Friday, August 18, 2023


 This was taken by Gregg when we were at the pond at the beginning of last month.

I was taking lots of photographs of the blackberries.  The bushes were laden with them, and they looked pick-worthy.  Many years ago I collected them from the hedgerows, but I couldn't do that now.  I could but didn't want to as I just wasn't sure if these were edible blackberries.  They looked like them but it has been 60 plus years since I picked and ate them before they got to the bowl, unwashed and all....ewww. I get mine from the store now, not as fresh as these no doubt and they always get a good rinsing before I put them in the refrigerator.  I still love blackberries.
When we came back the following week, they were all gone, picked clean.  I think the birds had a feast. 
I certainly don't think it was this little fellow.
Or this one.  He is generally too busy dealing with wood.
Perhaps deer?  I didn't see any that day but they like to come out when there are no people around and the pond is always busy.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. The animals are looking good and I do love fresh blackberries you pick yourself but alas have not done so for many a year.

    1. I was wondering if people had picked those blackberries. Maybe they put it into a pie :)

  2. We used to pick wildblackberries each and every year. Those that made in home were designed for pies and jams. A LOT never made it home. Sadly our council started poisoning the blackberry bushes (after they had set fruit) so we stopped.

    1. I seem to remember we had them with a little sugar a cream :) That’s a shame the council poisoned the bushes.

  3. Yes, I love the blackberries. The birds love the berries too. Cute captures of the turtle and beaver. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  4. I remember years ago having blackberry bushes behind where we were living at the time. I used to pick them and make pies.

  5. We last picked blackberries years ago while in Oregon. But blueberries and raspberries is another story. Not every year but pretty close. We still have no problems eating them straight off the plants.

    1. Blueberries and raspberries, yum! Another favorite! :)

  6. I like that you ended with another shot of the beaver. he is sooo cute. it was great to leave the berries for the wild life. now if we needed food, it is ok to pick them but humans tend to strip the bushes all for themselves.

    1. Great! Glad you enjoyed our beaver :) I seem to remember reading about the bears enjoying blackberries in the mountains at this time of the year. I bet our early settlers picked them back in the day.

  7. Beautiful blackberries, the first ones are now ripening in the forest. Of course I'm enthusiastic about the turtle, because we don't have any. I saw them in nature in Greece and on the island of Sardinia.
    Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. Many greetings to you too Viola :) and how wonderful they grow in your forest! Also wonderful you saw the turtles in Greece and Sardinia. There are many here, and all different kinds.

  8. No black berries here so they are not on my radar. The Micro Manager was born and raised in England and she loves blackberries.

    1. How wonderful to learn the Micro Manager was born and raised in England. Please say hello to her from a kindred spirit :)

  9. Never lived anywhere with blackberries in the neighbourhood, I've only sometimes (long ago) picked a few to eat on the spot when I've happened to come across some. Back in my childhood/ youth we used to pick wild raspberries and blueberries, my mum always did and made jam etc. I've not picked any berries or fruit to make my own jam for decades though (no garden and living in town).

    1. I bet that jam was incredible! :) I have only made jam once. It was strawberry.

  10. We have quite a few wild ones here. I ought to harvets them!

    1. How wonderful! Definitely harvest them :) such a tasty treat!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you very much. I am happy you enjoyed :)

  12. I haven't picked blackberries in ages! Making a pie perhaps? YUM! And lots of lovely nature, too!

    1. Hello Jeanie, so glad you enjoyed my post. A blackberry pie does sound good right now.

  13. When we lived on the Seattle side of the state we had lots of areas around where we could pick Blackberries. Our son picked boxes of them and then went around to local mom and pop restaurants and sold the berries to them. My Pop and Mom loved to visit in August to pick the berries and make syrup. You brought back lots of blackberry memories! :)

    1. How wonderful Ellen and very entrepreneurial of your son, so impressed :) I am happy my post brought back those good memories :)

  14. Great picture of the Beaver! We have wild blackberries all over here around Eugene ; they're invasive, but delicious and it used to be our tradition to go picking every September. I'll still occasionally pick a handful or so, if we happen on a place where it's easy picking. No more of that reaching into the middle of the briar patch for the perfect berries! (I used to go to work the next day with my hands and arms looking like I'd been in a fight with a wildcat!)

    1. Hi Sallie :) Our beaver has been very cooperative these last couple of times we have seen him. Lovely that they are in your area. Ouch on your scratched hands and arms. That’s something I had not thought of. Talking about all these blackberries, I have just put them on my shopping list.

  15. I adore blackberries, Denise. Store bought ones for me, too as I don't know of a safe place to pick them. On our walks I see them amongst the poison ivy that seems to be prolific this year. Love seeing the turtle and the beaver.

    1. Wonderful, they are so good aren’t they? I feel safer with store bought. I don’t trust my blackberry knowledge enough to pick my own any more, and that’s a great reminder about the poison ivy! Fun to take photos of though. Glad you enjoyed seeing the turtle and beaver. Thank you Martha Ellen :)

  16. You can never be too careful! These berries were strictly for the birds!

    1. So true Ginny :) Best to leave them to the birds.

  17. Replies
    1. Blackberries were very popular when I was growing up :)


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