Thursday, February 13, 2025


For blogging friends overseas, I also added the words from above. This is why I have a translation gadget on my sidebar, and I will try to remember to type out the words in any of my picture quotes from now on.

"Kindness is spreading sunshine into people's lives regardless of the weather.

~Author Unknown~

An interpretation of kindness. I have always believed that kindness is a source of our strength, not our weakness. I found the following online from AI. It has been popping up on Google. I leave a question in the search box, and this is what it said.

 If you have any thoughts on what I added below, I would love to read them. It helps me understand the thoughts of others and if I am, or not, totally off my rocker in my beliefs. That's not to say I believe I am perfect, who is? I have learned from mistakes, and I read quite a lot, so hopefully I have learned from that too. I also learn from you. Thank you in advance of your wonderful comments that I love to read.

"The statement 'kindness is not a weakness, it is our strength' means that being kind is not a sign of being weak, but rather a demonstration of inner strength and character, as it often requires courage, empathy and the ability to put others' needs before our own, making kindness a powerful positive attribute rather than a flaw.

Key points about this statement:

Requires effort: choosing kindness, especially in challenging situations, can take conscious effort and emotional resilience, indicating strength.

Positive impact: acts of kindness can uplift others, improve relationships and create a more positive environment, making it a valuable asset.

Misconception about weakness: sometimes, people mistakenly associate kindness with being passive or easily manipulated, but true kindness involves setting boundaries and acting with integrity."

The following was written by Fadel Othman

"Kindness is Strength, Not Weakness"

"One of the hardest lessons we learn is that not everyone will value the kindness we offer. Sometimes, the people we care about the most misinterpret our love, patience and compassion as something to be taken advantage of. It's painful when your open heart - something you hold sacred - feels like a vulnerability others exploit. That betrayal stings deeply making you question not only others but your own worth.

But let me remind you: kindness is not a weakness, it is your greatest strength.

As Brené Brown teaches, vulnerability is the birthplace of courage. To offer kindness in a world that can be cold and dismissive is an act of bravery. It takes guts to remain compassionate when you've been hurt, to keep loving when trust has been broken, and to stay soft in a world that can be so hard. But here's the key: kindness cannot exist without boundaries.

Boundaries are a way of saying, "I can love you and me at the same time." They're not walls to shut people out - they're fences that protect your energy, your values, and your worth. Without boundaries, we risk letting our kindness turn into self-sacrifice, leaving us depleted and resentful. Boundaries allow us to stay true to ourselves while continuing to show up for others.

True kindness is not about being a martyr. It's about living authentically and giving intentionally. It's about being brave enough to say:

"This is what I can offer without losing myself."

"This is where I draw the line because I deserve respect too."

"I can still love you but I won't allow disrespect or exploitation."

When you live with this kind of clarity, you protect your heart without closing it off. You learn to give with courage and vulnerability, but also with discernment. And over time you realize that kindness rooted in boundaries is the strongest, most resilient form of love."

Gregg and I talked about this last section by Mr. Othman. Gregg said when kindness is at its most powerful, it is not conditional. He had a grandmother who lived her life with no conditions. We both had grandmothers like that, kindness without boundaries.

So, what do you think? I don't and will not go so deeply as I have in this post, but rarely. It's just a topic I have been thinking a lot of lately and I am very interested in your thoughts. No problem if you don't care to give any either I want to add. I am just genuinely curious.

Thanks for looking my friends, and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. Thank you for this worthwhile conversation, especially now

  2. Foundations shift
    World holds its breath,
    Old worries shrink
    In the face of chaos.

    What once seemed vital
    Now destroyed with contempt,
    As pillars of certainty sway.

    Constitution's threads
    once tightly bound,
    Now fray in winds of change
    Comparative domestic peace over my long lifetime
    Reveals its true fragilities
    And our fears.

    In this crucible of strife,
    We glimpse the true priorities of life.

    A silver lining
    Sharp and bittersweet:
    The wisdom of that
    We must not delete.
    Cloudia Charters

    1. This is fantastic and powerful!!! Thank you Cloudia :) I shall keep reading it.

  3. I totally agree. And sometimes, the best kindnesses require the most strength!! I also think that certain types of kindness do not come naturally to us. Think of babies and little children. Most are very selfish because they believe the world revolves around them. They have to be taught to be kind.

    1. I think so too Sandi, thank you Ginny. Children learn from their parents.

  4. "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." Aesop. On my blog, Denise.
    Lovely post regarding kindness.
    Take care.

    1. Aesop was very wise Margaret, and thank you for sharing the quote. You take care also :)

  5. In today's world, it's SO important to be kind!!

    1. I couldn't agree more Donna, SO important! Sending hugs!

  6. Wonderful words and post Denise. I agree, kindness is a strength.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I appreciate that and I wish you the same :)

  7. And speaking of kindness, maybe have a chat to a few of your politicians in Washington, and the non-politician, Musk, too. It is sorely lacking, devastatingly so in fact.,

    1. I am very sad about what's going on here David. Kindness is in short supply in politics, humanity also.

  8. There needs to be more kindness in this world.

  9. Henry James said, 'Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.'
    There is also a lovely Japanese proverb: One kind word can warm three winter months.

  10. As we know, Kindness comes in many forms, verbal and otherwise. Sending cards, nites or letters to those who may not otherwise get mail, giving up a few hours a week to visit and play a game with someone who lives alone, calling someone “just because.” Today, I visited a local thrift store and after hearing a woman telling another woman I know who works there, that she could use a hug, I gave her one as well. Random acts of kindness are always a good thing to others and yourselves.

    1. Very much so Dorothy and that hug you gave will be remembered forever :)

  11. I completely agree with you. Kindness isn't always easy but it's worth the effort and so much more rewarding than being cruel.

    1. Thank you Ann, it certainly is and it also gives you a wonderful feeling in the giving, not a goody-two-shoes-kind-of-a-feeling but one of genuine happiness. Good for their soul and for ours. It is a great way of staying in touch with our humanity :)

  12. to me kindness is holding a door for someone in a wheel chair, or like I did on Satday when I walked into Walmart at 6 am shoulder to shoulder to a homeless man, chatting like we were best friends. I was told once by 6 homeless people at the table where we were acting, that the one thing they miss is people talking to them. that most move away, turn their heads, ignore them. I think the the short meaning is this. Be Nice! to any and all. I think I never really thought of kindness as a noun..

    1. I love you for being so kind to those who have fallen on hard times Sandra, to actually 'seeing' them and talking to them. You are an angel! :)

  13. Forgot to mention that this was a timely topic, Denise, as the week of Feb 9 has been designated as Random Acts of Kindness week. The phrase was coined in 1982 by magazine writer Anne Herbert.

    1. I didn't know that Dorothy, thank you for letting me know :)

  14. A beautiful post and food for thought.

  15. One of the hardest lessons we learn is that not everyone will value the kindness we offer. ...... this is so true.

  16. Kindness is also a big factor in the giver of kindness life. We gain satisfaction and self confidence from being kind. Great comments on this post.

    1. Very true Red and thank you. I have been enjoying reading all your comments :)

  17. Denise this is a beautiful post...just beautiful. Kindness is so easy .....yet so many can't do it.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. I know what you mean Cecilia, sometimes it is hard for some. May we always continue to plant the seed :) Thank you and sending hugs!

  18. Lovely post. I have generally seen kindness as a part of manners. Helping someone caring a heavy object is kind, but it is also mannerly. I will say there are those who make kindness and manners seemingly impossible. In those cases it's just best to move on.

    1. You're right Sandra, good manners is very much part of this circle :) Yes, move on but don't burn any bridges, that's my motto.

  19. Replies
    1. It sounds like a very worthwhile read Jenn, thank you :)

  20. A lovely post regarding kindness.

    All the best Jan

    1. I am happy you liked it Jan, thank you and all the best to you too :)

  21. I have been living in slo-mo for days. I thought I had written in here.
    Anyways, it took me decades to learn about boundaries. A very good subject.
    Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

    1. Hello Rita, hope all is well with you. It can be a lifetime effort to protect ourselves. Thank you, Happy Valentine’s Day my friend.

  22. Kindness can be in the smallest acts of word and deed.

  23. Many people have a misconception about forgiveness as well. Some see it as a sign of weakness, but it requires great strength to forgive someone who has hurt us, and to go on living with that person with love and goodness. Sometimes people have very different viewpoints from what I believe. So, keep showing kindness, Denise, it is truly a sign of peace.


    1. Hello Sheri, there is a a lot of truth in what you say. I know from experience it is hard to forgive deception and cruel words. Forgiveness can be a lifelong journey. Thank you my friend, we all need this sign of peace as you so eloquently put it.


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