. This one was enjoying the Bee Balm.

We were walking along our usual path, and this time I noticed something on our right. A very unusual sight as in all the years we have visited, this is the first time we have seen any kind of construction. We could see something behind the chain link fence... 
and much to my delight and on closer inspection, saw that it was a stone moon gate.
I have seen them before in other gardens on our travels but never thought we would have one closer to home. You can read about them here. Apparently, they originated in China. There's a gallery of them if you scroll down. It was interesting for me to find out that there are many in Bermuda. I read that "Moon gates were incorporated into the architecture of Bermuda in the late 19th century, around the same time that the British territory began importing Easter lily bulbs from Japan for cultivation. Bermudan moon gates are slightly different from the original Chinese designs, as they are often left freestanding or attached to a low wall. In Bermuda it is regarded as good luck for newlyweds to step through the gate."

I am looking forward to going back to the garden to see how it has progressed. 

You can click here to see all my posts on this Moon Gate. 

Thanks for visiting and I hope your week is going well.


  1. Moon gates are beautiful. I look forward to returning with you to see the progress.

    1. Thanks Sue, I looked for a completion date but couldn't find any yet :) I am eager to get back to see how far they've come along :)

  2. This is so cool! I have never heard of them, but I love all things round. I can't wait till they are finished and you take us on the entire tour! I read on your link that they have talismans too!

    1. Thanks Ginny, and I missed that, I will have to go back to the site and reread :)

  3. The Moon Gate
    —what interesting information,
    I had never heard of it before!
    Local benefactors like these need to be remembered,
    I really enjoy learning about such people.
    Thank you so much!
    Have a wonderful day, DenisešŸ§”

    1. Glad you enjoyed. I agree, they have brought a lot of enjoyment to those of us who visit this garden. There is also a produce garden in another section, and all the food is donated to local food banks. Many of the gardens we have visited do the same. You have a wonderful day also Katerina, and thank you :)

  4. It's a lovely place to wander and take photos of special things.
    Thanks for the link, the old house as it was does look lovely with the trees to it's side, Denise.

    1. Very much so, and even after all this time I am discovering new things :)

  5. I had never heard of Moon Gates and enjoyed learning about them.

    1. So glad I introduced them to you Janice. I first saw them in a garden on vacation years ago and was totally taken with them :)

  6. That moon gate is fascinating. I would love to see that when it's all finished.

    1. I will be sure to take lots of photos when it is finished Ann :)

  7. I had not been familiar with Moon Gates, but I have become an instant fan!

  8. Lovely views of the house, the sky and gardens. The Moon gate will be beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I was very happy to have such pretty blue skies to add to the delight of discovering the moon gate :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  9. That's a lovely old house. I love those windows.

    1. Me too, I love everything about this place. Thank you Angie :)

  10. the moon gate they are building has wow factor for sure! my first of seeing or hearing of them. the house and the park is really beautiful.. and I see they have lots of benches to allow gorgeous bee shots

    1. Those benches are a welcome sight as we go around the garden :) Thank you Sandra :)

  11. Interesting history behind the moon gate. I wonder how many cultures have some form of Moon Gate.

  12. We are never out of things to be curious about and to learn about. Have a great day, Denise!

    1. Totally agree Ellen :) Thank you and have a great day also!

  13. A stone moon gate?? I honestly do not think I have ever even heard this term - much less seen one. I think I should make a little trip to Green Spring Gardens:) What a beautiful day you that sky!!

    1. Thank you Jennifer, it was such a lovely surprise to see the gate. I am excited to see how they design that area of the garden, and what flowers they will use :)

  14. I know it is my imagination but there always seems be something spiritual about moon gates. I'm glad you are getting one!

    1. I agree Yogi, it’s a feeling I get too. It’s the same feeling I get when I am out in nature :) Thank you!

  15. Replies
    1. I agree, and will be eager to see it finished. Thanks Gigi!

  16. What a wonderful post! The old house and its story add such a meaningful backdrop to your visit. The blue sky in your photo makes it even more striking. It’s great to see the bees busy at work, especially on something as vibrant as Bee Balm. Discovering the stone moon gate must have been an exciting surprise—what a beautiful addition to the garden! The history and cultural significance of moon gates are fascinating, and it's wonderful that you have one so close to home. I can’t wait to see how the garden evolves with this new feature!

    Hey there! šŸŒŸ I enjoyed reading your post. By the way, I recently wrote about how many senior citizens still follow outdated aspirin advice. Check it out here: Would love to hear your thoughts!

    1. Thank you Melody, I am glad you enjoyed it. It will be fun to see it take shape :) I have just finished visiting your link. Thank you for sharing the information on this vaccine.

  17. How exciting that a moon gate is being built at Greensprings Garden. They are so lovely and are so meaningful. Such a great photo of the bee on the bee balm Denise! I'm so glad when families leave their property to posterity to enjoy. We need green spaces and less development in my humble opinion. Have a happy, cool afternoon!

    1. Thanks Martha Ellen :) There are several places where families have left their land to be developed into gardens for the general public around here. It is very heartwarming that they give back in such a way. Totally agree with you on those green spaces. Did you get the thunderstorms we had? What a hot day it was! Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!

  18. I've never heard of a Moon Gate garden. That's very exciting and will be fun to follow!

    1. Happy you think so Jeanie :) I shall enjoy going back to take photos.

  19. Oh, I can't wait to see it when finished.

    1. Me too Rose, that will be a very exciting day :)

  20. Moon gate quite fascinating ...

    All the best Jan

    PS Many thanks for your kind words on Eddie's passing.

    1. Hello Jan, thanks so much for visiting. You have been very much in my thoughts. All the best to you too my friend :)

  21. Replies
    1. Muchas gracias, el jardĆ­n es uno de mis lugares felices. te mando un beso :)

  22. Oh, the moon gate garden sounds tantalizing!

    1. I agree, I can’t wait to see it completed :)


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