Tuesday, October 1, 2024



I am offering apples, would you like some?

How about these beautiful sunflowers?

These are a couple of jigsaw puzzles I put together, with a poem in between. 


Mr. Bear has the right idea.  I feel the need for a good long soak today.

because bear was a tad bit grumpy earlier.

Just kidding! 

For the love of children. 

Today’s dream cottage.  You would half expect to see a few fairies.

Here’s my dream kitchen showing a pretty walled-in garden outside.

Or I would be happy with this one, and what fun that would be to have my own pet chicken?

All that is needed now is a comfy corner to sit in a comfy chair.

Here’s my bedroom, or…

this one.

A new word for me and it's not only the clouds I love looking at.

Wise words but I welcome any thoughts, any comments on this. You can enlarge any of these pictures to see more details.

And now for a recipe or two.

This little bear and his little friend seem quite happy. A hot beverage has a way of being very comforting.

So, time for a warm beverage. Hot milk for them to share, and for us…

And now for some fun with Food

That's all for now.



  1. So, what are the inverted hooks on the apexes of the roof of the lovely cottage house? Sending my math teacher DiL the algebra tidbit! Lovely photos. Linda in Kansas

  2. Autumn is a beautiful time of year, which you showcased well in this post.
    Novalunosis is a new word for me - and I plead guilty.
    Love the sound of the parmesan potatoes too.

  3. What a lovely post and AI's and all, Denise. I did enjoy as always.

  4. A cornucopia of delight from you this October morning. The food fun looks delightful but I know I haven't the patience for such things. My loss, of course.

  5. “May we raise children who love the unloved things” - indeed we must.

  6. I love all the pictures here. So many cute ones and those cottage ones are amazing. I want to go hang out in one of those rooms. I enjoyed the poems as well. That was a good list of things to promise myself.

  7. Happy October to you! I love all the cute and pretty images and the poems.
    Take care, have a great day!


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