Friday, February 7, 2025


The easy roads are crowded

And the level roads are jammed;

The pleasant little rivers

With drifting folks are crammed.

But off yonder where it’s rocky,

Where you get a better view, 

You will find the ranks are thinning

And the travelers are few.

Where the going’s smooth and pleasant

You will always find the throng,

For the many, more’s the pity,

Seem to like to drift along.

But the steps that call for courage,

And the task that’s hard to do

In the end result in glory

For the never-ending few.

The Few 


Edgar Albert Guest

Edgar Allen Guest (August 20th, 1881 - August 5th, 1959), was a British-born American poet who became known as the People’s Poet. His poems often had an inspirational and optimistic view of everyday life. He was born in Birmingham, England in 1881. In 1891 his family moved from England to Detroit, Michigan, where Guest lived until he died. 

My photo is a reshare from a photo I took in Alaska in 2018. 


  1. I like the poem! I think I may have heard of him, but knew nothing about him. Your Alaska photo is unbelievable! Who is the person in it?

    1. Hi Ginny, I knew the author but didn’t know this poem. I don’t know who that person was. I was looking at the view more than anything and saw them come into frame and took the photo. .


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