Wednesday, December 6, 2023


I started decorating earlier, two weeks before Thanksgiving for the family room tree, and a week for the one we put in the front room. I asked my dear other half and my dear son to bring them up from the basement. It was nice to have them done for Thanksgiving and they made the day even more special. 

We replaced real trees with artificial ones when son left home to set up on his own. Every year before that when he was young, I loved going out in the cold, fresh air, often buying them from the local tree farm and watching father and son cut one down. The smell of pine wafting through the house was always a treat. However, when son left, it seemed the right time to go in another direction.

My mother would be smiling. She loved Christmas. We always looked forward to her homemade eggnog (and her lovingly made Christmas cakes, and fruitcakes were wonderful). Every Christmas she would put a spot of Cream Sherry on top of each glass of eggnog, and use a wooden toothpick to give it a decorative swirl. Funny the things you remember. She was very big on tradition and it always looked pretty and tasted delicious. Of course, we children were not allowed even a spot of sherry, but all our visitors, from family to friends who were like family, always enjoyed a glass along with a slice of cake.

My sister and I helped Mum decorate each Christmas. This consisted of hanging glass globes on a small tree, with little slivers of silver paper ‘icicles’. The tree was enormous in our eyes, a Charlie Brown tree we would call it now. Kids don't see the size of a tree do they?  We helped by blowing up colorful balloons which she hung from the ceiling, along with criss-crossed paper garlands, all attached with thumb tacks. When she accidentally popped a balloon, we would scream and giggle with delight. We used our child-power to blow up as many balloons as were needed. Quite a few popped every Christmas. Occasionally we would be sitting quietly and one would pop, but that was fun too and there were lots of spares at the ready.  

Another tradition was to watch television and listen to services filmed at one of the famous cathedrals. It was always joyful to listen to those age-old Christmas Carols sung by Harry Secombe, always accompanied by the boys’ choir. He was a Welshman, quite famous and well known in Great Britain. Among his many talents he had an exceptional voice which we heard at those Christmas Services. He was a favorite of my Dad, who could also sing beautifully and play the piano. We had a lot of sing-songs growing up, and it is because of him that I not only developed my love of wildlife, but of opera too. He knew the words to many and it was my job to turn the pages of music as he played and sang. Back in those days we were still creating our own entertainment.  

We decorated our home on Christmas Eve. Not sure if that was a general tradition or just our familys, but it was all taken down on 12th Night without fail. There is a lovely website that you can read here if you’re curious or want a refresher on how these traditions started. 

As mentioned at the beginning of my post, the tree I share today is the one in our family room.  For the first time ever I picked a theme, which seemed appropriate with all the activity that has been going on outside. I have a lot of bird ornaments, or angels, snowmen, Santa’s and others, all holding birds. There are also a few butterflies.  With the angels, birds and butterflies, the theme is definitely to do with wings.  I have a few to share today.  Others will be shared later.  They may be familiar as they have appeared during the lifetime of this blog. I like to take photos every year. It makes a good inventory for me as I see what I forgot and what still might be in a box somewhere.

If you click on the label "Christmas” at the bottom of this post, you'll see other years, new and old, along with all the activities.  “Christmas Ornaments” will be for the most part, only of those, with the occasional addition if they are part of a theme. Some may be familiar because of a particular company making several of them.

I have collected ornaments for 40 plus years. I started in earnest when our son was born, starting with his First Christmas ornament.  Getting a couple here and a couple there added up. I said to my dear other half, maybe it is time to stop collecting them now, and he quickly replied nope, you keep going. I do believe he enjoys seeing them as much as I do. Many have great sentimental value, many were gifts from Loved Ones who are no longer with us but lovingly remembered as we put their ornaments on the tree.

These are a few of the birds recently purchased in the collage below. Mother Nature holding the leafy birdbath was found in the summer. The birds are the kind that attach to a branch with a clip.  You will recognize Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, top left and bottom, Mourning Dove middle left,  Catbird top right, then the Blue Jay and Tufted Titmouse.  All have been visitors to our garden at one time or another. I will share more ornaments as the month progresses.

I would love to know about your own traditions at this time of year, if you would like to share.

I appreciate very much you staying with me while I take another trip down memory lane.  I seem to be doing that more and more on my blog lately.  


  1. Your tree looks great. I love your memories too. We always had bird ornaments on our tree, but with just the two of us, we rarely put it up now.

    1. Thank you very much dear friend :) and so glad you enjoyed my memories. The day may come when we may not put up a tree but when son came over today I jokingly said I was putting up a third next year. I think my guys both know I am really not joking ;)

  2. I am thrilled with your diverse, wonderful Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree.
    Thank you also for the story from your childhood... our mothers made a lot of things themselves... for example, today I make black currant liqueur myself... and of course all the jams that we eat.
    Throughout Advent I have an Advent bouquet made of fir greens decorated with paper stars.
    For the first weekend of Advent, we hang the poinsettias inside and outside and the Advent wreath is made from fir green and has four candles... every Advent another candle is lit. In the garden, the Fir trees are decorated with fairy lights... it looks wonderful in the streets.
    We put out the Christmas tree on the 23rd and decorate it on the 24th morning in the living room... so it will be there until January 6th or longer :-))) On Christmas Eve the Christmas tree lights up for the first time in the living room when the Christ child comes...
    Lots of love to you from Viola

    1. Hello Dear Viola, thank you so much for telling me about your traditions. I loved reading about them and much appreciate you sharing them with me. Your black currant liqueur sounds divine, and I'm sure your jams are the same. Such delightful scenes, I can see them in my mind's eye. Absolutely wonderful! Thank you again, it was lovely to read this. Lots of love to you too dear friend :)

  3. Happy Memories and the trees and decorations are so pretty. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Happy you enjoyed Eileen. Thank you, very much appreciated :) You take care and have a great week ahead.

  4. Those some sweet and happy memories. Your tree is beautiful!

  5. not traditons here, but i do love reading about and seeing yours and others. the tree is beautiful and those bird ornaments are so cute, they are works of art all by themselves. Mothers tradition was put the tree up the day after thanksgiving and take it down New Years Day... she was like your mom and you, so many traditions, she had traditons running through her veins. Not from her mother though, my grandmother was just like me. She lived alone after her daughters left home and never had a tree or decorated for any holiday. I did not realize until i typed this that i am a carbon copy of her. it makes me feel bette to know that. I love looking at decorations just not putting them out or taking them down.

    1. So glad Sandra :) I enjoyed reading about your mother's traditions. I think I have traditions running through my veins also, and I know my mother passed those on to me. She was also a collector and she definitely passed those on. Her collections as I remember them now, and my own, brought and now bring a great deal of pleasure. I'm glad you have a kinship with your grandmother, that's very important too.

  6. i think memory lane is a place we visit when we get older!! everything changes and we enjoy reflecting back on the joy filled memories!! our traditions are so different now. the boys have left, live far away and it is impossible to keep up with any of those traditions!! i enjoyed reading about those memories you have of your mom, i hope maybe my boys have a few of me!! your tree is beautiful!! i have 3 small trees in the house, all artificial!!

    1. That's very true Debbie :) We do have more time to reflect in our retirement years, and have a lot of fun remembering. This blog was started as a place I could write them down, a gift for our son so that he can look back at what his parents and his grandparents on my side did. Thankfully I can remember a lot of stories my parents told me about grandparents, that I pass on to him now. We also have a wealth of information about Gregg's side of the family. I am happy you enjoyed my memories, I always have fun when reading about my blogging friends and theirs. I hope you are sharing your trees. I'm late visiting everyone and writing these comments, but I know I will have a great time when I see your photos, always do :)

  7. I have never heard of balloons for Christmas, sounds like a fun tradition. We used to do the crisscross paper chains and popcorn. We still do live trees, more than likely always will, we can just go out to the forest and cut our own.

    1. Popcorn garlands? I've seen them in magazines and they always look lovely. I think it's great that you still do live trees, and that you have a supply in the forest where you can get them. How cool is that?

  8. Oh, you do Christmas better than I do. For us, there are no trees, no decor at all. But, our family of 14 will be here for a potluck lunch on Christmas Eve, and the day will be a joyous one.

    1. You have a wonderful family with so many traditions Gigi. I love to see all your gatherings, and your potluck lunch on Christmas Eve sounds like a great tradition :)

  9. Wonderful memories! We've changed ours up over the years. Divorce does that!

    1. Thank you Jenn and I'm sure it does. I have been enjoying your traditions up there in Canada :)

  10. Wonderful Christmas reminiscing, your tree looks beautiful.

  11. Your tree is beautiful. It was always a real tree here until my ex husband moved out. That was the year that my brother bought me my first artificial tree. It's just so much easier on me than trying to get a real one.
    Love hearing about all your memories and traditions.

    1. Hi Ann, I'm happy you enjoyed our childhood traditions. A thoughtful thing for your brother to do :) Artificial trees have great benefits that's for sure.

  12. I enjoyed seeing your lovely family room tree, Denise! Such a pretty theme you have chosen. Your memories of Christmas past are beautiful. How interesting about the balloons at Christmas! You and your sister must have been delighted at their appearance. How festive. Lovely to hear your father loved to sing. Music really is the soul of many celebrations for me. How wonderful that your father played piano. Your bird ornaments are so sweet---I love putting up a bird tree in our home, though this year I have been leaving some Christmas decor in our storage as it has been hard to "do it all." Have a wonderful time gazing at your lovely tree, my friend!

    1. So glad dear friend, and I'm happy you like my tree. Always fun to blow up those balloons :) I like your description about music being the soul of many celebrations. That's very true! Understand completely about leaving some things in storage. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be our year for major downsizing. It so badly needs to get done. Baby steps as I say, but this year I'm hoping those baby steps belong to the Jolly Green Giant's baby, so that we can get some things done, haha!

  13. I do remember Harry Secombe singing. My dad had some of his records. I also remember making paper streamers to hang up in the house.

    1. Isn't that lovely that your Dad had some of Harry's records? I remember making lots of paper streamers. Good memories!

  14. Thank you for sharing your memories.
    Your tree looks lovely.

    All the best Jan

    1. You are very welcome Jan, glad you enjoyed :) and thank you. All the best to you too :)

  15. It was my mother's favourite holiday, and she would put a lot of work into it.

    There are a number of reasons I have difficulty with this time of year. Among them is missing her.

    1. I am so sorry William! She sounds like a very special mother. There was a time when I was young that I thought Mum would be there forever.

  16. Hello Denise :=)

    Your tree looks beautiful, and I love your small bird ornaments. I decorated the tree yesterday and finished it off this morning, with glass ornaments. I have also collected over the years, some birds too, and we inherited more Victorian looking glass balls from my mother -in-law. which I cherish.You need a tall tree if you have a house with tall ceilings. When I was a young girl the manger was almost as large as the tree. I have a small one now, but the tree is still large. Your reminiscing reminds me so much of my own childhood Christmases. Eggnog and Portuguese Christmas cake which was always bought, but the other traditional deserts were always home made by members of the family who each made one and brought it with them on Christmas Eve when we celebrate Christmas..As we get older things change as members of the family are no longer with us, especially my husband who loved Christmas and always wore a Father Christmas hat which lit up, and it made the children laugh, ...fond memories Denise, and some of yours are the same as mine. we made coloured paper chains to decorate the tree which was always real , but not now, and we lit candles on the tree, but not now, it was such a dangerous practice. Please forgive this long comment which I didn't mean to do but memories came flooding back as I read yours.

    1. Hello Sonjia, such a lovely read, thank you so much for sharing your traditions and sweet memories. Everything sounds absolutely delightful! I will have to look up what Portuguese Christmas Cake looks like. I always find it extremely interesting to learn of celebrations around the world, and you have given me an insight into Portugal which I loved. Beautiful country! One of my aunts for many, many years visited annually. She loved the country and she loved the people. As for the candles, I was just saying today how much I miss real ones on the trees. I remember the little clip candleholders mother had for ours. As you say, very dangerous but what a delight to see those candles flickering as a child. Please don't apologize for your longer comment. Please believe me when I say I enjoyed every single word. I loved them! Thank you my dear friend :)

  17. That is a beautiful tree with all those decorations, Denise. You have some nice traditions to remember. Fun to document those traditions and memories. Many of our traditions are fluid and some are set in stone. When our kids got married and left our home things did change which is expected. We still need to get all the Christmas bins down and get things in place. The artificial tree is up but not decorated. Blessings.

    1. Thank you Ellen, I have always enjoyed writing memories down and I never want to forget them. Yes, things change when kids leave home, as seeing Christmas through the eyes of your child is a wonderment, magical! You've probably done a lot of decorating since you wrote your comment. I shall enjoy visiting so that I can see. Blessings to you also :)

  18. What a beautiful and heatwarming post dear Denise ❤
    Creating our own entertainment oh yes it was really awesome tradition and I too have so many sweet memories about our yearly festival Eid.
    40 years collection of ornaments must be quite a treasure ❤
    I Loved your tree my friend and all the lovely memories you shared .
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hello Dear Baili, thank you so much :) I enjoy reading about your festivals. Always so very interesting to learn about the world. It is something I have always enjoyed doing from childhood. Hugs and blessings to you my friend :)

  19. I wish we knew each other in person -- it feels like we're much alike (and had the same holiday loving mothers!). I love hearing about your holiday traditions and memories. We've had many, too -- some are from adulthood (decorating Christmas cookies on Christmas Eve with the kids and now the grands for the Santa plate and to share with neighbors and for Christmas dessert), but then the older ones we don't do anymore. (Creative wrapping contests with the cousins!). There are tradtional foods and baking and of course the ornaments on my tree are both more recent acquistions -- gifts from friends or things we've made -- and things that were my mom's. Not a lot from the grandparents, but a few. It's my favorite season!

    1. Hi Jeanie, it sounds like we are kindred spirits, with our mothers also :) I have read about some of them when visiting your blog. Those creative wrapping contests sound like fun! I'm looking for a Yule Log and a Christmas Cake. I used to make them years ago but not anymore. My mother was a great baker. Another was a sherry trifle! As clear as day the sight of my mother making hers just popped into my head, and chatting over the kitchen table. It is definitely my favorite season too. Thanks so much for sharing yours :) Absolutely delightful!


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