Thursday, October 17, 2024


 A long time ago I shared old family photos but they will be new to many, so here they are again.

 Above, on the left, is my father’s father, Thomas Charles. He was a blacksmith at the Sunbeam Motorcar Factory in Wolverhampton, England. I think this photo was taken for a newspaper on his retirement, probably in the late 1950's. Nandad passed away when I was eleven. 

My father described him as very 'Victorian' and I found him a little scary at times. I was a very active, all-over-the-place kind of child and Nandad - as all of us grandchildren called him - thought that children should be seen and most definitely not heard. On one occasion I had done something he disapproved of. I ran over his foot when playing with my cousins. I remember my beloved Nanny’s soothing voice saying to him, as I literally hid behind her skirts, "Now Tom, she is only a child." 

I often think how nice it would have been to know him as an adult, to let him know that I turned out okay and to reassure him that what he perceived as a naughty little child, turned into a pretty straight arrow kind of an adult, with a few Victorian ideas of her own.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day. 


  1. Cool photo! Glad you turned out okay, fine and dandy! Linda in Kansas

  2. Growing up I never knew any of my relatives other than my immediate family. Indeed I was in my forties before I discovered that I have cousins - half a world away. I envy you your photo of your Nandad - and that you got to meet him. I am sure that he would be proud of how you turned out.

    1. That’s sweet of you to say Sue, thank you. I hope so :) Do you keep in touch with those cousins you found? I am happy to have these photos I must admit.

  3. A lovely post Denise. I'm sure he's up there looking down smiling 😉

    1. I am glad you enjoyed this post Margaret, thank you and I hope so :)


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