Wednesday, December 27, 2023


I wanted to share our post on the bakery where we purchased this year's cakes for the holiday table, with thanks to my guys who did all the pre-shopping for me. I had been staying home for a few days. I slipped in mud and went down hard, with my nose kissing a nobbly tree root, and a lovely time eating grit (when we were out birdwatching). I was very sore but thankfully nothing broken but had a bloody and scraped nose and bruises and sore spots here and there. I have had other falls, a lifetime history of being distracted at the sight of say birds landing on a lake, and Gregg often reminds me, "Now be careful, when you're tired you're dangerous." My guys have taken to reminding me if obstacles are afoot. I'm fine now I hasten to add and well-taken care of by my angels, and I include my sweet daughter-in-law in that statement. 

Anyhow, I was late in getting the Yule Log. Normally I have ordered a Christmas Cake and the Log long before this, but my knights came to the rescue. When they got to the store they sent me photos so that I could choose the decoration. 

This bakery was our son's idea as he and our daughter-in-law's wedding cake came from there years ago, and he and his Dad decided to go to their bakery.

 A few years back I ordered a Yule Log from their restaurant at a different location. They sell an excellent selection of baked goods in their foyer.  At that time I had no idea they had their own bakery. 

 The young lady in the center of the above photo was making one of those Yule Logs. I didn't want to get too close as she was in the middle of putting it together. She noticed me and gave me a lovely smile and was probably used to the curious. I took all photos with my cell phone. Gregg and I picked our order up on 12-22-23. I mention the bakery just in case you live in the area or are visiting.  I get nothing in return and I don't think they need my help with advertising.  They have been well established here for years and the place was hopping. 

Amphoras Bakery here and:

Things to note when visiting a busy bakery, make sure it is your dear other half you are talking to when reaching out and grabbing an arm. As I turned round, Gregg was haloed by the backlit window, and I was caught off-guard by the glint of the sun in my eyes. Putting one hand out to shade them, and the other to reach out and hold his arm, I heard a chuckle and I said to him....well I can't remember what I said because suddenly a strange man was staring down at me with a big smile on his face. When I finally made out his features, it wasn't Gregg at all as still squinting, a big moustache came into focus. Nope, "You're not my husband!" Thankfully he thought it was funny and so did his wife who said I could take him home! I looked for Gregg who had moved position and was chuckling by the counter, looking at my dilemma. I rolled the eyes to the skies/ceiling for the first time that day. 
Didn't take me long to shift thoughts, as the displays were drawing me in. I definitely could have stayed in there for a long time. Somehow, I think the people behind the counter are used to customers taking photos. When I started taking mine, next to me was another lady taking hers, and we weren't the only ones.
Isn't this a cute gnome cake?
The pies were looking good also!
“Baking is the poetry of the kitchen.” 

"I thought maybe we could make gingerbread houses, and eat cookie dough and go ice skating and maybe even hold hands."

~Buddy the Elf~

I also bought a few Christmas Cookies and took these photos at home when we unpacked everything.  
Yes, there's a stormtrooper in there, just for a smile for Star Wars fans we know. There are actually two, one out of sight. 
The size of the Yule Log was a surprise to all of us. It was supposed to be half that. It's all good and we have since shared with more people. We thought we were getting ones the same size as those behind the counter in the photos above. I'm surprised we could make room for it in the refrigerator, but Gregg said I do puzzles, I can manage and I did.
I may have confused people. When the boys texted me a photo to show the designs, I was late getting back and son had already ordered, not this one.  I called minutes later and asked him to ask the lady to change to the poinsettia design. I heard their conversation, it seemed okay. Still, wires were probably crossed at that time.
When I saw this one my eyes got wide and they rolled to the ceiling for the second time that day. I had tasked them with getting the Christmas Cake also and it was large and tall, and beautiful. 
If I ask them to do something for me, they are true to their task and I certainly wasn't going to complain. Next year I am thinking of making both myself, so if you have any good recipes with decorating ideas, send them my way if you would please. Mother always had a Christmas Cake and a Yule Log on the table when we were growing up. That tradition is engraved in me like stone. I have only ever made one log in my life, and that was in my school days. I know that's been a while, but it could be fun.  I'll visit this subject again next year.
We saw this at our local supermarket pharmacy, where we both got another Covid booster shot. We've been meaning to do that since October.  
I can't stop taking photos - it kept my mind off the actual shot, which turned out to be good, no side effects. 
We went through the door into a small office to get our shots. A nice young man gave them to us.  He was very good. I felt something but it wasn't painful, and Gregg didn't feel his at all.  Fortunately, apart from a little soreness at the vaccination site, there have been no side effects.
The supermarket was packed out, it was hopping!  I have never been there with so many people. I was glad to get out of there.
This area was quieter. We had just come off the elevator and I saw the poinsettia display tree. Through the doors, back to the car and we were on our home where we sat down, had a cup of tea and enjoyed a Christmas Cookie each from Amphoras. 

I hope yours has been a great day and as always, thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. That bakery looks GOOD. And snap. I had a Covid Booster today - something I have been meaning to do for far too long.
    I am glad that you were not seriously hurt by your fall - and smiled at you reaching out for the wrong husband. I have done that before myself....

  2. Amazing and lovely.
    I'm so sorry to read you had a fall - hope all is ok.

  3. WOW, those cakes are amazing. They do an excellent job. You're yule log is quite pretty. I wouldn't want to cut into it.

  4. Hello Denise,
    I hope you are recovered from your fall, I am known to be clumsy, tripping and fall a lot.
    The bakery items all look pretty and delicious. Take care, have a great day!

  5. These mishaps while birding place you in an exalted class so be proud of your falls! I could make a collection of tree roots I have tripped over!

  6. Sorry that you had a fall, Denise. I had one today too...thank God, nothing broken, just some bruises and my favourite Adidas sport pants are damaged. Those cakes and cupcakes are really pretty...not something I would eat though.

  7. What an amazing bakery, I wish there was one like it near here! Well, maybe not, I gained 2 pounds just reading this post, LOL!! Glad you are OK from your fall.

  8. Those are some beautiful cakes. It is incredible the skill thos bakers and decorators have. Sorry to hear about your fall, a bump and scrape is better than broken bones though.

  9. Sorry to hear about your tumble. In my case my head hits the ground before I know that I'm falling. Seeing all the goodies in the bakery you shopped at makes me want to find our own local bakery.

  10. Ouch, Denise, so sorry to read about your fall and hope you are recovering and feeling better, thankfully with nothing broken. Hope you were well enough to celebrate and especially enjoy those delicious baked goods 😋 It as wonderful to see all the creativity and not gain any weight, Thanks!

  11. What a treat to have a bakery like that one to order from and to enjoy.

  12. I don't know what happened with that last comment but I wasn't finished and it disappeared. I was sorry to read about your fall and landing...ouch. Those cakes and cookies are amazing. I'd love to have access to a bakery like that one. Hope all is mending nicely and I trust you had a lovely Christmas!

  13. What a beautiful poinsettia tree display! I love that bakery's cake and cookie decorations. These bakers are artists. I haven't seen anything like that in Hawaii. You are blessed. Sorry you bruised your nose in the fall. Take care and be safe.

  14. I have never seen or even heard of a yule log cake, and bob says he has not either. they are beautiful. for Christmas, the only cakes mother made were fruitcakes but those were made before thanksgiving. we had cookies, and all different kinds of pies, none decorated. I love the cakes on the middle shelf, the faorite being the one that looks like a beaver fave with feet. they are all magnifcent, every single thing you showed us. no wonder they are busy. so sorry about the face plant, I was so happy when i feel over Beau that i did not have face damage and no glasses on because if i had glasses it would have been a different story. happy you did not have a coivd shot reaction

  15. I'm from Sweden, but I lived in England for three years when I was young, so I know what a yule log is. I'm sorry, but I can't remember loving it. But never mind, I so loved my years in London and Kent.

  16. What a lovely bakery! So sorry about that fall you had though! Your desserts look amazing!

  17. Now that's a talented bake shop! So many beautiful decorations on the lovely Christmas cake, Denise. And your Yule log is quite special. How nice to have your angels take over after your unfortunate fall. I do hope you are all well now. I'm so sorry that happened to you. We need to get our covid shot as well as our flu shot. No time like the present. Take care, my friend.

  18. Lovely set of photos. I hope that you are all healed now, I have nasty habit of falling and Nigel keeps saying to me look where you are going but I am generally too busy looking at something to take a photo of! Happy 2024. Diane

  19. So jolly going about with you! Yes, a fall can be a nasty surprise. I know. Wonderful post. Glad you had enjoyable holidays. Now I want cake Aloha!

  20. Sorry to read about your fall, hope you are all healed now.
    Those cakes look delicious.

    All the best Jan

  21. Oh Denise, I'm so sorry you went down hard -- glad no broken bones, but hurting hurts! That bakery -- amazing. I've never seen such a collection of beautiful treats. I love the yule log tradition and haven't made one in ages. I should do that for Twelfth Night.

  22. All of that looks delicious.

    Ouch on the fall.


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