Friday, February 14, 2025


 These photos were taken a week last Thursday, the 6th. 

I went a bit overboard but I was mesmerized by the patterns they created.

Gregg knew of the following and I had a vague recollection but didn't really remember any details. The ice formed around the branches of trees is called Hoarfrost or Rime Ice. 

A deposit of interlocking ice crystals form on objects exposed to air. It usually happens on clear nights when air with a dew point below 32 degrees F. is brought to saturation by cooling.

The crystals are light and feather-like and can be blown off. 

The name "Hoar" comes from the Old English word "hoary", meaning getting on in age. 

It can build up over time as long as the foggy and cold conditions persist. 

Rime Ice is a white deposit of feathery ice crystals that form when liquid droplets from fog freeze on trees or other objects. 

The crystals can build up enough to break tree limbs or down power lines. 

Rime Ice is heavier than Hoarfrost and is harder to break off.

Hoarfrost and Rime Ice are both types of frost that form when vapor comes in contact with a solid surface that is already below freezing.

There is an interesting article here that tells us the difference between the two.

I had fun getting my refresher course on these things. 

There is another article I read here.

And now after going overboard on icy trees, these are snow photos I took on Wednesday out in the back.

All done for now, until the next snow/ice storm, and let's hope that won't be until next winter.

Take good care of yourselves out there. 

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Denise, you did well and posted several photos of the frozen trees!!
    They are fantastic!
    How much snow you have!!
    Everything became pure white!
    Have a nice day Denise!

    1. Hello Katerina, thank you so much! I am very happy you enjoyed my photos. You have a nice day also my friend :)

  2. I love your little snowman! The iced limb photos are amazing! And I can squint so they look like tangled up roads from above and other different things. One's imagination can go wild. Thanks for the frost definitions, I had just been wondering about it. You have described it beautifully!

    1. I totally agree with you Ginny, and this applies to so much in nature. You are very welcome, I enjoyed learning something about them too.

  3. It’s not hard to see why you were mesmerized. I shovelled three hours of mesmerization yesterday!

    1. Well, I'm sorry you had to shovel yesterday David but your wording gave me a smile. Thank you for that :)

  4. Beautiful photographs. Ice makes everything look so pretty and fragile.

    1. Thanks Janice, much appreciated and it certainly does :)

  5. Hello,
    The freezing rain looks pretty on the trees. But, it does so much damage, hopefully the power stays on. We may have more this weekend and next week. This weather seems to be stuck in a pattern every few days. Take care, stay safe. Happy Valentine's Day. Have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks Eileen, I hope you got through your storm without any power losses. You're right, pretty but can be treacherous. Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you the same :)

  6. Love your snow photos, so pretty. Never seen trees like that, just amazing is nature Denise.

    1. That's great Margaret, thank you very much :) Nature is amazing in all its forms Margaret, I agree.

  7. Even though ice on trees and power lines can cause a lot of damage, it does look pretty and fascinating. Love all your photos.

    1. Thank you Ann, it does look beautiful but as you say, does a lot of damage. A rose with thorns, so to speak.

  8. These photos are so beautiful. I love it.

    1. Thank you Regine, I very much appreciate you saying so :)

  9. I love ice pictures but can never pull them off. Yours are fantastic -- these are really beautiful!

    1. So sweet of you to say Jeanie, thank you so much :)

  10. wow...that's lots of snow! I didn't know there are different types of ice...thought ice were ice...:-/

  11. I've only seen Hoar Frost a couple times but it really makes for beautiful scenes. Your photos are fun. Hope you have a lovely Valentine's day!

    1. Thank you Ellen, I remember traveling 200 miles one day, and mile after mile after mile, we saw sights such as these. Trees and branches totally covered in white magical Hoar Frost and it sure did sparkle in the sunshine.

  12. Hoar frost is beautiful, magical. We haven't had any for a few years, I think. You dod a good job capturing the look.

    1. It certainly is, I saw it everywhere, a really amazing gift of nature. Thank you so much Sandra :)

  13. Ice on trees is so beautiful, but can be so dangerous! Glad you didn't lose your power. The snow pictures are really beautiful. Have a great weekend and keep warm!

    1. It certainly is beautiful and yet. Thank you Leslie, you have a great weekend too and also keep warm :)

  14. Beautiful photos and fascinating information! Keep warm and have a good weekend! Sal (Sal’s Snippets blog)

  15. That is amazing!

    Stay inside and keep warm.

    1. It truly was, I haven't seen this in years. Thanks Sandi, you too :)

  16. OM word Denise and Gregg thank you for all the wonderful information and photos.
    They were quite artsy. THAT is a lot of snow...and I hear next week will be cold up your way so I doubt it will melt much. We had 2.5" of rain from Wednesday thru Thursday. Sunny today and 2 more inches are predicted for Saturday and Sunday. I might need to head to REI for a kayak.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. You are very welcome Cecilia, so glad you like my post :) We had a 50 degree temperature day yesterday so it got rid of a lot of our snow. the deck is clear now. More snow next week apparently. Gosh, I certainly hope you don't need that Kayak!!! Take good care of yourself and sending hugs :)

  17. Incredible icicle tree branches art

  18. Lovely photographs but Brrr they make me feel cold!
    Keep warm, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. I can see why Jan :) Thank you and I send you the same greetings. I wish you a wonderful weekend also :)

  19. Yours was beyond frost, though. Just plain ice--lol!
    Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

    1. Thanks Rita, I have been thinking about that and I believe your right but so pretty. Happy Valentine’s Day to you also :)

  20. Son muy hermosas. Feliz San Valentín

  21. The hoarfrost and Rime ice makes the trees look pretty . The tangle of branches have made interesting photos but it all looks too cold for me.

    1. Hi Diane, it is very cold compared to where you are :) I am looking forward to a bit of warmth now.

  22. there is nothing more beautiful than God's Nature Art. these are gorgeous

  23. The ice looks fantastic, it has been a long time since we've had an ice storm like this! 🧊

    1. Hi Val, it has been about 3 years since our last ice storm here. It does make every tree look magical, especially in sunlight :)

  24. The ice patterns sure are pretty. I hope I won’t see any more ice or snow until next winter season! Back home in Pennsylvania snow is on the ground since end of last year. Here, on vacation in SC, it is chilly but no snow or ice!

    1. Thank you Linda :) I am glad to know that at least you don’t have snow or ice on your vacation. It has been fun reading about your time there. Looks like we will be getting more snow here next week. Not sure if it will affect your area.

  25. Stunning photos of the icy outline trees. The snowy trees are a lovely contrast.

  26. Those are neat pictures, Denise. I am wondering what kind of tree that is. We also have the icicles forming under the eaves of the house, and I try to break them, cause when standing under them, they can be quite dangerous. Your photos are fantastic, Denise.


    1. Thank you Sheri, very much appreciate your kind words. I am sorry I can’t tell you the name of the tree. Next time we go over there in the warmer weather, I will get my plant app out. Icicles can be quite treacherous I know.


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