Tuesday, September 17, 2024


This one doesn’t look quite ready to get up yet. I know that feeling!

My latest cozy dream cottage.

I would definitely like this in there.

Or a crackling fire would be great on an extra cold morning.

Definitely this!

And maybe at the other end of the bedroom, or a cozy corner in a quiet part of the house.

And this in the garden.

And this, long considered to be a symbol of good luck. If you have a flight to fancy, if one lands on you it means better times are ahead, a positive experience is on its way. The dragonfly is also associated with change and rebirth, much like butterflies.

And talking of butterflies, how about some fun with food?

This is so cute!  I am not sure I would have the patience to put it together though. 

These look simpler, maybe not the lotus..

Does this sound good? This is the main part of our Christmas meal. I have never cooked it this way before. 

And for dessert? Once again, I have not made any of these recipes.

Or something healthier.  I am like the cartoon character who has the angel sitting on one shoulder, and the little devil on the on the other. Should I, shouldn’t I? 

Snacking for later, maybe! 

Pretty Fall art.

No rabbits this time, the bear wanted to say hello today.

How about some wildlife, the real kind this time?

Has she gone yet?  Not yet Baby, soon though, very soon but first, here are a few chuckles for you.

My dentist told me I needed a crown. I was like, I KNOW, RIGHT?”

The likelihood is that you have heard these before.
The following you have to know Marie Kondo to get it, and I believe she is known worldwide.  Her actual quote is, “Take each item in one’s hand and ask: ‘Does this spark joy? If it does, keep it. If it does not, dispose of it.’” I need Marie’s advice for getting into the closets this week. Otherwise I am tossing everything. 

Or I could always throw them back into the closet and wait until springtime, tsk!  I can hear distant laughter😆maybe, from those who know me are smiling or rolling their eyes up to the ceiling. 49 years of sentimentality in these bones. The man in the house has made his start, I will be following soon. Does this spark joy? I have 49 years of things that spark joy in this house, that's my problem.

A few wise words.

Ah yes, this is me.

It is time to tell the kitty that…

Enjoy the rest of your week everyone, 
And thanks for stopping by.


  1. so many interesting and funny things here! I adore foxes, and I love the bad kitties getting ready to knock everything off the table. By the way, I just love your sayings of odds and bods and bits and bobs. Are they English? Do they mean different things? I find myself saying them now! The dog on the bedspread is hilarious!

    1. Hi Ginny, thank you so much :) Odds and bods is an expression I remember quite often from when I was growing up, by family and friends when referring to different things, usually only a few items here and there. I was curious how it originated though and was happy you asked the question, as I never gave it much thought. It’s English and originated as odds and ends or odds and sods. We always used odds and bods. Here is what I found: “Miscellaneous items, fragments and remnants, ‘as in I've finished putting everything away, except for a few odds and ends’. This expression may have originated as odd ends in the mid-1500s, meaning “short leftovers of some material” (such as lumber or cloth). It had acquired its present form and meaning by the mid-1700s.” So there you go! Thanks for asking the question as it sent me on a curiosity search. That dog was a good one, glad I found it.

  2. These are lovely AI's Denise, the whole post is lovely.

    1. Thank you Margaret, happy you enjoyed :) and very much appreciated!

  3. A truly lovely selection - some of which definitely applies here too. Thank you.

    1. That’s super! Thank you Sue, and you are very welcome. I always try to find something that speaks to all of us :)

  4. Love your funny posts with top messages.

    1. It always makes my day when I read that. Thank you my friend :)

  5. The whole post looks like a series of fairytale images. So lovely.

    1. That’s a lovely compliment, thank you Roentare. I try to find interesting pictures to share. It is always enjoyable looking for them :)

  6. This is such a lovely, heart-warming post. I know what you mean about years of things that spark joy. I get lost in memories if I try to declutter!

    1. I am very happy you think so my friend :) We are kindred spirits, I get lost a lot when I go through things.

  7. A post packed full with comfort and joy. I could live happily in any one of those rooms you showed. I would also enjoy that garden so long as someone else was taking care of it and keeping it beautiful.
    I'm struggling with getting rid of things in my house. So I can totally relate to that.

    1. Sweet of you to say, thank you Ann, I try my best. Reading your comment I see we are kindred spirits :)

  8. Beautiful post Denise, the critter photos are cute. The cottage and garden are beautiful. I love the stone dragonfly, what a great idea. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen, always happy you enjoy what I share :) You take care also and I wish you a great day and week.

  9. I might just try to create one of those fancy trays next time we have visitors staying over. They look relatively simple. Time-consuming, for sure, but most things worthwhile are.

    1. That is great David, and when you do, I hope you will share a photo :)

  10. So many cute things :-) BUT I want that prime rib!

  11. Denise you provided us with such wonders on this rainy Tuesday.
    The dog on the bed was amazing. I need to check my oven setting to see if it even has a setting for 550. I do recall years ago my Mom would put a roast in the oven on Sunday morning. Just before we left for church she'd turn to oven off. The roast looks delicious.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Happy they helped :) Come to think of it Cecelia, I will have to check my oven also. That's interesting to read about your Mom roasting it this way. Thanks for sharing that. Hope it stops raining for you.

  12. love the bear dog most of all, bet that is not a surprise, bob loves prime rib, I have never even seen one cooked, or been anywhere that had them. bob had it in two restaurants when we first got married. you have so many beautiful and sweet graphic today, and hope you find a few things that don't bring joy. about the only thing in the house that brings joy to me are all my devices, and Beau and my new set of lights in the nook. the things stored in cabinets and drawers are the what if I need them things. I could be packed and ready to drive off in my new SUV if I won the lottery, in less than an hour.

    1. I thought that dog would be a favorite Sandra :) Prime rib roasts are wonderful. We only get it once a year for Christmas Day Dinner. I asked the boys what they would like and that's what they asked for, this was years ago, and we have done it ever since. Never cooked it this way though. Well, if I won the lottery it would take me a bit longer ;) I have boxes and boxes of old photographs, those would be the first I would take with me. I will transfer them to digital but it's hard to say goodbye to those old photo paper kind of treasures, a lot passed down from my parents and grandparents. All my joy :)

  13. So much joy in this sweet post, my friend. I identify with everything sparking joy. It's hard to let go of all the memories and joy. We sent a couple of bags off to Goodwill last week. A little at a time is easier for me. Have a happy day! (I know you will!)

    1. Lovely you think so Martha Ellen, thank you :) That's good advice, a little at a time. It's also how I tidy the house now, a little at a time. Takes longer but I am like the tortoise in the tortoise and the hare scenario. You have a happy day my friend, I know you will too :)

    2. A little at a time is our mantra here when cleaning our home as well Denise. I can't believe I used to clean our home by myself in one day! Now it takes the two of us many days, doing a little at a time.

    3. Oh my goodness, same here :) It reminds me of trying to stop the tide from coming in, impossible 😳

  14. Thanks for this lovely interlude with you. Denise. Look how many people. Appreciate you. Aloha

    1. I am happy to light the spark! Blogging friends always bring me joy, and I obviously include you my friend :)

  15. Thank you for such an enjoyable and mixed post ... brilliant :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you dear Jan, it makes me very happy that you enjoyed it. All the best to you too :)

  16. What a fun post! I loved browsing your dream cottage pictures, the recipes and the funny memes, especially the two cats ready to streamline the counter. Have a lovely week! I would surely love to try that 5 chocolate chip cookie recipe.

    1. Thank you Karen :) glad you had fun looking through the pictures. I would love those cookies, they sound delicious don’t they? You have a lovely week also.

  17. What a wonderful post full off lovely odds and bods.
    My favorites are the cottage and its garden, as well as the butterfly and cat in the fun foods.

    1. It’s so nice knowing which ones are your favorite :) Thanks Sandra!

  18. Such cute pictures! I buy sugared pecans at the co-op in Harrisonburg, but they don’t have egg whites, I think.

    1. Happy you enjoyed I haven’t had sugared pecans for years, not since someone gave them to us one Christmas :)

  19. Replies
    1. Estoy de acuerdo, los gatos son muy lindos. Gracias, te mando un beso :)


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