Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Pretty art.

This sounds interesting, if nothing else it sounds soothing.

Or this for a good night’s sleep?

How about this? On the rare occasion we used to have an Auntie Anne’s Pretzel at our local mall. The place closed years ago.

Or this.

Another recipe of sorts but not for food. For when you might have food stains on your clothes. I haven’t tried it. I haven’t tried any of these, so you decide if you want to. 

The following is an addition as I thought to add this stain remover I buy from Wegmans. I can't remember the price, but it's very good for removing stains, even ones forgotten about. I spray it on the stain, rub it in, wait for a few minutes and put it through the wash. I don't know if I even have to wait. 9 times out of 10 the stain has been removed, even the blueberry ones forgotten about. It impresses me every time.

Apparently we are all walking miracles, so here we go again, strutting. 

Are you a…and yes I am a …

Words are fun!

I can’t say I have been that rebellious but I have been known to dig my heals in at times when I feel it is important.

But often enough I am with Keanu Reeves on this one.

Last one, a beautiful owl picture. 

I hope you have enjoyed them and feel free to let me know if you like them, or not.  These are from Pinterest.

Thanks for looking and have a great day!


  1. I liked them all. I've known beautiful rebellious people! Linda in Kansas

    1. That’s great! know a few myself, wonderful people :) Thanks Linda!

  2. I really liked them - and like you read in bed. Every night.

    1. So glad, thank you Sue, and it is so nice to know you are a librocubicularist also :)

  3. Fun collection today. Nope, don't read in bed. I used to back in the day but haven't in a long time.

    1. Thank you Ann, glad you enjoyed them. I like to read in bed but not all the time. It all depends how tired I am I suppose :)

  4. Lovely, interesting selection, Denise.
    I have to read in bed, whatever the time I go to bed

  5. I have been a librocubicularist my whole life and didn’t even know it!

  6. Interesting they are and I don't read in bed. I fall asleep quickly, so I'm very lucky.

    1. Hi Margaret, that’s lovely :) I wish I did like that.

  7. Hello, my name is Sandra, and I AM a librocubicualarist and have been since i was five years old... just did not know there was a word. all the graphics are great

    1. Hello Sandra, I am one of those too, I just can't pronounce it very easily, lol! Happy you enjoyed, thank you :)

  8. These are really lovely! I love the painting best. And I am a librocubicularist!

    1. So glad Jenn, thank you. Yes the painting is beautiful and nice to meet another librocubicularist :)

  9. Replies
    1. It's lovely to do that Angie, I find it so relaxing :)

  10. A fun post with lots of fun art and memes. Love the pink house!

    1. Great, thank you Jeanie and isn't it a pretty pink house?

  11. LOVE the first serene. Strut accordingly, lol. 1 + 1 ='re right spew alert on that one. I don't read in bed, I'm in to audio books. I listen while I take my walks, do laundry, dinner prep, almost all household chores actually, and when knitting or crocheting. So audio books in bed wouldn't work.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Hi Sandy :) happy you do and audio books are good. My son and daughter-in-law enjoy those. Great for long journeys too. I have been thinking of getting one to listen to.

  12. Hello Denise :)
    I like the first and last pictures, especially the last I'm also a Librocubicularist. what a fabulous word.

    1. It is a fabulous word Sonjia :) thank you so much!

  13. I’ll have to try that stain remover. I have a bad habit of getting chocolate on my clothes and it doesn’t wash out.

    1. I hope it works Linda. I have added the stain remover I buy. If ever you are near a Wegmans, this product really works on tough stains. I have added a photo to this post.

    2. Thanks. I’ll have to watch for it next time I go to Wegmans.

  14. I love them all! I have saved the one for the milk, I am going to make it this week! I can't wait. Kneau Reeves is so right! Sometimes we can win the battle but lose the war. I have made something very similar to this stain remover, and it worked. Wish Wegmans were closer!! But I put the stain remover on my list for future purchases. I would love your first adorable house if I could do steps! Any doctor news?

    1. That's great Ginny :) Yes he has a lot of wise quotes out there, seems such a nice person in the way he treats others. I really respect him for that. Doesn't draw attention to himself but there's always someone out there with a cell phone to capture the moment, and he comes across as very down to earth. I hope the stain remover works for you. When we first moved here we didn't have a Wegmans and only heard that it was up in New York. The first one that opened it was like going to an amusement park, I just kept walking around and around. Now the novelty has worn off a bit but it is still our favorite store, and there are more of them around here now. I agree with you on that house and the steps. I dropped you an email :)

  15. I must be hungry because I really liked seeing that crockpot meal. It looks satisfying. Fun collection of things to enjoy here, Denise. Happy day to you.

    1. Thanks Ellen, I haven't made it yet but it's on the list :) Happy day to you too!

  16. Thank you for sharing such a variety of intriguing and thoughtful reflections! Each piece brings its own charm and perspective, from soothing sounds to practical tips and personal musings.

    I just posted a new blog post at I invite you to read. Thank you!

    1. You are very welcome Melody, I'm glad you enjoyed. Thank you for your link. I am still running behind in commenting but I hope to be over soon :)

  17. Me dio ganas de la leche para dormir y la recta. La imagen del búho es preciosa. Te mando un beso.

    1. Todavía tengo que probar la leche pero espero que pronto. ¡Gracias! Te mando un beso.

  18. The crockpot recipe sounds wonderful. It has been a while since I h ave used the crockpot.

    1. Thank you Susan, it's been a while since I used the crockpot also. I am eager to try this recipe :)

  19. I enjoyed every one of these...I have jbeen reading in bed ever since I was a little girl.

    1. Wonderful, so glad! Thank you Rose and reading in bed since a little girl? Me too :)

  20. Some of these were so delightful, Denise. You always find and share the most unique and unusual things. That cinnamon vanilla milk sounds cozy and comforting. I used to get those BIG pretzels at the mall sometimes. They were so good warmed up. The owl photo is so lovely.

    Have a good August week.


    1. Hi Sheri, very happy you enjoyed. The milk drink does sound good doesn't it? I miss the pretzels. I also loved the owl! You have a good August week also :)

  21. I have your tortellini recipe in my crockpot right now. I'll let you know how it turns out!

    P.S. Wise Keanu quote. I don't blame him. 🌷

    1. Very happy it turned out well Sandi, thanks for letting me know :)

  22. Homemade pretzels are wonderful. Fun to make and eat. Cinnamon, also yum. I've got a cinnamon tea that is yummy. I also love cinnamon, hot water, lemon, turmeric and honey. Yummy. PS: Have you had cinnamon in hot chocolate? Also, yum.

    1. Hello Ivy, I have never made a homemade pretzel but want to give it a try sometime. Your cinnamon tea sounds very yummy! I'll have to add your drink to my list :) No I haven't had cinnamon in hot chocolate, another one to add. Thanks so much!


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