Sunday, August 6, 2023


I have this app on my iPad called ArtCard.  It gives some nice effects, and this is one of several. You will see a bee on a plant, one of the many bees I saw that day on a walk around Green Spring Gardens.  I will be sharing the actual photo soon. 

 This was two days ago (the 4th).  I love going to these places at different times of the year.  There is always something different blooming, and on every visit something new to see.  We definitely feel fortunate that we have several botanical gardens and parks within a short car ride away.

It was a tad humid but tolerable and I always keep water handy.  There were not too many people out and about, but I met Bubbles and her family.  A sweet little pup and two nice young ladies who were only too happy to tell me about her.  I said as I walked by, “You have a sweet pup!” and that was enough to start a conversation.  I had no intention of disrupting their own photographic session with Bubbles. I was following Gregg and he was half-way back to the car, walking ahead quickly so that he could turn the air on to cool the car.  But the closer I approached on the walking path, I spotted Bubbles.  When she saw me she started wriggling her body from side to side, her tail was doing a good impression of a whirligig, her front paws marching on the spot in a continuous Philip Souza motion. She was very excited, and the young ladies were concerned when she started jumping all over me. She had only been with them for a short time, but I reassured them that I was a tried-and-true dog lover and I understood puppies. I think Bubbles recognized a friendly ear scratcher and she certainly loved the attention.  
They probably would have been surprised if they knew that being around Bubbles was heartbalm for me, as Seraphina was a few days before.  Dogs always call to me like a siren song, as it did my father and his mother before him. I wouldn't be surprised if this has been passed down through even more generations before them.  Bye for now Bubbles, have a very happy life you sweet little dog.

So, finally at our car and with air-conditioner cooling (thank you Gregg), I was grateful for the extra water I had brought with me.  It was still nice and cold.  How on earth those early settlers managed when they experienced their first humid summer here, not to mention further south to the tip of Florida. They were brave souls.  

This shows our temperatures for the week.  It is cooler than it has been, and most nights are going to be from the mid to high 60’s.  

And another Sunday post. I am not sure this will be a weekly tradition as I usually take a rest day from the laptop. But while I have lots to share, along with the time and inclination, I will just keep them coming. At least for a while.  

Happy Sunday everyone, and
thanks for stopping by.


  1. What a cutie he is! And such a lovely photo of him sitting beside the Hibiscus. The Art Card effect is interesting, with lots of detail.

  2. Bubbles is a total cutie. I am so very glad that you met.
    Those temperatures are nasty. Stay as cool as you can.

    1. Me too Sue :) it makes a walk even more special. Weather-wise we are having it better than some. Thank you, I will be careful.

  3. Very cool art work. I used to have an app on an old phone that would do different things to pictures. I can't even remember what it was called.
    Bubbles is so cute.

    1. Hi Ann, I remember some of the artistic effects on an old computer that I loved and could never replicate on a newer one. In fact, one photo I put in a frame up on a wall with this effect after I printed it out on a linen-like textured photo. It is still there :) Yes, Bubbles was a real cutie.

  4. How sweet is bubbles. Like the photo effect as well.
    Keep cool as the temperature is getting bit uncomfortable.

    1. Very sweet isn’t he? Glad you liked the effort also. Thank you for the concern Margaret, I will be careful.

  5. Bubbles is adorable! Stay cool! Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week.

    1. Thank you Eileen :) I expect you are having the same weather, you stay cool too. I hope you have a great day and week also.

  6. He's really cute... we've only had 15 degrees for two weeks and a lot of rain... I hope there are come a few nice summer days before autumn comes with its cool windy weather... nonetheless we have a wonderful walk in the woods - and yes, there is always a lot to see.
    Viola wishes you a happy Sunday

    1. Greetings Viola, she was a very cute little pup! :) I hope your good weather returns soon. I read about all the snow in Reutlingen. Shocking at this time of the year. Good to know you got your walk. Sounds lovely! Happy week to you.

  7. I’m glad it’s cooling down a little bit. I just downloaded ArtCard. It looks like fun.

    1. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it Linda :) and yes, I am glad also.

  8. I just love those pink hibiscus. Beautiful and so plentiful.

    1. They are gorgeous aren’t they :) thanks Gigi.

  9. Bubbles sure is a cutie! That app sure is an interesting one, I had never heard of or seen that before.

    1. Totally agree, she was adorable! :) There are a lot of interesting apps out there. I am to have found this one.

  10. Sounds like a fun meet. Pups are the best.

    1. They certainly are and it was fun meeting up with her :)

  11. Bubbles is beautiful, i would have done exactly what you did. wait until you see what i had on my lap yesterday, you will love Winston

    1. I am looking forward to seeing Winston Sandra :) I know you would have enjoyed Bubbles too.

  12. Super efekt daje zastosowanie tego programu graficznego. Bardzo podoba mi się fotografia kwiatów i pszczoły. Piesek jest piękny i zabawny co prawda jestem zakochana w kotach ale pieski też bardzo lubię. Miłego tygodnia:)

    1. Bardzo dziękuję :) Koty też mają miejsce w moim sercu :) Życzę udanego tygodnia.

  13. Happy Sunday to you as well! Bubbles is gorgeous, I woud be stopping to talk also. I am envious of your cooler weather- we are set to top 106 today....UGH

    1. Happy Monday to you and UGH on the 106 temperature. I hope it cools down for you really soon. I loved meeting Bubbles, I hope she is keeping cool today also :)

  14. So nice you got to meet a new friend, Bubbles. Thunderstorms today in your area? I heard Florida is having some thunderstorms as well. Rain is always good. Here, in California, we rejoice when it comes!


    1. Thank you Sheri, I hope you get some rain out there. Just enough, not too much. I am always happy for some liquid sunshine :)

  15. Bubbles is so cute.
    Keep as cool as you can.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I will. Yes, she was very cute :) All the best to you too.

  16. I had a similar encounter this week with a dog that was jumpy, which I didn't mind at all.

    1. How lovely! I am happy you had a similar encounter.


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