Saturday, April 22, 2017


The Desert is Blooming!

Hello Everyone, I am sharing another random photo until I can put together another account of our travels.  I still have a few before this day.  We were at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.  It was hot but absolutely gorgeous!  I look forward to telling you more later on.  


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Francisco, and a hug and a good week to you also :)

  2. Hi Denise, looks another wonderful place to visit, you are really covering some miles, if you carry on like this I will put the kettle on. Keep the posts coming. All the best to you both. John

    1. You made me smile John. Put the kettle on, I'll be right on over, lol :) All the best to you too, and thank you, Denise :)

  3. Oh wow! This is gorgeous! I've always wanted to see the desert when it was blooming. I shall have to rely on your photos.

    1. Thank you Kay, it is truly gorgeous out there with all the flowers blooming.

  4. Very cool....never really been in the dessert, well not since I was a baby. But this reminds me of the cacti garden I used to have in a wooden bowl that I had hanging in my room when I lived at home! They did not do so good cause I seemed to over water them, and boy has things changed, I forget to water my inside plants now!

    1. Thanks Pam, my mom had a rockery garden with several cacti. She loved the look of the desert but we were in England. She didn't get to see the actual desert until we took her and my dad on a cross-country road trip 30 plus years ago. I have the same problem when watering cactus :)

  5. Hello, pretty garden scene. The dessert has some lovely plants. Thank you for linking up your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. Been there! My daughter Marie used to live in Tucson and we got to see a lot when we visited them there. Have fun.

    1. That's great to hear Latane. I seem to remember Marie's post from there. Thank you and have a great week :)

  7. What an INCREDIBLE sight. Thank you.

  8. I would LOVE to see this/these...however you want to say it. I would love to see all of their blooms, too.

  9. They are all very beautiful, but also scary!

    1. I know what you mean. I learned years ago not to wear open-toed sandals walking around a cactus garden - ouch! :)

  10. This picture of the cacti is fabulous, Denise. Makes me wish I was there!

    1. Thank you Valerie, I wish you were here to so that you could see them.

  11. Hi Denise, the dessert looms so very colorful in this photo and thanks for answering my question about your trip planning. We would like to do something very similar and take a southern trip to visit friends and family. The idea of just selecting a a place to stay while traveling sounds wonderful and exciting too. How long will you stay in California? And will you return home by a different route across the US?

    1. Thanks Beatrice, and you are very welcome. I look forward to reading about that road trip you will take down south. We will be in California for about a week to ten days. We truly never plan very far ahead and that is part of the fun for us in retirement :) No more schedules. We will be going a different route home. We try to visit as many different places as we can even when our homing pigeon instincts kick in. As soon as that car starts heading east that is when those little birds start chirping, lol.

  12. I could snap myself silly on just this one area.. wow and wow again. I love it. AZ is on my bucket list

    1. Well Sandra, I can honestly say I snapped myself silly too, lol!

  13. Gorgeous photo. I didn't know that cacti could be so beautiful.

  14. Oh my GOSH!!! This is absolutely gorgeous! Looks like it came out of National Geographic magazine. I think it is my favorite picture of your trip so far!

    1. Hi Ginny, thank you so much. Such high praise as I have often thought your photos can be very prize-worthy and snapped up by such a magazine.

  15. Wow, it really is blooming, Denise! Beautiful!

  16. wow beautiful area and lovely hot state

  17. Pretty photo.
    We look forward to your description.
    Have a nice trip.

  18. WOW! This is beautiful, Denise!

  19. Thank you Linda :) I don't get to see it too often, maybe half a dozen times over the last 40 years, if that, but I do enjoy it. This is the first time, however, that I have seen the desert flowers blooming.

  20. Beautiful blooming desert! I have never been to the desert and I like to be there to see it in bloom. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Nancy and I wish you a wonderful week also :)

  21. What a lovely picture ...

    All the best Jan


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