Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Gregg took all these photos. It is hard to see but there are two chipmunks in the photo above, a few feet off the ground. One is on the righthand side next to the single pink flower, and the other is more to the left above the group of pinks flowers. The only reason I found them was all the rustling and movement that was going on as we walked by. You can enlarge the photo for a better look.

It turned out that they were very interested in this yellow flower - Wholeleaf Rosinweed - munching away not on the petals but on the bud that was left after the petals had been taken off. They could have eaten those too but all I saw was them munching away at the buds. Very entertaining!

This one was the most cooperative for photo taking. He did a great job of balancing, and I was fascinated to see the long toes and nails on his feet.
There are actually 25 species of chipmunks. All species are native to North America, except one, the Siberian chipmunk. You can find our eastern chipmunk in most of the eastern half of the United States and Canada. Western chipmunks inhabit the western states as well as most of Canada. The Siberian chipmunk is the only species that is found outside of North America. Its range extends throughout northern Asia, from central Russia to Japan.

These industrious little things never stopped while we were there. Apparently, chipmunks in captivity have been found to sleep 15 hours a day. I am not sure if they know how much these little ones in the wild would need.  Weighing in at 1 to 5 ounces (28 to 142 grams), chipmunks are among the smallest members of the squirrel family. They are also related to woodchucks and prairie dogs.

They like to live in burrows in woodlands and other areas that provide adequate camouflage. Some do make nests in logs or bushes, but most prefer to dig vast underground burrows. They make a camouflaged entrance hole and the tunnel they excavate can be from 10 to 20 feet (3 to 9 meters) long, There is a food storage area, and a nesting chamber that is kept immaculately clean and lined with leaves and other plant matter. 

What always amuses me is how you can see their cheek pouches expand as they stuff as much food into them as they can. Then they will make several trips back to their burrows for storage. One chipmunk makes as many trips as he can to transport more that 165 acorns that he has collected in a single day.

There is a wealth of information out there if you want to find out about this cute little animal. Baby chipmunks are called kits, kittens or pups. They are born blind, hairless and totally helpless in the spring. Their litters usually contain three to five babies, and they look like a pink jelly bean. Weighing in, pups are only three grams but develop quickly and leave the nest after only four to six weeks of age. 

This is just a small portion of what I have read about these very interesting little animals, and I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared today.

Thanks for looking and have a great day.



  1. Thanks for the info. They move so fast, I find your pics amazing. Linda in Kansas

    1. You are very welcome Linda :) Gregg took great photos of them.

  2. Oh my gosh! These are the most amazing photos of chipmunks. I saw a few in Chicago but couldn't get a good shot of them.

    1. Hello Kay :) thank you so much. I will make sure Gregg gets to see all these lovely comments about his photos. Glad you got to see them in Chicago. They can be fast on those tiny feet.

  3. The chipmunks in the blooms are so adorable!

  4. Lovely photos of the chipmunks Denise...

  5. Beautiful photographs of an enchanting little animal. I didn't know there were 25 species. Thank you for the information, Denise.

  6. Replies
    1. Very much so :) I loved getting to watch them for a while. Their focus was on those yummy flower buds.

  7. These photos are wonderful. The chipmunk is so cute. Greg captured him perfectly.

  8. there are three of these amazing photos of this cutie that I would frame and hang a set of three on the wall. they sure are adequately camouflaged

    1. Thanks Sandra :) I would love to do that. Nature can give our critters the most amazing camouflage at times.

  9. Chipmunks are adorable little creatures - the rodent that everybody loves. I swear that if rats had stripes we would love them just as much.

    1. They certainly are and you are no doubt correct about rats. I had a pet rat once, a story which I will tell one day :)

  10. Cute photos of the chipmunks and the flowers! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, glad you liked them. You take care and enjoy your day too :)

  11. You got wonderful photos! They are so adorable. I had no idea about the long burrows, or that there are so many different kinds. Lots of good and interesting info! When I was growing up, we had both squirrels and chipmunks out back. We would sit on the stoop for ages with a peanut in our hand till a squirrel would come and take it. And very, very rarely, a chipmunk would come up and grab one. That was the best treat, and still a favorite memory. LOVE this post!

    1. Thank you so much Ginny, and for telling us your memory from childhood, I really enjoyed it :)

  12. what great photos of the chipmunks, we have them here but recently two feral young cats have shown up and I hope they didn't catch them

    1. Hi Linda, thank you! :) Goodness, I hope they stay safe from the feral cats. They are pretty swift on their feet.

  13. Those chipmunks are very cute and Gregg took some great photos of them.

    1. Thank you Beverley, I always enjoy photos that Gregg takes. Gives me a whole different perspective on camera angles :)

  14. Gregg's photos are great of these darling chipmunks. We don't have them in our yard and I'm not sure why. Thank you for the information about their habits and homes Denise. To think they start out the size of jelly bean is amazing!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I will let Gregg know how much you enjoyed them, and you are very welcome :) It's quite extraordinary to find out all these facts about them.

  15. Thanks for all that information. I didn't know about this animal. I adore. In fact, I have a stuffed version in my bedroom named chippy. Thank you, Dee

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia :) How lovely you have a little chippy. I have a lot of teddy bears, plus a few other animals but unfortunately no chippy :)

  16. They are adorable...I bet you really enjoyed watching them. I know I would have.

    1. Thank you Rose, much appreciate that you enjoyed them. They are a lot of fun to observe :)

  17. Denise please thank Gregg for the excellent close ups of the chipmunks.
    They are quicker than greased lightning here. They have adorable faces that I can finally see.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Hi Cecelia :) I certainly will thank Gregg and thank you :) We usually see that greased lightning here too. We were very fortunate to see them feeding, and they didn't seem to mind us at all, at a safe distance. Sending hugs!

  18. Replies
    1. Muchas gracias :) Agradezco tu comentario. Te mando un beso.

  19. Gregg did a great job with the photo taking and your text was a great accompaniment, Denise. I learned more about chipmunks than I did before reading, which is always good.

    1. He was happy they turned out so well. We rarely ever get an opportunity to take a chipmunk that isn't on the run :) Yes, always good! Thank you!

  20. Fun photos! Chipmunks are so cute.


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