Friday, December 22, 2023


 As promised yesterday, here are the actual photos of the lights taken in our neighborhood.  We were still celebrating our anniversary and spent most of the day quietly, just the way we like it. Not walking weather as it poured down all day, and there had been flood watches in parts. Dinner was Thai food ordered from our favorite local restaurant. It's not too far away and we ordered it online. Gregg picked it up and it was waiting for him when he got there.

After we had finished doing the dishes I said impulsively, let's go take photos of the neighborhood lights. Gregg said that's a great idea, let's get our coats.  When the garage door went up it was pouring heavily! I started back into the house saying I had completely forgotten about the weather. The man said no way, let's go, it will be fun. You know what, it was?  
It was quiet as we didn't have to get on any main roads, most everyone was inside. We saw maybe three other vehicles making their way home, and when stopping for each photo, nothing. The speed limit is 25 mph but we were going much slower. I took photos as quickly as I could.  
I got very damp but fortunately we had paper towels that had rolled out of a shopping bag earlier, and they helped.  
I layered several along the window so that the car would stay fairly dry, but it was a losing battle for both camera lady and car as the rain started getting even heavier. Up-down-up-down, up-and-down, that window had quite a workout. My cell phone too.
A short trip around the neighborhood and a quick stop at each lit house, and on to the next. 
Our house is quite dull in comparison…
but I am very thankful that there are those who love to decorate their homes so beautifully.  
To all of them I say, thank you!
Last photo is one of our Christmas Tree in the front room.  

Thanks for visiting and 
I hope your day is a great one.
Won't be long now!


  1. Lovely things. Thank you for taking us along - and in the dry too.

    1. Thank you and you are very welcome Sue :) it was fun in the rain.

  2. Snap! My post is on Christmas Lights too. Your neighbourhood is magical. Some people do such a good job. Your Tree is a delight too. Bill and I wish you and Gregg a lovely Christmas.

    1. I look forward to seeing yours Diane :) The same from us to you and Bill also :)

  3. You have a lovely, lively, charming neighborhood. Happy holidays!

  4. All of these houses look fantastic. I love seeing ones that decorate like this. Thanks for braving the rain to bring us these.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Ann, and you are so welcome :) A very rainy evening but it was short and enjoyable.

  5. Beautiful Christmas lights and your tree looks lovely. Take care, have a great weekend!

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed them Eileen and glad you did too :) You take care and have a great weekend also.

  6. It's fun to go out and take photos of all the wonderful Christmas light decorations that people have put up in their front gardens. I didn't manage it this year, so thank you for sharing yours. Enjoyed seeing more of your decorations too :-)
    I've not called in for a few days, so a very belated congratulations on your 48th Wedding Anniversary. Bless you both.
    Have a very Happy Christmas, Denise x

    1. It certainly is, it makes things even more Christmas-y and festive. I'm glad you enjoyed these. I am happy when you get here but I know it is hard to visit every day. I have the same problem especially at this time of the year. Thanks for visiting and wishing us a Happy Anniversary. Bless you too and I would also like to wish you a Very Happy Christmas :) x

  7. Your neighborhood drive, though soggy, is lovely. So glad the man took his camera lady out for a spin. Our home is pale as well. Your front room tree is beautiful, Denise! I'm sure it brings you great joy. You are right, it's not long now!

    1. Soggy is a good word for it Martha Ellen :) The man knows I need a bit of coaxing and he's good at that. Good job too as I can be a bit of a hermit, especially in the winter months, lol! Yes, not long now :)

  8. I absolutely love these. Merry Christmas to you!

    1. Happy you enjoyed them, thank you. Merry Christmas to you also :)

  9. I am so happy you went in the rain. the rain gave a special sparkle/glitter to the photos, awesome shots and thanks for getting wet so you could share these with this early bird that hasn't been out at night in about 10 years.

    1. The glitter did look nice, in the street especially. Thanks Sandra :) I don't get out that late at night either, this was special and I didn't want to miss taking photos of people's pretty decorations. Not everyone's house was dressed up and I missed quite a few others as our circle of driving was narrow because of the weather, but I was happy I got these.

  10. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing, my friend. Merry and Blessed Christmas to you!

    1. Thank you Billie Jo and you are very welcome. Merry and Blessed Christmas to you also my friend :)

  11. one of my favorite things to do. you have shared some beautiful pictures of your area light displays!!

    1. So glad you liked them Debbie, I do love getting out there at this time of the year and taking photos. Just takes me a while to get round to it. If I had gone back inside and if it were not for the coaxing of my dear other half, I may have missed them this year.

  12. These really are sweet. I am glad you can share them with us.

  13. Here it is cold, with more snow expected.

    1. I hope you keep warm and look forward to your snow photos :)

  14. Thank you for giving us a splash of Christmas. It was so much fun to see the holiday cheer in your neighborhood. There's not much in mine right now.
    Happy Anniversary, Denise!

    1. Thank you so much Kay, much appreciated :) We seem to have a few more festive lights than last year.

  15. I've been out looking at the Christmas decorations, too. I so admire those who go to so much trouble to decorate so imaginatively. Your photos are lovely.

    1. So glad you have Pauline, you and I feel the same way about people with their lights. Thank you, much appreciate your visit :)

  16. The lights look lovely, I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Great, so glad Jan and all the best to you too :)

  17. It was enjoyable seeing the holiday lights in your neighborhood, Denise. Thanks to you and Gregg for braving the elements to show off some beautiful displays. I especially liked that there were more lights than blow-up displays. We did not go for any drives in the area, but I did walk the hallways at the mill apartments and will do a post this weekend to show some of the indoor decos.

    1. Very happy you enjoyed Dorothy. I remember the decorations in your apartment building. It all looked very nice including your own and I will look forward to your photos. There are a lot of blow-up decorations in the neighborhood, more where there are children I'm thinking. I'm just always attracted to the lights :)


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