Friday, August 4, 2023


North American Beaver!

Our little friend Seraphina (from yesterday's post) had been looking in this direction.  Lily pads were covering a good part of the pond.  It grows considerably each year and the petals close up in the evening.  In the center, after adjusting our eyes, we finally saw movement.

Another furry friend was having a feast of water lily shoots.   At other times we have watched them dive and resurface a couple of minutes later, with those shoots between their claws.  
This is the beaver we saw for the first time a few weeks ago.  They had been absent for two or three years, and rumor had it that they had been removed.  I don't know if this was true, but their lodge was nowhere to be seen and every time we visited, we looked for these industrious little animals to no avail.  Other visitors we talked to had wondered the same thing.  In the photo below you can make out that famous 'paddle' tail. There is a reed on it.

Happiness for everyone I spoke to, on our previous visit and this one, to find them back at the pond.  Our North American Beaver had returned, not only one but three others.  There was a mate and two babies.  People told us they had seen the babies, but we saw the parents and that was wonderful.  The mother is considerably smaller than the male we were told by a knowledgeable man who had been taking photos also.
This fellow photographer was very generous with his information.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  There will be another post on our encounter as soon as I can put it together.  Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Great stories to accompany the images.

  2. That is some place with all those lilies, must be a beautiful show when they are all out.

    1. It's a beautiful place Margaret, I feel renewed every time we visit :) Hopefully I can go there when the flowers are blooming.

  3. BEAVERS, I LOVE it!!!!! Hurrah for their return!! What a nice beginning to the weekend.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the beavers Ginny. I will have more photos soon. I definitely gave a big hurrah when I saw they had come back. And yes, a very nice beginning to the week :)

  4. What a wonderful, wonderful thing to see. Thank you. I am looking forward to the next post too.

    1. I am so happy you enjoyed Sue and you are very welcome :) I will have another post soon.

  5. How wonderful to see the beavers have returned. I hope they don't have plans to remove them again.

    1. Very much so and I hope they will be allowed to stay for a long time. The little darlings have already started building a dam :) Industrious little things.

  6. I'm envious - I've never seen a beaver in person before. Seeing wild critters is so exciting. I like watching them do what they're meant to do. Where is the dam they build? If you see them again, please share photos. Thank you!

    1. You are very welcome and thank you! I wonder how far south they go Carol? Do they make it past South Carolina for instance? I will have to check that out. I envy you your wildlife down there so I know what you mean :) I definitely will be sharing more photos. The dam is very near where they created their lodge next to the stream.

  7. Great post on the beaver, wonderful series of photos. Take care, have a happy day and happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, much appreciate your kind words :) You take care, have a happy day and happy weekend also.

  8. I love beavers too. Glad of the return!

  9. i have seen otters but not beavers. he is adorable. i love all things with 4 legs and fur

    1. Anything with four legs, love it! That describes me perfectly :) I saw river otters once in real life but they were in a zoo. I saw sea otters in Alaska. That was amazing to see in their natural habitat 🦦

  10. They sure are interesting, and sometime quite destructive, creatures. I too love watching them go about their day!

    1. Yes indeed, their dams change water systems, and also gnaw down the surrounding trees where they live. But oh my goodness, I can't get enough of them. I feel it is a real privilege to be in their company. Thank you Jim and Barb :)

  11. Here, beavers are sometimes removed if their work has a potential to cause damage. They are an interesting animal to watch.They are most active at night.

    1. Thanks Red, I'm sure the powers-that-be will be keeping an eye on them. When we were there - late afternoon - they were feeding for a good time, and then we watched as they packed their lodge with mud, leaves and debris from the pond. I can only imagine how busy they are at night when the people have gone home.

  12. Replies
    1. Very much so, they didn't stop the whole time we were there :)

  13. this is so much better than what i thought, frogs, silly me!! awesome captures, i love talking to others that have and share the best information!!

    1. Not silly at all Debbie, that was a darned good answer because I could hear the frogs. I could also hear the cicadas, goodness they both get noisy, lol! I'm glad you enjoyed this post. Talking to others is a wonderful way to learn.

  14. Nice that the beavers have returned!

  15. Piękny jest ten zwierzak.Nigdy nie widziałam bobra bardzo zazdroszczę spotkania . Milego weekendu:)

    1. Dziękuję bardzo. Zastanawiam się, jakie zwierzęta masz tam, gdzie mieszkasz? Uznałbym to za bardzo interesujące. Fajnie jest odwiedzać różne miejsca na świecie i oglądać zwierzęta, których nie widzimy.

  16. nice to see the beaver amongst the lilies! Great photos, Denise. I hope they allow the beaver family to stay there. Our canal had beavers that were removed by the city.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I appreciate that :) I hope so too. This other person I talked to was sure they had been removed before. There is a river nearby that we were guessing they swim in and whether this is the same family with new babies, I don't know. I just hope they are allowed to stay for a while.

  17. We are blessed by the nature around us, especially the other creatures. Beautiful post Denise. Thank you Aloha!

    1. We certainly are Cloudia,. You are very welcome and thank you very much. Aloha :)

  18. Hello! You capture the beauty of nature so wonderfully!

    1. Hi Billie Jo, so kind of you to say, thank you :)

  19. Replies
    1. Hi Diane, thank you and I am so glad you enjoyed them :)

  20. What fun to see the beaver! So cool. No wonder the dog was so engaged!

    1. When I saw them a few weeks ago I couldn't believe it and was so very happy they were back. Seraphina was a good girl to be so calm :)

  21. How neat! I would like to get a picture of one in the wild.

  22. Oh my, looks like a rodent in the water. As you know, I don't like any rodents, including squirrels. But I do enjoy seeing the squirrels in your area and reading your funny at the bird feeder posts. ; )


    1. Sweet of you to say about the squirrels on my bird feeder posts, especially as they are not your cup of tea :) Thank you Sheri. Beavers are quite big and can grow up to 3 feet long, which includes their tail.


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