Wednesday, August 23, 2023



Through the ample open door of the peaceful country barn,
A sunlight pasture field with cattle and horses feeding,
And haze and vista, and the far horizon fading away.

~Walt Whitman, Jr. - A Farm Picture~

This, as you might know, is another photo turned into art with my ArtCard app on my iPad.  I haven’t gotten tired of it yet and I hope you haven’t either.  The original photo I will share soon.  We went on another drive along the Snickersville Turnpike scenic route after having to curtail our last trip due to a car problem.  It was a very enjoyable ride and once again the weather was perfect.  We saw a lot of old barns and pretty homes.  Even the places that had been abandoned had their own beauty.  These red barns look incredible against the blue of the sky.

We had an unexpected visitor today.  A very regal looking hawk rested on the deck rail.   The neighborhood crows set up quite a racket.  They were warning other birds to stay clear and were sitting on other branches quite near it.  Gregg read that Blue Jays mimic the call of a hawk to warn other birds also.  The hawk flew up into a tree when it realized we were staring just beyond the glass.  After a few minutes of the crows loudly squawking it took off, with the crows in hot pursuit.  Gregg took a photo and tomorrow I will share it if it came out.  It all happened so fast.  I don’t know my hawks well enough to tell which kind.  Others I have identified as Coopers Hawks.  

Walt Whitman Jr. (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. He is considered one of the most influential poets in American history. Whitman incorporated both transcendentalism and realism in his writings and is often called the father of free verse.  His work was controversial in his time, particularly his 1855 poetry collection Leaves of Grass. Whitman was born in Huntington on Long Island, and lived in Brooklyn.  You can click on his name for more info.


  1. Love the barn - ours are rarely so picturesque and I really, really hope that the hawk photo was a success.

    1. Thank you Sue, this scenic road seems to have their share of pretty red barns :) Me too on the hawk photo :)

  2. The artwork on the barn is looking good Denise.
    Wow, how wonderful to see a hawk and have it so near.

    1. Thank you Margaret and lovely to see but always glad it moves on :)

  3. I love barns. This picture turned out really good. It looks like it should be framed and hanging on a wall.
    I bet that was something to watch with the hawk. Look forward to seeing the pictures tomorrow.

    1. Me too and thank you for the nice compliment Ann. I will be looking at the photo this afternoon :)

  4. Love the old red barns!

    1. They are special to look at. Thanks Donna and sending hugs :)

  5. Love the barn image! I think a hawk is hanging around my yard, it spooks away my little birds. Take care, have a great day!

    1. It's one of the prettier barns that I have seen around here. I love to see these hawks but I am always happy to see them leave. They keep our little birds away. You take care and have a great day also :)

  6. Nope, not getting tired of it yet. Looking forward to seeing the actual picture to compare it to!

    1. That's great and thank you :) I am working on that next post right now.

  7. art card looks very much like what we do in Lunapic online. I love to use it and did a lot of photos using it in the past. I forgot all about it being there, moved on to AI and other apps. its beautiful. our hawks have either eaten or chased all our birds away. only seen2 in the past week or so

    1. These apps are fun aren't they Sandra? :) Oh dear on the hawk. I love them and think they are extraordinary birds, but I would get very upset viewing them 'in action'. I am always grateful to see them but also grateful to watch them fly away.

  8. A nice result with that app. We are always excited to see a hawk. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Thank you Ellen and yes it was. You have a wonderful Wednesday also :)

  9. I'll never tire of your posts, Denise. Such lovely creativity on the barn and a lovely verse. Old barns capture my imagination when I see them as well. Looking forward to seeing Gregg's hawk photo. I didn't realize that blue jays mimicked the hawk's call. Nature never ceases to amaze!

    1. That's wonderful, thank you so much Martha Ellen :) I am going to check on that photo right after this and will post it tomorrow if it turned out okay. Gregg has a very good eye for these things. You're right about nature, I do so agree.

  10. Looks good. I used to have some kind of simple art app on my computer way back in the past. Those I've come across later have seemed too complicated.

    1. Hi Dawn, and thank you :) The one I used couldn't be more simple. Several effects and you just push a button. That's it! They have come a long way since first introducing them I think. Sandra at MadSnapper uses quite a few. She tells us what she uses and they sound excellent.

  11. This time I really AM going to go add that app as soon as I send this! A perfect barn.

    1. That's wonderful, so glad you like the look of it Sallie :)

  12. Barn picture always gives me a smile

    1. Me too roentare, they are wonderfully pleasant looking structures :)

  13. The barn is lovely. And lucky you, with the hawk visitor. they are magnificent.

    1. Isn’t it though? We felt very lucky with our visitor and I totally agree. Thank you Jeanie :)

  14. I do like your treatment of the barn.

  15. What an attractive old red bard, and a wonderful photo that you turned into art, Denise. Looking forward to seeing the original photo of the barn. Some barns are so old and faded, and then there are others that are sturdy and have kept their charming appearance throughout the years.


    1. So glad you liked it Sheri :) I am enjoying this art app. The original barn photo will be shared tomorrow :)


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