Thursday, April 13, 2017


Monday, April 10th, 2017

We left Stuart (southwest Virginia), and were very happy with our short stay.  There was ample parking behind the hotel.  It also seemed a very nice little town, though we didn't explore it fully as we were eager to get on with our journey.

We headed to Mabry Mill and were there extra early.  There was no one else around, probably because the visitor center and restaurant were not opening until May 1st, and it was still a little early in the season. The mill is a wonderful old place to visit and has been on our bucket list for years.

This is the couple who owned the mill.  According to the nearby sign the mill was built in about 1910 by Edwin B. Mabry, a jack-of-all-trades who had been a chairmaker, a miner, a coal company blacksmith and a farmer. He and his wife Mintoria Lizzie Mabry, operated the mill until 1936, grinding corn and sawing lumber for their Meadows of Dan neighbors. In 1945 the National Park Service restored and landscaped the mill. Today it is the most photographed feature of the Blue Ridge Parkway.

Here are a few other photos taken that morning.

There was a solitary duck enjoying its swim.  I am not familiar with this kind, and I had no luck finding any identification online.

He/she is a beauty!  

I would like to thank you all for visiting and looking, and leaving comments.  As our days are long and by the time we get to our hotel in the evening we are a wee bit tired, I am not able to read and get to publish your comments very quickly right now, but I will catch up with you as soon as I am able.  


  1. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, especially the first one! You should be the one they pay to make their pamphlets with photos and the mill story! It is close to me, but I have never been. There are many ducks that can't be identified. They are mixes that are just called domestic ducks.

    1. Thank you Ginny :) and for those sweet comments of yours. I really appreciate them.

  2. Thank you so very much for taking us travelling with you.

  3. Replies
    1. I agree Gosia and it was indeed very interesting.

  4. Don't worry about not publishing. You're on holiday. It is good that you share it but don't make it a chore. However, I must say I enjoy reading about your trip, with just a touch of jealousy thrown in. Have a great day

    1. Thank you Valerie, that is so kind of you to say so. I shall be sharing when I have enough time for a good, long sit down. Right now not much computer time but I do love sharing and will get another post out as soon as I can.

  5. Hi Denise, what a delightful area, the Water Mill is exquisite. Not sure as to what your duck is, could be a hybrid, it has the curl upwards on the tail as a Mallard. All the best, John

    1. Hi John, it is a lovely place. Thank you for looking at my duck, very much appreciated. All the best, Denise

  6. Hello Denise, the mill photos are beautiful. I have been along the Blue Ride Pkwy to see this place it is a gorgeous area. The duck is cute. Great photos. Enjoy your trip!

    1. Hi Eileen and thank you. Glad you got to see this area.

  7. I can see why such a place attracts so much attention! Very peaceful.

  8. What a gorgeous and enchanting place, Denise! Beautiful series. Thank you so much for sharing, and Happy Easter to you! :)

    1. Thank you Linda and you are very welcome. A Very Happy Easter to you also :)

  9. One of my favorite places! Great photos of this wonderful mill!

  10. Lovely photos of the mill and thanks for sharing the history, too. I scrolled down to see the rest of your photos. Beautiful rock formations and love the wildflowers :) Sounds like you are having a wonderful little road trip! x Karen

    1. You are very welcome Beatrice and thank you so much for the kind comments. Yes we are still enjoying our road trip :)

  11. I can see why it is the most photographed, awesome photos and what a fantastic place to visit. that first one is just spectacular.. love that old mill

  12. What a beautiful and serene mill and water area!!!!!!!

  13. the pretty duck is a mystery to me as well. you captured his/her beauty wonderfully!
    this looks like a beautiful area. I love the water wheel! I can just hear the peacefulness now form your photos.
    we've come along way with smiling in photos. lol
    so glad you two are enjoying yourselves. :)

    1. Hi Marie, she will remain a mystery for a while I think. I enjoyed hearing the water turning the wheel. Thank you for these sweet comments :) Hugs, Denise

  14. Loving this virtual holiday with you. Think this could be a cross bred duck, very unusual! Have a good Easter Diane

    1. Thank you for the help with the duck Diane and so glad you are enjoying my traveling. Happy Easter to you :)

  15. Think I did not hit publish so this may well be a repeat.
    Loving this virtual tour. I think the duck may be a crossbreed, very unusual markings. Happy Easter Diane

    1. Sorry Diane, I am slow publishing comments right now while I am traveling.

  16. Replies
    1. Thank you Manuel. A hug and a good week to you :)

  17. Your are very wise to make an effort to visit beautiful sights like this.

    1. Thank you Red, we are trying really hard to visit as many as we can on this trip.

  18. No wonder it is so is a beautiful place. I hope I remember come back and see if anyone identified the duck...or could it be a goose? I really do not know waterfowl at all.

    1. Hi Rose, thanks so much. I don't know much about my waterfowl either :)

  19. Oh wow....what a totally beautiful place. I can see why it was on your bucket list. BEAUTIFUL!

  20. Wow, that's a really old mill. But it still looks good. I think it's that old vibe that adds to the appeal. Plus the surroundings. It's so relaxing to look at.

    1. Thanks Lux G, I have always enjoyed these old rustic places, so much beauty to them and the surroundings are an added plus.

  21. Thanks Linda, I hope you get to see it one of these days.

  22. Sounds like you know it well Felicia. I would certainly love to see it in the Fall.


  23. Thank you Denise (and Mr. Greg) for sharing with us the stories and photographs of your wonderful journeys. What a pleasant place, what a sense of tranquility in the photos of the mill.
    The duck, it seems to be a cross of white domestic duck with mallard.
    Have a Holy Easter.


    1. Thank you for your kind comments Manuel, and for your help with the identification of the duck. Wishing you a Holy Easter also. Denise

  24. Super shot of the Water Mill Denise.

  25. Thanks, Denise, for taking us along on this road trip and it was nice to see a place we also visited. As I recall there is a well known pancake place somewhere nearby. I seem to recall that it has seasonal hours, but we did eat there, luckily. No worries about not getting to read blogs or post comments, just have fun and enjoy the sights as you are so obviously doing. Sorry, but the duck ID is a mystery to us as well. Happy 🐇 Easter to you and Gregg.

    1. You are very welcome Beatrice. And thank you for your sweet comments. Happy Easter to you and Grenville also :)

  26. southwest sounds very beautiful landscape .
    your capturing is so artistic and photos appeared marvelous painting like to eyes and senses!

    1. Thank you Baili, I appreciate your kind comments:)

  27. That mill is a beauty. What a great setting for it.

  28. That old grist mill looks quite amazing. I would have derived a great deal of pleasure exploring it - and the surrounding area looks very inviting too.

    1. It certainly is one of the most picturesque places I have been to :)

  29. Such lovely photographs, I especially like the reflections in them.
    I'm enjoying my trip with you!

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm happy you are enjoying the trip Jan, thank you :)

  30. Your photos are gorgeous Denise. That mill is very quaint.


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