Thursday, February 27, 2025


 The flowers I share today have links on their first name where you can read more information.

Florida Swamp Lily goes by other names also, Seven sisters, Southern Swamp Crinum, String lily, American Crinum, Crinum lily and Southern swamp lily.  Botanical name: Crinum americanum.

Autumn sage and its other names are Texas sage, Red Chihuahuan sage, Cherry sage and Gregg salvia. Botanical name: Salvia greggii.

American beautyberry, also known as French mulberry, Beautyberry and Pure beautyberry. Botanical name: Callicarpa americana.

Shell ginger, also called Shellplant, Pink porcelain lily, Indian shell flower, Shellflower, Light galangal, Variegated ginger, Butterfly Ginger. Botanical name: Alpinia zerumbet.

Chinese hibiscus, also known as Shoeblack plant, Rose mallow, Hawaiian hibiscus, Shoe-flower and Tropical hibiscus. Botanical name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.

Garden cosmos, also known as Tall cosmos, Mexican aster, Cosmos and Annual cosmos. It's botanical name is Cosmos bipinnatus.

That's all for now. I see the weather is warming up this week, so I am looking forward to going for a walk around the botanical garden.

Thanks for visiting, have a great day and I hope the sun is shining where you are.

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