Sunday, August 13, 2023


 My thoughts are with my blogging friends in Hawaii, and to all the people who have been affected by the terrible fire in Lahaina.

On Monday (Aug 7) we had a storm and a tornado watch.  Many of you perhaps were in the same weather system. 

After the storm passed it rained for a while. I looked out periodically. Around 8.00 p.m. I saw movement on the deck.  Thinking it was a squirrel I went up to the glass and peered out.

It wasn't a squirrel!
It was a young raccoon. This is the first time I had seen a raccoon in a while, and she was curious.  I had been outside a few minutes before, and I wondered if she had been there at the same time without me noticing. 
I watched as she ambled over and positioned herself right next to the patio door.  She surprised me by standing on her hind legs and resting her paws on the glass, just staring up at me. I grabbed my phone, thinking she may have gone down the steps before I could get back to the window.  They are normally easily startled when discovered.  I didn't expect to get anything but there she was, still staring at me.
I tried fixing those glowing eyes, but I made her look even wilder, so I let her be.  It was too dark for a decent photo.  I was glad, however, that the video worked.  These are screen shots I took from my short video.  This all happened within a few minutes. 
She saw Gregg and looked at him as he walked up to the window, and then she looked toward the steps as if she heard something.  I thought she was going to run.
But she lingered for a few more moments, and we were as curious about her as she was of us. 
I realize they are not everyone's cup of tea, that they can get into things, like set up a nest in your attic, raid your trash bins. There are also the health issues we have heard about.  More importantly there are children and pets in the neighborhood, and we have to keep safe from any contact.  We must always be diligent. Thankfully, we have never had any problems, but we also never let our guard down.  
I had taken down the bird feeders once the raccoons started visiting, and for any wandering bears moving through the neighborhood like last year.  No mention of any yet. Maybe this one was looking over my new planter? There is a lot of wildlife around here, and they never stop looking for food. Our area was all forest before these housing complexes were developed. The wildlife was here first, and we have to learn to live with them, sensibly.  I say this for myself as a reminder.  My natural instinct is to want to take care of them all, but good sense prevails as I don’t want them to set up camp in my attic!  
Here is a link to a website where you can read all about them.

So, this is who came calling after the storm.


  1. That's odd that she stuck around for so long. A very long time ago we had a family of them who would tear the trash apart on a regular basis. I didn't care for them much back then. Where I'm at now I've never had a problem with them. I find them rather cute.

    1. That’s where I am with them, and never have had a problem, so far :)

  2. My heart also goes out to those affected by the dreadful fires - in Greece and now Hawaii.
    I love that your visitor gave you time to take photos and videos. Thank you for sharing the magic.

    1. Thank you Sue, I hope everyone will get the help they need. I am following the news closely and it is so very sad.

      Glad you enjoyed our little visitor and you are very welcome :)

  3. The young raccoon must have been separated from it's family. They can be rascals, getting into trouble but also can have rabies. I would keep my distance. Cute photos.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you for the good advice Eileen and I will definitely keep my distance. You take good care also and have a great week :)

  4. wow, I have never encountered a raccoon except in a zoo. That's really cool!

    1. Thanks Angie! The first time I saw a raccoon was in 1977. We were in navy housing in northern California and lived in a line of houses with a long, continuous balcony that we all shared. Back of us was a wooded area with a lot of trees growing next to that balcony. One evening several of my neighbors and I were getting together next door, and we used to just pop over to see each other by using the balcony. It was dark but there was subdued lighting. I came out of my back door to find myself almost nose to nose with three raccoons climbing down a tree. I was so startled that I screamed and the poor things hightailed it back up at light speed. I always used the front door from then on :) They are very common here and I have seen them most everywhere we have lived, but because there are many trees in our neighborhood, there have been visits from these critters ever since we moved to our present home 30 years ago, usually at night and in the summer months.

  5. You already know we have a family that lives here and we see them occasionally, i am happy to say they run when they see us, or even when we open the door. it might be tha we have always had dogs and that makes them scared. I wonder if this guy was A. hoping you would put the feeder back out or B. being fed by a neighbor and knows food comes from inside.

    1. Yes, I have enjoyed your posts about them. Good points you made about our visitor. Thanks Sandra :)

  6. I almost wonder if that raccoon was a pet at one time. She seems way too comfortable with humans. Very cool that she allowed you to take such awesome pictures though!

    1. I never thought of that. It worried me that she seemed a bit too comfortable. Usually they are more skittish and run as soon as they see you, which is always a good thing for them and for us. Thanks for the input :)

  7. Racoons are interesting and cute but they can be a terrible nuisance.

  8. Someone has probably fed it...My same instinct would be to feed it as well! Lol...but that would be the wrong thing to do...unless it was injured? No telling What I'd do then...probably take it to a Vet! Lol

    1. More than likely Donna :) and I would feel the same way if was injured. I have a phone number to call, a local licensed wild life rehabilitator who takes care of sick or injured wildlife. It’s a comfort to know I can call someone if need be. Sending hugs xo

  9. Oh thank you Denise! You take us from the excitement of discovery and those wonderful photos of your communion and then you tell us about the wild life in your area and the proper attitude towards them that you both have. Bravo! Very satisfying. Thank you so much for your good wishes. We are okay on Oahu, But of course all are affected in such a small place and it has been deeply emotional. Personal friends are okay. One friend's house is standing though others on her street are gone. Another is a nurse who is in the thick of helping. Any loss of local people feels like a big loss. The governor has said he won't let outside money turn Lahaina into a homogenized tourist town. They want local people to be able to rebuild and thrive. Thanks for your good wishes! Aloha

    1. Thank you Cloudia and appreciated what you know about Lahaina, about your friends. Those first responders deserve never ending gratitude, and I can understand the Governor wanting locals to help rebuild. One of the many things I loved about Lahaina was that it felt so true to the old days of Hawaii. Authentic in every sense of the word.

  10. They are cute. We have them here though they don't much come too far up. They stay down by the dump with the wild cats.

    1. That’s interesting, I haven’t seen any wild cats here. They all seem to be pets and kept indoors. People are wary of the other wild animals we get :)

  11. it is fun to capture pictures of any creature, but like you said, don't let your guard down. we had them in the past...i bought an owl that hoots and it's eyes light up, that has scared them off. we were having trouble with them pooping in the same spot on the new deck, every night. the owl i bought on amazon fixed the problem!! happy sunday denise!!

    1. Thanks for that great tip Debbi :) Happy Sunday to you too.

  12. I saw one here last night. This one's photogenic.

  13. The raccoon is looking so cute there

  14. What great photos you have here, Denise! The poor thing looks a little afraid after the storm--so wet and probably afraid. You are so right that all the critters are running out of places to live except neighborhoods.
    Our hearts go out to those in Maui--such a terrible disaster!

    1. Hello Martha Ellen and thank you :) I am thinking very much of Maui today. I look at the news every morning and see what's going on, and oh dear, it just makes me want to cry. As for our little raccoon, I felt quite sorry for her, all wet and straggly looking. I said to Gregg let's set up a nice warm place for her in the garage with an old blanket. Of course, I knew it was my emotional side of the brain talking and could never be :) My good sense side said can't do that. Got to keep everyone safe including this little raccoon. Habituating wildlife to humans is never a good idea, sadly. This is the mantra I have to keep repeating to myself. If we lived far, far away from civilization maybe. Another mantra, in another lifetime maybe, lol!

  15. You got some really great pictures. I haven't seen any racoons in our parts.

  16. Oh my, I didn't hear about this fire in Hawaii. I am saying a prayer right now for all those affected by it. Wow, a raccoon on your deck! Look at those eyes! It sounds like you are being cautious around him and being careful, Denise. Glad to hear you are Ok with the storm.


    1. Hi Sheri, thank you. They need our prayers, it was horrific! As for our little raccoon, I try to be cautious around our wildlife, as much as I love seeing them.

  17. Very smart move to not make them welcomed to your property. Great shots. That's too funny that it was so interested in you.

    1. We both found that interesting :) Thanks Ellen!

  18. My thoughts too. I do think those raccoons are so darned cute -- but tricky! One doesn't want to get too involved but as long as they aren't in your chimney or house (or bird feeder!), they're fun to watch!

    1. I have seen how tricky and fun on places like YouTube and Instagram :) They are very clever little things.


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