Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Another photo of the old house taken by Gregg, with one part of the Moon Gate off on the side. This house always seems to make an appearance in my posts from Green Spring Gardens. I love this old home with its green shutters and door, and its pretty garden bed always full of flowers in the front.

They had done a lot of landscaping on the other side. There were a lot of bare patches where the installation had been done, but I'm sure this will all be taken care of soon. I think the pathway's surface was also temporary...

...as through the gate it was all bricked in.  

I liked this circular area with the long, curved metal benches on each side. We couldn't make use of them as there had been a downpour but there will be other opportunities.

We had a nice surprise when we walked through and started looking at the flowers. I saw some rustling about four feet off the ground next to the bench on the right-hand side. More on our little critter in another post.

I realized that this area was one we had walked by on previous visits. Everything had grown tall and lush. 

Below there is a nice message and the names of those who made this Moon Gate possible. Two more people I have to thank. "For Love of Nature!" I'll venture to say that all of us who come to this garden feel the same way. And thank you Arlene and Barry for this lovely addition. I very much appreciate your generosity of spirit.

Another short post today but more photos soon.

Thanks for following along 
and I hope you have a great day.


  1. The Moon Gate and the surrounding gardens are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, so glad you enjoyed this. Thank you! :)

  2. All is really lovely. It is a nice place to visit, that's why you keep going back.

    1. Thank you Margaret, it's a favorite of ours for sure :)

  3. It is such a very attractive house that I'm not surprised it's frequently photographed. I really like the curved benches, just perfect in a circular area.

    1. Thank you Janice, and I agree on both, love those curved benches :)

  4. That circular gate is unique and beautiful

  5. What a lovely place this is. I've enjoyed seeing the photos and look forward to seeing more. I find that moon gate absolutely fascinating.

    1. That's great Ann, thank you! I agree about the moon gate, it really is fascinating :)

  6. The whole area is beautiful but it is highly modified “nature.” Manicured gardens with human intervention are hardly “natural.”

  7. there are several places here that I have done the same as you do here, going back over and over. it means we love it and each time we go there is something we did not see before and I have never seen a chipmunk if that is what you saw.

    1. Very true Sandra, couldn't have put it better myself :) Yes it was a chipmunk, a darling little thing that I will write about soon.

  8. I join you in our love of nature. The moon gate really adds a beautiful note to the garden. It's a striking addition that makes me think magical and mystical. BTW when I come to visit you, my computer always flashes a warning that your address isn't secure. I remove the s from https and then it lets me come to your site. Your address is a blogspot.com address and should be secure. I don't know why that happens but I've gotten used to it. I though you should know.

    1. So kind of you to let me know Carol :) Thank you very much! Some blogging friends have anti-virus programs that may pick up on the links I provide in my posts, as a security warning. The sites I use are all safe. I go back to them all the time and have never had a problem. They provide me with useful information on various things I have written about in my post. It cropped up a few years ago but I didn't realize this was still going on, but the bottom line is I don't know what to do about it. I just love those links so much as it gives me a refresher course on things I have learned about. Thanks again for letting me know and trusting me enough to keep coming back. I appreciate that than mere words can say.

    2. I trust you and love your posts! Please be sure to do more of your animals, especially the birds. You're quite funny and I need all the smiles I can get.

    3. Thank you my friend, I will keep those going and hopefully my funny bone will be up to the task :)

  9. It's so beautiful! The old house has been well taken care of.

    1. It certainly has, it's a local treasure around here :) Thanks Angie!

  10. The Moon Gate sounds like such a lovely and serene spot.
    I can almost picture myself there, sitting on one of those curved benches and enjoying the glorious view.

    Beautiful photos, Denise!

    1. Thank you Veronica Lee, very much appreciated :) It's a place to sit and enjoy. We have been going here for years now.

  11. Denise I do so love brick....
    I giggled at CHIPMUNK you are a funny friend
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Wonderful, thank you Cecilia. So glad this gave you a giggle :) Sending hugs.

  12. How very lovely Denise! I hope to take in a visit there one day. So nice to see the beautiful moon gate. Have a good day, my friend.

    1. Happy you think so my friend and thank you! You have a great day also :)

  13. lovely images of this beautiful area!! we need the rain but sometimes it stays on things too long!! it's good you pointed out the chipmunk, i definitely would have missed him!! the old home is gorgeous...and so well maintained!!

    1. Thank you Debbie, I know what you mean. I have another post of the chipmunks tomorrow. Gregg took these super close ups of them. Happy you enjoyed the home :)

  14. Oh my gosh, a tiny chipmunk!!! so adorable! I think these Moon Gate photos are better than your first one, it shows more detail. I love the house also, the white trim and green shutters. I love that big curved bench that goes with the curving pathway!

    1. Thanks Ginny, it's nice to see the detail on the moon gates, and that you spotted the chipmunk. Glad you enjoyed :)

  15. The two different ground coverings either side of the Moon Gate give the feel of stepping between two worlds :-)

    1. I can see that Beverley, it was very lush and overgrown with a couple of plants I had never seen before :)

  16. I love those curved benches and the moon gate...the more you show the more I love.

    1. Those benches fit beautifully don't they? That's wonderful Rose, so glad you enjoyed the moon gate :) Thank you!


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