Monday, February 21, 2022


This is one of those recipes I forgot to take a note of when I saved originally.  If you recognize the person who made it, please let me know as I always like to give credit where credit is due.

  It was a delicious meal!  It is quickly put together and is on the table under half an hour.  We kept this vegetarian, but you can add your own favorite protein, taking into account this might lengthen the time it takes to prepare.  We thought it was hardy enough it didn't need anything else.  We made a few changes also, which I have added to the bottom of the recipe.

1 pound fresh tagliatelle, or dried

A little salt for use while cooking the pasta

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

3/4 pound mixed wild mushrooms, sliced

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary, plus more for serving

1/3 cup dry white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc

8 ounces crème fraîche 

Freshly ground black peper

1/4 cup peeled, roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped (about 2-1/2 ounces), for serving (see notes)

Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil on the stove.  Add the fresh tagliatelle and cook, stirring occasionally, according to package directions, 3 to 5 minutes (this will take longer if using dried pasta).  

Drain, reserving about 1/2 cup of the pasta water, and return the cooked pasta to the pot.

Meanwhile, in a large heavy-bottomed skillet, over high heat, add the oil and butter until the butter melts.  Add the mushrooms and sauté, stirring occasionally, until they dry out and turn a bit golden (about 5 minutes), adjusted heat as needed. 

Add the garlic and rosemary.  Cook until fragrant (about 30 seconds).   Pour in the white wine, reduce the heat to medium and cook until slightly reduced (about 1 minute).

Fold in the crème fraîche until it melts and makes a smooth sauce.  Season with salt and pepper to taste, if needed.

Pour the mushroom sauce and a couple of tablespoons of the pasta water over the cooked tagliatelle.  Stir well to combine, adding more pasta water as needed.

Portion the pasta into bowls and top with the chopped hazelnuts and rosemary.

Calories per 1-3/4 cup serving: approximately 586

Suggested storage time: refrigerate for up to 5 days.

This dish is best with crème fraîche, but you can substitue an equal amount of mascarpone, or in a pinch, Greek yogurt.  The yogurt makes the sauce thinner

If possible, buy peeled, roasted hazelnuts.  If they are not available, toast and cool the nuts.  Then place them on one side of a clean kitchen towel. Fold the towel over the nuts and vigorously rub to remove any loose skins.  Some skins will remain.

We made a few changes as there wasn't much planning ahead of time.

I always have Angel Hair Pasta in the pantry, and used that instead of the tagliatelle. 

For the crème fraîche we substituted sour cream.

For the wild mushrooms we used Portobello (the small button-sized ones).  You can use your favorite.

For the Rosemary we subsituted Cilantro.

We had a bottle of Beringer's White Zinfandel (a favorite) which we used instead of the Sauvignon Blanc, and had a glass with our meal.

No unsalted butter and used salted.

No hazelnuts and toasted walnuts instead.

I realize these substitutes may have altered the taste to our recipe, but the honest truth is we thought it was delicious.   Also the calorie content may have been altered.

There was enough for a second meal the next day, and it tasted even better!  

All that being said next time we will prepare ahead, put everything on our shopping list beforehand, and use all the ingredients on the original list, just to see how different it tastes.

A delicious meal even with all the changes.

Thanks for looking, have a great week and Bon Appetit!


  1. i would LOVE this dish, but the hubs does not like mushrooms. i can't imagine a life without mushrooms, so when we dine out, i always get something with mushrooms!!

    and i LOVE angel hair pasta, it cooks up so quickly!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, fortunately we both enjoy mushrooms, and Angel hair is our favorite over regular spaghetti :)

  2. Looks good, I shall make it! I had to look up tagliatelle, and found you can sub fettuccini for it, which I already have. I have the angel hair as well. And I will use sour cream, as I have that as well! We never have wine, so I am thinking maybe chicken broth?

    1. I shall remember that Ginny, thank you :) Chicken broth would be a good substitute.

  3. Everything pasta...and vegetarian is good, tasty, and healthy.

  4. Looks delicious, I love mushrooms too. I make a similar dish with risotto.
    Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

    1. I should make a risotto, that sounds good! Wishing you the same Eileen and thank you :)

  5. It looks delicious. I have never even heard of tagliatelle and have no idea what crème fraîche even is. I would have to do a whole lot of substituting if I were to make

    1. Thanks Anni, substitutions are great and make things more adventurous :)

  6. I try not to eat too much pasta, but I would SO grab this from you and run off with it! 😂

    1. Same here Sandi, but every once in a while ;) and I am trying to imagine that scene, lol!

  7. yum! I would love this, but right now mushrooms and pasta except rice pasta is a no. I think that would be ok to use though

    1. Thanks Sandra, not everything agrees with us unfortunately :)

  8. Delicious! I love anything with a good mushroom sauce and I think it's better than meat any day. I also love meals that are even better the next day. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a great week! :)

    1. You are very welcome Martha, glad you liked the look of this. Hope your weekend was a great one :)

  9. Sounds like an interesting meal. I like your substitutions.

  10. I'd be inclined to add sausage to the mix.

    1. Thanks William, sausage would be a good addition to this :)

  11. Pasta and mushrooms! What's not to love? It looks fabulous, Denise!

  12. It certainly looks and sounds delicious.
    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  13. You make the best meals, Denise. This looks delicious. I love dishes with mushrooms. I like that you can eat it without meat too. It sounds like you are a good cook. My son loves to cook also.


    1. Thank you Sheri, I appreciate that. How nice your son loves to cook :)

  14. Looks and sounds yummy.
    Now I'm really hungry, LOL.

  15. I like the changes you made. Sounds delicious!

  16. So tantalizing, Denise! Yummmm!

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thank you Veronica Lee, and a Happy Tuesday to you also :)

  17. Goodness this sure looks wonderful, Denise! Pasta dishes make my guys really happy. I will have to give this one a try.

    1. I'm happy you think so Martha Ellen. Pasta is one of our favorite dishes, although we make a conscious effort to cut it down a bit as we would probably enjoy eating it several times a week :)

  18. a great vegetarian meal with subtle flavors mieed - pinned


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