Tuesday, December 19, 2023


These are from the tree we have in the family room, the one I made into a 'wings' theme. First it was just for birds, then I expanded it. Most are bird ornaments, but there are angels of course and they have wings. Santas and bears as long as they are holding birds, or something to do with birds or even butterflies, they are included. I added the butterflies because of their wings, so they made it onto the tree. The bear in the frame above isn't at our house. It was a picture scene from pixabay.com, and the frame had an opening for people to put their photos into. It is a bear ornament with cardinal shared towards the bottom of this post. 
There are a few add-ons from the same place.  They have thousands of royalty-free graphics for public use and when I have time to play, I have a lot of fun putting them together with my photos. Sometimes they come out overly busy, but I like most of them.
I can't find a couple of boxes of ornaments. My star topper is also awol. It's probably in the same box as my homemade wooden ones. I expect it's under several boxes in the basement that I don't have the energy to dig into. This year I am going to make sure everything is labeled, and I know where everything is. I thought I had done that already but apparently not.
The nice thing is, I found some that I had forgotten all about as they had not been out of their box for a couple of years or more.  That's the way it goes in this house, we find all eventually.
Jemima Puddle-Duck usually makes it on the tree every year and she was probably added from our time in California. I have not read any Beatrix Potter in years and had forgotten Jemima's story, but you can read a shortened account here. The bird in the green woolly hat is another mystery but is a favorite, and I only know he's been around for a long time.  
This is a new one and you might recognize the artist as his ornaments and figurines are very popular these days.
I found the bear and cardinal ornament at a gift shop on the grounds of Big Meadows Lodge.  It's an old one too.
Lastly, another oldie but goodie, a parent King Penguin with its Chick.
I played around in my ArtCard app for the next one.
That's all the ornaments for now, maybe for this year with Christmas being right around the corner.  It was a lot of fun putting them together.
Thanks so much for looking and I hope your preparations are going smoothly.  
Have a wonderful day!


  1. What a quirky and delightful selection of ornaments. Thank you so much for showing them to us.

    1. You are very welcome Sue :) so glad you enjoyed :)

  2. They are very pretty and festive, Denise.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful festive decorations and flat lays

    1. Hi Roentare, you are very welcome, happy you enjoyed :)

  4. What a wonderful collection of ornaments. A nice theme for a tree.

    1. Thank you Ann, when I was putting a few ornaments on the tree and looked outside at the birds, it seemed to be a natural to me to make it a tree of 'wings' :)

  5. I love these Christmas collectables!!

  6. all the ornaments are so sweet, cute, beautiful. love the angel in the art software. the snowman makes me smile out loud. Wings are perfect for a Christmas tree, its all about Angels singing in the sky.

    1. Thanks Sandra, I have many angels on the Christmas tree in the front room :) Maybe I will get a third tree next year and name it my angel tree. Say what? I can hear my two guys now, lol!

  7. Hello,
    I love all your ornaments. The Shenandoah Bear ornament is a favorite. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Hello Eileen, thank you, it's a cutie. You take care and enjoy your day also :)

  8. It's amazing the collection of ornaments that grows through life. I love the idea of birds and wings as a theme. I'd probably go nuts with angels. Merry Christmas!

    1. It certainly is and I'm finding many blogging friends who have their own wonderful collections. I have lots of angels on my other tree Carol :) so I can understand going nuts, lol! Merry Christmas!

  9. I love the theme of your ornaments. My favorite is the cardinal lounging back. We like to get ornaments on our travels, each of them having a special memory and reminding us of where we have been.

    1. Wonderful, so glad and thank you very much. It is fun to find an ornament while traveling. I have quite a few from various places we have been to. It's lovely and a special memory as you say :)

  10. what a great theme, perfect for you!! your ornaments are lovely!!

  11. What fun to enjoy a themed Christmas tree. I love Beatrix Potter stories. Jemima is such a naive duck. :)

    1. Thank you Ellen, this is the first year I have done a theme. My trees have always been eclectic. Jemima was a naïve little duck but she is very happy on our tree :)

  12. Darling ornaments, Denise. Thank you for sharing your love of birds and all nature here! Your graphics are always extraordinary. Love the Shenandoah bears and all the other beauties as well. Merry days to you, my friend.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) and you are very welcome. Happy you enjoyed and merry days to you too my friend.

  13. Such a wonderful collection of festive decorations, I particularly liked Jemima Puddle-duck.

    All the best Jan

  14. The birds are pretty on the tree. I also love the showman that looks like a crinkle cookie skin.

    1. Thanks so much, that's a perfect description of the snowman :)

  15. Cute Christmas ornaments, Denise. I especially liked the snowman holding the red bird. I like the fact that these are nature related ornaments too. I know how much you enjoy all things nature.


    1. Thank you Sheri, I do like that snowman and yes, I do love all things in nature. It brings me so much peace.

  16. I'm not surprised you have so many beautiful bird ornaments, Denise. I know you love them and celebrate them! It's a wonderful way to honor them by including so many lovely pieces on your tree. If I don't get back before Christmas (we hit the road today) Merry Christmas to you both!

    1. Hi Jeanie, and thank you, yes I'm a big birding fan as you know :) Thank you so much, you both have a Merry Christmas also :)


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