I am still getting positive responses from relatives and friends, so I am hoping you still feel the same. I type as fast as my brain goes, and the minutiae gets included. I do tend to ramble on. Also, if anyone has an aversion going to the dentist, you might want to skip that. It's not terrible, terrible, terrible, just not a very pleasant experience. In other areas, I have found stepping-stones that have sent me in all directions on this post. My aim, however, is always to give you a few smiles when you visit. I am starting off with the Halloween Card Ann sent me. Now that gave me a big smile. Thank you Ann!
It's lovely, so cleverly made, with cute sentiments for the season. Those of you who have received it, will see what I mean. I loved adding it to my shelf, and it is now keeping company with your Fall card Ann, so thanks again my friend. You can visit Ann's Snap Edit Scrap blog if you click on this link. If you have never visited before, you will have a fun time browsing through other card creations, she decorates cakes too and is very creative with themed crafts, and her art doodles are always fun. Monday, 10-14-24: I started this on Tuesday the 15th. "Gregg, what did we do yesterday.” He said, "Well, I went to the store." It was definitely one of those days and I was having a hard time remembering 24 hours back. I had a restless night and I didn't sleep much the night before.
I am sharing two jigsaw puzzles below. These are from my iPad. I did quite a few last month, and also this month. With Halloween coming up, I wanted this week and next to have several in my posts, this one in particular, and I have a fun time doing them. I will add other picks between each day of my journal, and one or two in between if long. The one above and several others below, after the kitties, are from AI.

Tuesday, 10-15-24: I started off with Weetabix for breakfast topped with a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds and a tablespoon of raw almonds, with half a cup of warmed almond milk. I also had the rest of a smoothie, made but not finished the day before. I found it in the fridge. I gave it a whirl in the blender and it was perfect. My smoothies usually consist of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, a small banana, a couple of dates occasionally (not necessarily in that order and not all at once. It depends what I have in the fridge). Next a cup-and-a-half of almond milk. I alternate with coconut water when I feel like a change. I have the first glass and there is usually enough for another glass later on when I feel like a snack. I had forgotten about my dental appointment. It was 7.00 a.m. when I ate breakfast. If I had remembered I wouldn't have eaten.

Okay, here's a bit of a saga so this is where you might want to skip the trip to the dentist and continue reading further down. Gregg drove me over there for a cleaning. Thankfully it wasn’t the longest session I have ever had, and I don't have to go back for 6 months. I am exceedingly joyful! There has been a turnover at this practice. The dental hygienist that I developed a wonderful rapport with for several years has left, also the dentist who used to come in at the end and check on her work, she left too. Neither of us had been to the dentist for a good length of time and this was a complete surprise. My old dental hygienist did most of the work. No complaints from me whatsoever. Another big plus was that they both had a gentle touch. They were both friendly and warm towards all their patients. The people in reception were great also, equally friendly in their interactions. Just what you would love in a dentist's office right?

Gregg had gone before me on his last visit three months ago, and he warned me that I would notice a difference and that the old crew had left.

My first dental appointment with the new team was shortly after his, this being three months ago. I met them and they were okay. It takes a while getting used to new people, new routines, this I realize. However, neither the new dentist nor the dental hygienist had a gentle touch. To put it bluntly, with both this appointment and the last, I felt I was choking in the chair most of the time, and also felt like I had a jackhammer in my mouth. I had asked not to be lowered so far down. I experienced this with the old team only once, and they immediately figured out what was happening and elevated my chair enough for the rest of the process. I find being too low sets off my gag reflex, and apologies for that image. The new team paid no attention to my request to be elevated. Also, I had rivulets of water running down behind my neck from the doo-hickey they use to suck up as they spray water in the mouth throughout the procedure! There was definitely something very off kilter.

I was also given the hard sell on a lot of added dental work, all cosmetic, not to mention expensive. At 74, as long as everything is healthy, I don't need to look pretty inside my mouth. I didn’t say that of course but instead, and as politely as I could muster, each time the dentist asked, I answered no thank you, no thank you, no thank you and no thank you. The dentist frowned and made me feel very uncomfortable - again - and I was getting a bit you-know-what!

Also, it was the first time I had to have my knee elevated for a length of time since I sprained it. I slipped in the shower that morning and ricked it a bit - I have already invested in a new non-slip bathmat and am thinking safety handles. Knee was pitching a fit by the time I got to the practice, even with a knee brace and I will be going back to the doctor very soon. I roll my eyes when I think of when I originally sprained it, which was trying to keep up with that 25+ young marine - story here if you haven't read before. Yes, everything goes in my journal. It's a memory jogger for me and though part of the mundane, I would have enjoyed learning about my own parents and their ho-hum happenings.

Nope, not a happy camper. I told this dentist about my knee giving me pain, but they didn't exactly go out of their way to make sure I was more comfortable, not that they could have done much I realize that. But they could have elevated my chair like I asked. They didn't! The whole experience was horrid. It might have been better if I had cancelled, but foresight is a fine thing, and I hated the idea of doing that at the last minute. Anyhoo, when I got out of the chair I was limping badly, and the jack-hammer cleaning didn't help.
I really dislike the process of finding another dentist but I have six months to make up my mind. I'll give them another try I think, have a chat with them and make a few requests before they sit me down, and if they listen to me, that will be the deciding factor. Gregg's appointment was the previous week to mine, and he noticed the same things I told him about. He said he is ready to look around too if necessary.
So, what did we do next? Nutty me went off to our weekly fastfood lunch right after, though it was almost an hour before we reached the place. After we had eaten, on to the coffee shop drive-thru for coffee AND a chocolate brownie! There is a correlation between going to the dentist and having chocolate right after a session. I am sure I have heard experts say this. Yes, I know, liar, liar, pants on fire. There is no logic there whatsoever.

A memory: my dear mother, gave me a lot of TLC after something had happened to upset me when I was a kiddo, usually from school. She would say, "Here you go my love, this will make you feel better" and she would place a chocolate bar in my hand from her own comfort stash. "Thanks Mum", as my boo-boo face turned into a big smile just for Mum. I smile about this even now, but it set a pattern for the rest of my life. So, from those feel-comfort-good chocolate bars from my dear, sweet Mum, to the chocolate brownie from the coffee shop. I am so glad I don't have to go back to the flipping dentist for another six months because my waistline can handle no more!
A joyful moment on the way home was when my little friend here stopped next to us at the traffic light, and definitely cheered me up.
"Hello My Little Darling! Aren't you an adorable little pup?" "I am adorable" she agreed. "My human tells me that all the time." "Well, you've brightened my day immensely." "You're very welcome" she said, and then looking at me sympathetically, said "You look like you can do with a chocolate bar. Would you like one? My human keeps a secret stash in the glove compartment. She tries to hide it but my nose knows." "How sweet of you, but no thank you" I said, and then little pup ended with, "I have to go now, the lights have changed. Have a wonderful day!" And with that I didn't need anything else as I was licking my fingers from the warm, gooey melted brownie, and smiling from ear to ear. Doggy and chocolate fixes have a way of doing that. And now back to being good! Well, at least I tried being good.
Off on another tangent, as I looked at the cute photo of the dog and cat sharing a bar of chocolate, I remembered that dogs and cats should not eat chocolate as it is toxic to them. This page at the ASPCA gives all the food that is bad for pets. The one on chocolate is the fourth paragraph down. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number is (888) 426-4435. I didn't know that dark chocolate in particular is even worse than milk chocolate. White chocolate has the lowest level of methylxanthines, while baking chocolate contains the highest. And now I know. You can read more at the website.
Wednesday, 10-14-24: Our son and daughter-in-law were here this morning. They are on their way to New York for a few days and as we are on their route, they came by to say a quick hello before getting back on the road. Son showed me a picture from his cell phone that he had taken yesterday. There is a hawk on top of the pole on the left. He told me it wasn't a very good shot of the hawk but I told him how much I liked it, that I loved the composition of his photo, with the nice background of clouds. It was as it always is, a super visit. This picture isn't actually a hawk I know, but I was playing around on my computer again, enjoying the Halloween theme.
My daughter-in-law made me a crocheted throw, which now the nights are getting chillier, is keeping me toasty warm in the evenings. She made sure to pick the color of yarn that I like, and she chose a few from the cushion she and son bought me as a gift last year, which I also love. She has always been very thoughtful.
After they left, my dear other half went up to the bagel shop and brought breakfast home. We had a bacon, egg and cheese bagel today, and also a coffee, and NO chocolate brownie. I am surprised he didn’t ask the lady sitting outside if he could borrow her pup for half an hour. Yes, I jest. There are seats and small tables outside the coffee shop, and there always seem to be customers with pups lying under the table. Today there are rainbows over my head and the visit from my Sweeties helped enormously and besides...
It is now early evening. Grumpy Bear is sustaining me with a nice hot cup of green tea with ginger, my new favorite drink. Grumpy Bear is quite old now. I bought him when we visited the Grand Tetons years ago. I remember seeing him and several others on a shelf in the gift shop at Lake Jackson Lodge, and knew he was coming home with me. It never fails when I take him off the shelf now, that his grumpy expression gives me a chuckle, because I choose it usually after I have had a grumpy session myself.

More witchy pictures. This time I asked for girls in cute witch costumes, with candle lit Jack O' Lanterns, a broomstick and a black cat. I added 'and put buckles on her shoes', this because if I don't say, very often they get up too close and only the top half of the figure is shown and a) I like to see what they come up with in the way of scenery, and b) more of the dress details. These are what were given to me. They have several options of artistic style, and it is fun looking at all the detailing in those costumes.
One of the jobs I thought I would like when I was young, was working backstage in the costume department of a theater, but in my little town I had no idea that those opportunities were open to me. There were two small, local theaters, but it never occurred to me to go knocking on doors. It was a nice dream, and another fork in the road where I might not have met my dear. Things work out.
I also wanted to be a police officer. Dad was aghast when I mentioned it. (I have a feeling I have mentioned these stories before and apologies if that’s the case.) There weren't that many female police officers back then (he himself being a police officer). Dad put his foot down and I listened to my Dad, '...no daughter of mine', etc., etc. It was his way of protecting me of course. Another fork in the road where I might not have met my dear and I wouldn't be here telling you all about it. Yes, things have a way of working out.
This particular stepping stone sent me all over the place, starting with an old newspaper cutting I found in my mother's belongings several years ago, along with a lot of old letters and photos. This cutting shows an inspection ceremony given by Staffordshire County's Chief Constable. He is talking to the only female police officer in my Dad's division. I am not sure of the exact date but I am guessing early 1960s. Dad is the man on the far right in civilian clothing. Staffordshire is where I grew up until the age of 15. I have added
the link with its information. It has been enjoyable catching up on the area's history. Another side story, when we moved to our present location here in Virginia from California 30 plus years ago, we noticed there was a town called Stafford about 50 miles south of us. One weekend we drove down to explore the town. Along a trail we noticed a plaque and much to our surprise it had a short story of how people from Staffordshire, England, settled here many, many years ago, probably in the 1600/1700's. However, I could not find that
in this link. It said "European explorer Captain John Smith sailed up the Potomac from Jamestown to present-day Stafford and set foot on its shores." One of these days we're going to have to take another trip to try and find that plaque again.
Since starting the above paragraph, I found the Staffordshire, England connection.
George Mason I, settled in Westmoreland County in the early 1650s after leaving Staffordshire England around 1652. He is thought to have named Stafford County after his homeland. George Mason University where our son went to school, was named in honor of Mason's great grandson. Several street names on the university grounds, (such as the one below) were named after towns in that area of England.
(Another small world story, Mason was born in Pershore, Worcestershire, England, in 1629, and was Christened in Pershore Abbey. I have a painting of Pershore in my hallway. My sister and brother-in-law lived in that general area and I visited Pershore many times in the early 1970s. I bought the painting after visiting one time. It is fun to find these connections and I will enjoy reading more.)
Thomas and Gerard Fowke: These brothers emigrated from Staffordshire with
George Mason I.
The Brent Family also moved to Stafford County in 1647 to
escape religious intolerance. The Brents' ancestral home in England was Lark

One more story about Dad, and I realize I am going all over the place here, but this will be the last for a while. I once wanted to go to the art school my art teacher continually recommended to me during his classes. It was in London. "What?" my horrified Dad exclaimed, "No daughter of mine is going up to London". Dad wasn’t too happy with my art teacher putting these ideas into my head. I'm sure my Mother was involved in that conversation behind the scenes. I was in my teens and the prospect of heading to The Big Smoke to go to this school was very exciting. I had practically packed my bags, even though it would be another couple of years or so before I could have gone. Yes, my Dad was very protective of his girls, no doubt because of his line of work. And I was thinking that here I am all these years later and if things had worked out the way I wanted them to as a young girl, I wouldn't be typing this and telling you all my ramblings, let along being married to my dear other half.

Thursday, 10/17/24 at 1.43 p.m: well, we did it again. Gregg said he fancied a trip up to Santini’s for a cold cut sub and asked if I was up to it. My knee had calmed down somewhat, and it was nice to get out. I had a steak and cheese submarine sandwich. We both bought half of our sandwiches home and ate the rest for dinner. Back to fixing things at home tomorrow. We don’t usually eat out more than once a week. It's been special.
The Sweeties got up to New York okay last night, and have already met up with several friends. They sent photos this morning and I will share some of the sights they saw another day. Gregg is watching baseball and I came up to bed early for some reading. I picked up my Jane Goodall book. I have had it a while. I was trying to get a bit artsy with my photo.
Friday, 10/18/24: Breakfast was another smoothie, with fruit mentioned above but I tossed in a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds and a tablespoon of raw almonds. Couldn't taste them but welcomed the extra nutrition. Gregg has gone off to CostCo
. While he is out I am going to make hard-boiled eggs and throw in a few diced tomatoes for my lunch. I was going to eat the last avocado but it had gone past it. Doesn't take long for those things to turn. I am also going to start dinner. We are having
chicken and dumplings tonight. It's one of our first cold weather meals made.
Saturday, 10-19-24: In the late afternoon we went to our nearest park for a short walk. The tree above was taken on our way and it is one of the prettiest I've seen. A lot of the trees don't seem to have too many reds in them this year. The park was busy as there was a reservation sign for a children's birthday party and young guests had already started arriving. I took several photos and will share them soon. Many of the windows at the visitor center have these drawings on them. It's a great way to protect the birds.
We didn't stay long, but the photos I took I will share in the next few days.
Sunday, 10-20-24: We took a ride to Skyline Drive. It was very crowded. The weather was gorgeous and everyone decided to get out and enjoy themselves. I will share those photos soon also. We left the house mid-morning and didn't get home until almost 5 p.m.
The last picture which I used for my signature sign-off, I asked for a witch driving a Model T Ford. If I ever coveted a car, this would be it. I don't covet cars and am only interested in what gets me from A to B. In another time, however, I would have loved this old classic.
I promised you a shorter journal this week, but they have a tendency to get away from me. I will do my best to shorten the next one. If you have stuck with me until the end, I really do appreciate that. Thank you so much!

The witch driving the Model-T is adorable. And this tree is gorgeous, both in color and shape. Your daughter-in-law's cushion and throw are wonderful, beautiful colors and they match so well. What a dentist visit! We live in a small city, yet have many dentists right in our neighborhood! So I think you may have quite a lot there to choose from. I think the best way is to ask your friends for recommendations. I cannot remember if you have had any imaging on your knee! A diagnosis? I think you should return to your doctor. Please keep me informed on it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ginny and I appreciate all your support :) When I find out anything I will let you know. We have a great number of dentists to choose from. We have always been very satisfied with this practice until the changeover. Maybe teething problems, I am not sure. The trees are gorgeous right now. Fall is such a wonderful time of the year.
DeleteOf course I made it to the end. I very much enjoy your ramblings. The dentist visit sounds dreadful. I am not sure I would give them another chance.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sue, it was quite a ramble and I appreciate that very much :) Believe me when I say, I had one years ago who was much, much worse. I think this is why I am so hesitant but best foot forward. I will give myself some distance before deciding.
DeleteA fun romp, except for the dentist of course. It is important to have a simpatico one. I hope you have a beautiful week my friend. Aloha
ReplyDeleteSimpatico is exactly the right word. I do not feel we were simpatico :) Thank you my friend, I hope you have a beautiful weekend. I am late commenting and it is Friday already. Aloha!
DeleteChange dentists! If they don't respond to a request while you're in the chair, they aren't going to at a "sit down" meeting with them. After mine retired, it was replaced with a drill-happy one. Then, I had a good one, who moved to the rich side of town, then I went to my son's, who tried to switch and bait me. I finally looked at reviews and found a good, efficient, and gentle team at a new dentist, if you want to come to the Kansas City suburbs. Keep looking. Ask friends for suggestions. Linda in Kansas
ReplyDeleteI am getting a lot of good advice. Thanks Linda, if I had to bet, it would be that I won’t be walking through those doors again. You have offered great advice which is well received. I appreciate it very much and will do as you suggest :)
DeleteYou are very welcome for the card and I'm so glad you like it.
ReplyDeleteAll the pictures are so cute. I enjoy seeing them all. Your dentist visit sounds dreadful. They need practice their bed side manner. I love the dentist I have his staff is so so but he is wonderful.
Thank you Ann, I am enjoying it very much :) Great to know you have dentist you can trust.
DeleteLovely newsy post Denise, and I did read it all. Love the photos and jigsaws you did, and oh how dumb are those people who cleaned your teeth, if they don't take in the comfort of their patients they might not have any.
ReplyDeleteSo your mum gave you chocolate to fix things, good idea and a nice memory of your dad too..
Take care and hope the knee improves more for you..
So glad Margaret, thank you very much :) and I appreciate all your supportive comments. Hubby and I were trying to figure it all out. He thinks they are all recently qualified and this might be their first practice purchased from the previous dentist who moved on reason unknown. I hope they can ease into it a little more smoothly for their patients sakes and theirs for that matter. Yes, Mum always had a comforting word when I needed it, and a chocolate bar, lol!
DeleteI so enjoyed reading your journal of the week Denise. Dental visits can be so trying. We have had similar trials finding a new dentist ourselves. It was quite nice hearing about your Dad and his protective nature of you and your sister. What a great news clipping of him. All of your AI pictures are darling. I must admit to liking the whimsical side of Halloween vs the macabre visions that seem to be popular these days.
ReplyDeleteWe actually live in Stafford county so it was interesting to read about it here. I will visit your links you shared. Have a lovely day my friend!
That’s lovely Martha Ellen, thank you so much! I hope you have found your dentist. Dad was a giver of kindness and sage advice, but if we tested the limits as in wanting to go to London or join the police, then that was a bridge too far :) So glad you enjoyed the ai art. I am more on the whimsical side of Halloween art and decorations, though those around the neighborhood are a bit ghoulish, and I have shared a few photos but not others. I hope you found the links interesting. You have a lovely day also my friend, and a happy weekend.
DeleteI come away from reading your posts with a warm, happy feeling, so please don't change.
ReplyDeleteI agree with others - your dentist does not deserve your custom and should never be touting for business. Dental visits are stressful enough without staff who don't listen and apparently don't care.
At one time, I wanted to join the Royal Navy but my father and brother-in-law were pretty horrified and talked me out of it. I'm glad they did.
Thank you Janice, so glad :) Another no on the dentist, thank you! I will be looking around for another one. How interesting you wanted to join the RN. Yes, things work out for the best.
DeleteI go to the dentist three times a year and they do what they do and I leave. That’s it. I haven’t a clue whether they are kind and considerate or mean and nasty. My mouth always feels good when I leave though!
ReplyDeleteYou made me smile David, thank you :) I have to feel comfortable with these medical people. If I don’t, especially when it is a particularly uncomfortable session, then I don’t go back. I am already looking around for another.
DeleteI don't know what happened to my last comment, it just disappeared! That is what happens when you have a dog on your lap when typing!
ReplyDeleteBlogger is acting up lately. I have been finding my answers to blogging friends and their comment is nowhere to be seen. Also finding comments in my spam folder again. I know we are not alone. Or maybe it was your sweet dog, lol!
DeleteOUCH on your knee. I've been messing with a strained ligament in my right knee for about 18 months. It doesn't bother me to walk...in fact I just returned from 43 mint EMW in the neighborhood. It bothers me most when I sit too long. I guess the ligament elasticity will eventually stay extended.
ReplyDeleteThe throw is beautiful and the colors WOW
Hugs cecilia
It is a beautiful throw, and lovely to have it keeping me toasty on these chilly evenings. Oh dear, that strained ligament sounds awful too. I am relieved you can walk so far. I can barely make it into the kitchen. I try to get up regularly but it’s painful when I get up and walk around. I miss my walks immensely. My follow-up Doctor’s appointment is soon.
DeleteI think you could look for another dentist.
ReplyDeleteThanks Christine, doing that right now :)
DeleteDon't ever worry about shortening your journal...I always enjoy reading what you say.
ReplyDeleteYou are so kind Rose, thank you my friend :)
DeleteLove your Halloween pictures! Yes, it is time to find a new dentist.
ReplyDeleteI’m a chocolate fan myself.
That’s great, thank you Linda. Nice to see a kindred spirit in the chocolate department :) and yes on the dentist.
DeleteI am feeling your dental discomfort, Denise. Not a pleasant experience for you. I agree with others that it might be worth finding another dentist who actually listens to you and doesn't try to drown you with the water spray. I hate visiting the dentist but my current dentist has been pretty good. Like you a chocolate treat usually follows such a trip. The crochet throw from your daughter - in - law is so pretty and will keep you cosy over the next few months.
ReplyDeleteGrumpy bear mug made me smile, I'm sure he brightens any grumpy thoughts! Thank you for sharing more of your early life and about your dad. It is good to look back sometimes and see the journey we have been on.
Thank you Beverley, that's so kind of you :) Yes, I think I have made my mind up to get someone new, for all the reasons you give. My daughter-in-law is keeping me toasty right now, even though the day was very nice but the nights can be chilly, especially as we have had the doors and windows open for fresh air. Old Grumpy Bear is my smile bringer :) Very true, and our journeys are always part of our history for our families to read also.