Monday, September 30, 2024


I realize this might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is my favorite breakfast of the moment, and I wanted to make a record of it. Not just for breakfast either, it would make a nice light lunch or supper. Also, I have enjoyed pumpkin seeds for a long time but putting a few over my poached egg on toast is a new thing for me. I also didn't know at the time all the health benefits they provide. After those delicious fish and chips we had the other day, I wanted to go light this week. So, no recipe today, just a simple breakfast put-together. It's a bit convoluted so you might want to skip a lot of the info. That's something else I do for my own memory jogger, but at the same time hoping you might find some of this interesting.

Poached Egg on Toast with Pumpkin Seeds

1 large egg

1 slice whole-grain bread, any favorite

1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds (there are approximately 47 calories in 1 tablespoon)

Poach your egg. I boil my water first, once it's bubbling I start toasting my bread (and it took a few tries to get it in sync with the finished egg), crack the egg and carefully put contents into the water. Toast pops up, put on plate, take egg carefully out of the water with a slotted spoon (whites should be set), place poached egg on toast. Sprinkle the tablespoon of pumpkin seeds over everything and that's it.

If you have any techniques or tips here, would love to read them in the comment section.

I don't have an egg poacher, it would probably look prettier if I had but figured it tastes great to me so no problem. However, I read at this link - host Lisa at Downshiftology, she notes, "Fine mesh sieve: this is the one tip that consistently produced the best poached egg. When you crack an egg you'll notice that there's a firmer white and a more liquidy white. Well, that liquidy white is what creates all those white wispies. So, add the egg to a fine mesh sieve/strainer, and the thinner, more liquid white is removed, leaving only the firmer white which will envelope the yolk." I will try this. The blog host has several other tips, yays and nays.

There is another recipe with interesting tips here also. Link is Natasha's Kitchen

I must admit that I have always put my eggs in the water and have tried various ways in the past, but my go-to is just to go for it and they seem to work out. However, these tips do make a lot of sense.

I am fortunate that poached eggs on toast are enjoyed by my family. Our dear son grew up having these. When he comes over for breakfast after dropping off our dear daughter-in-law (their work hours are different at times), poached eggs are still a favorite choice.

I have been reading up a lot on various food items and the health benefits. Pumpkin seeds are way up there and here's a list.

Rich in zinc and other beneficial minerals.

Improvement in HDL (Good) Cholesterol.

Fights intestinal parasites - yes, ewww, but still.

Reduces Arthritic inflammation.


Promotes good sleep.

Rich Omega-3 source.

High levels of magnesium.

Hair restoration.


Alkaline forming.

Only an interesting guideline and of course you should always check with your doctor to see what their knowledge/opinions are on these things. I just found it interesting for me to add this so I could look at it every now and again. I have made a note to ask on my next doctor's appointment.

Do you enjoy pumpkin seeds? Do you have any of your own health tips to share? I am always curious to learn regarding anyone’s first-hand experience.  

This won't be a regular posting on such things. My normal Monday Morning Recipes will be resuming next week. 

Thanks so much for looking and I wish you all a great week.


  1. I would have never thought of this combination. And so simple!

  2. I do like pumpkin seeds but hadn't thought about adding them to eggs. Thanks for the tip. And when I poach eggs I do as you do.


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