Thursday, August 24, 2023



This is Gregg's photo of the hawk that got our local crows all agitated yesterday.  I need an expert's help for a definite ID, but from photos I saw online, I thought it might be a Juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  You can see more information at this website
(Added note: 8-24-23 at 3:41 p.m.  Cloudia from Comfort Spiral thinks this might be a Cooper's Hawk and also sent a link.  I am sharing it here.  Thanks so much for the help Cloudia.) 
He hasn't returned and we have several smaller feathered friends visiting.  They are enjoying the bird bath.  The clever little things seem to know when a bird of prey is around.  I loved seeing it and it needs to survive, but am glad our local crows objected and it moved on.  
It was a wonderful morning when I went outside early.  It actually felt like Autumn was on the way, so cool and fresh.  The lowest temperature was 65 degrees Fahrenheit and it certainly felt like it, even a little cooler perhaps.  It is going to get up to 81 degrees today.  

My Snickersville Turnpike post will be shared tomorrow, where you can see the original photo of the red barn from the ArtCard result here.  

Have a great day everyone and thanks 
so much for stopping by.


  1. Gregg got a good photo, the hawk is a real beauty. Of course our weather was about the same today, as we live kind of nearby.

    1. Thank you Ginny, I will show him your comment :) He had to take it quickly before the hawk flew away. I have always enjoyed seeing his view from a camera lens. Wasn’t it a lovely morning? I had the windows open all day.

  2. A beautiful shot, lovely looking bird Denise.

  3. I am so glad that Gregg's shot came out. Thank you both.

    1. Thank you Sue for your sweet comment, and you are very welcome from the both of us :)

  4. Striking bird! Good capture Greg. I'm thinking Cooper's hawk

    1. Wonderful! Thank you for the help Cloudia. I will go to the link you have provided, and am grateful :)

  5. I am no good at identifying birds. The most I can say is that it is a hawk. I'm glad the crows scared it off. It's one thing knowing that it needs to hunt to survive but a totally different thing having to watch him catch his victims.

  6. Gregg has an awesome shot of the Hawk, it is a beautiful bird. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I think he will be surprised at everyone's comments, but also very pleased :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  7. excellent close up and he is gorgeous. one of the most handsome of hawks I have seen. no help from me or google, google names 3 or 4 from the search. I am so jealous of your temps. last night at 5 pm we were out with Beau and our backyard said 101 degrees. these triple digit heat degrees are a first in my lifetime, and 40 years here..

    1. He is a beauty isn't he Sandra? :) Oh wow, I would be a total wimp at your 101 temperature. Stay cool!

  8. That's a very beautiful shot of hawk!

  9. Denise, I am so bird dumb... Love to look at them, can't identify many and I certainly don't know ones song from the other... except the mocking bird. That'd easy enough.

    1. Hi Latane, not bird dumb unless I am too :) It's hard with so many birds to identify. Like you I enjoy looking at them and listening. I am going to have to look up what a Mocking Bird sounds like. I can identify the Blue Jay and the Red-winged blackbird, others I have to search for.

  10. Replies
    1. I couldn't have said it better Jenn, thank you :)

  11. Great photo! I see hawks often, but I’ve only gotten decent photos of them a couple times.

    1. Thank you Linda, I don't get to see them as often as I would like but our songbirds are happy no doubt :)

  12. No help from us on the hawk identification but it is a beautiful picture!

    1. Thank you, I think we have it ID'd to two, with the help of our blogging friend Cloudi :)

  13. I think I'd rather have the hawk than the crows. Awesome photo of the hawk.

    1. Thank you Red :) I have only had the crows around since. Two or three land on the deck every day.

  14. Oh my, he is so handsome! I can't give you any better ID, just great admiration for Gregg's work. It's beautiful. Thanks for popping by today, too! What a lovely comment -- made me smile big.

    1. Isn't he? Thanks Jeanie, Gregg will be so pleased. I love popping by your blog, meant every word and so glad they gave you a smile :)

  15. Replies
    1. Thank you Ellen, Gregg has a lot of lovely comments about his photos.

  16. Gregg's photo is exquisite, Denise. Wow! I have trouble identifying hawks so I'm no help here. He or she is a beauty! I'm in complete agreement that all of God's creatures need to survive, but I want to live in a fairy tale world especially in my own backyard.

    1. Thank you so much Martha Ellen :) I am the same way with hawks, I see them so rarely. That is so sweet and I think we are in the same fairy tale :)

  17. The Hawk is a special bird to see, that's for sure. Our weather sounds similar to yours where you live. We had some rain and cooler days, and this week it will be in the 80's. It does feel like Autumn is coming, doesn't it? I wouldn't worry about the Hawk and those crows - the Hawk is a grand bird, knows how to survive in the wilderness.


    1. Hello Sheri, totally agree. It certainly does feel like Autumn is around the corner :) Nature is a marvelous teacher for all living things, no doubt in my mind :) Thank you my friend!

  18. Such a lovely photograph of this fine bird.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan and all the best to you too :)


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