Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Goldfinches have become regular visitors to our home.  They only started arriving about three years ago.  I was very happy when I spotted one the other day, and slowly he brought all his family with him.

Even though I haven't been feeding them during the hot summer months when nature's food is plentiful and when bears, raccoons and foxes are out and about (no sightings of bears in the neighborhood this year so far), there is always refreshing water in the birdbath.  The shower feature came with the kit and is solar powered.  When the sun beats down, the water shoots up two feet or more.  Not so much with the oncoming shade.  I took the photos through the glass of the patio door.  Our little friend didn't stay for long, but I was happy with a few photos.

More information on the Goldfinch at this link.

The flowers you see in the background are in one of two planters we purchased a few weeks ago.  I will take proper photos of those when the deck is tidied up.  We have some work to do and as soon as it is done, I will share them.

The water fountain is very popular with the birds.  It's fun to see them enjoy it on these hot days.  

I hope your day is a great one, 
and thanks for stopping by.


  1. Goldfinches have such beautiful coloring. I never saw them at our home in Illinois, but there were lots at the Chicago botanic garden.

    1. Hello Kay, they do don't they? I had a cardinal and a goldfinch on my deck rail today. The color combination was awesome :)

  2. Wonderful photos of the little guy!! I am tempted to buy one of these.

    1. Thanks Ginny, he certainly is a perfect subject. It took me a long time to buy another birdbath (my old one cracked), but I am so glad I bought this one. Those birds love it, and they entertain me for hours :)

  3. I adore watching birds bathe. They so obviously love it.

    1. They certainly do. It took them a while to get used to that fountain shooting up, but they are used to it now.

  4. Gold finches are welcome in my backyard any time

  5. I've always enjoyed the goldfinches. The other day I looked outside and there were about 10 of them in various spots in my yard.

    1. That's a lot of goldfinches Ann, I don't think I have ever seen that many in the garden. A wonderful sight I'm sure :)

  6. Love the tiny finch! And love the solar fountain. But the water needs to be filled on mine, daily, because of the heat here...
    Happy week!

    1. He is lovely isn't he? Yes, we find our birdbath needs refilling, and we do that every morning, and even sometime in the early evening if it's a very hot day and depending how many birds have visited. The crows? Wow, tidal wave, lol!
      Happy week to you, and sending hugs :)

  7. Your bird bath looks great, it is nice to have the moving water too. Cute capture of the Goldfinch! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, yes it's great for keeping the water moving. You take care and have a great day also :)

  8. He's sweet your Stiglitz, good thing he brought his whole family.
    I had also placed bird baths in the garden, but now it has gotten cold and wet... I hope summer will come back soon - because the end of August means the end of summer for us - I love to wear sandals and spaghetti straps in the garden or in the forest be.
    Now I go into the forest with sturdy, ankle-high hiking boots.
    Fingers crossed for sunshine and blue skies.
    hug to you.
    Thanks for the beautiful photos... the Stiglitz is great and so is your fountain.

    1. Greetings Viola! and thank you, you are very welcome :) I am not sure where you are but my family in Germany have told me they are having wet weather there also, and in England too. Hopefully you will all be getting good weather again soon. Fingers crossed! Sending hugs :)

  9. love that fountain bird bath and I know they do to. its beautiful and so is that yellow bird. I have not seen a yellow bird down here. precious little finch

    1. Thanks Sandra, it's a lot of fun to see them enjoy themselves so much, especially in this hot weather.

  10. They remind me of Bananaquits, little birds we have here.

    1. Hi Mark, I will have to look those up. They sound interesting. Thanks for stopping by. Great to see you :)

  11. That is one of the few birds that we see almost every day. They are so beautiful and fun to watch!

    1. They certainly are :) Just love them when they arrive!

  12. So sweet seeing this little darling at your bird bath, Denise. We had one at our trellis the other day, but my camera was indoors. I love your water bath and I'm sure your birds are happy you have it. Enjoy the cooler temperatures while they last, my friend.

    1. I am very happy you enjoyed him Martha Ellen :) I have those missed photo ops too, more than I can count but that one I finally get, it's a treasure :) Thank you my friend, it is so nice to have these cooler days :)

  13. Birds are certainly smart enough to take advantage of showers and baths.

  14. Pięknego mieliście gościa . Super jest ta fontanna dla ptaków. Miłego tygodnia.:)

    1. Bardzo dziękuję, naprawdę piękny gość :) Jestem zadowolona z nowej fontanny. Jest bardzo zachęcający dla ptaków.

  15. Lovely to see these photographs.
    A lovely coloured bird ... I like your birdbath.

    All the best Jan

    1. Glad you enjoyed Jan, thank you and all the best to you too :)

  16. Love the stunning captures of the Goldfinch.
    Such a pretty bird!

    Hugs and blessings, Denise

    1. So glad Veronica :) It is a very pretty bird. Thank you and hugs and blessings from me also :)

  17. He looks so very happy! I think I need to buy a bird bath. I like them so much!

    1. They're fun Jeanie, I am thinking of getting one more for another part of the garden :)


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