Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 "I've seen it all now", said she.

"What are you talking about?" said he.

"A leprechaun riding a unicorn!"

A look from he who just had to say...

"Are you tippling out of the wine this day?"

"Nay", said she, "Turn around and look!"

So, the next road he took a loop,

and saw a house with a basketball hoop.

And not far away but his eyes did see,

A leprechaun riding a unicorn with glee.

The man knew where leprechauns were born.

Not here! 

Have you ever seen one riding a unicorn?

No way, you may say and 

well, you have now

And it's not even St. Patrick's Day!

With apologies to all my favorite poets.

Thanks for looking and hope your day is a fun one.

(Much to my surprise, a sight seen while driving through our neighborhood on 2-24-25.)

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Your area is starting to look like around here! All the stores have St. Patrick's Day things out now. Even more than Easter things. This is so adorable and fun!


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