Sunday, September 15, 2024


I had a 24-hour pet rat when I was about eight years’ old, a vivid memory to this day, given to me by a little boy I knew in the neighborhood. When he showed me I immediately fell in love with that sweet little thing. I toddled off home carrying it in a small cage, very excited to tell mother about my new pet, that it was a gift and then proudly, I didn't have to spend any of my pocket money (all three-pence of it). Mum took a good long look, smiled and said something like, how nice dear.

The next day, on my return home from school, my new pet was nowhere to be seen. Mum, looking serious as she sat me down, explained with great sympathy, that it missed its mummy badly, and its mummy missed her child. They were very sad and she felt they should be reunited immediately. Then she said to me, I would miss you and you would miss me, right? Sadly, I agreed and I went out in the back garden to seek comfort from my pet rabbits. 

Mum was used to me bringing things home. Worms were really interesting, and frogs. I drew a line with spiders after playing in a long, narrow gully on open land a month before. At great speed, I ran through thousands of tiny hatchlings on thousands of tiny webs floating on the air at face level. My friends ran off screaming in all directions. Mum heard me screaming from the next street over and spent a long time clearing them off my face and out of my hair. Why mother's go gray, I think I've heard that somewhere before. Mum was a good egg. She didn’t grow up with animals but when she married Dad, they came with the territory. We already had a dog, Skipper, a cat, Binky, a budgerigar, Kim, and lots of rabbits named after Dad’s western shows. There was Cheyenne, Sugarfoot, Maverick, Rowdy and Miss Kitty to name a few. 

As for my newly departed pet, I found out several years later from my sister, that Mum marched up to my friend's home, and gave the little rat-child back to its mother, my friend’s mother that is. She apparently was not happy to get it back.

I wrote this story for our son, and I am very sorry I didn’t buy you a pet rat. We did, however, have Bridgette who was our sweet dog-fur-baby, and Big Al, (I don’t know where son got that name from). Big Al was a turtle rechristened Big Alice by son when she laid an egg. I called her Popsy on the quiet. 

And coincidentally a mouse fell into a bucket in the garage found by son. With great pride he announced he had a pet. A few hours later on his return from school, I told him that his mummy missed it too. (I released it into the hills behind our house and asked it nicely not to come back.) Son was around the same age as I was when I had my 24-hour pet rat. He also was not very happy mouse-ling went home, but he understood. That's when we went to the pet store and bought Big Al/Big Alice/Popsy. Bridgette arrived a couple of years later. They were with us for many years and will never be forgotten. They brought us a lot of joy, many smiles, and even more tales I'll tell one day.

 And that's the end of the story of my 24-hour pet rat. 



  1. What a wonderful story of your pet history! I had a parakeet and when I came home from school one day it mysteriously disappeared. Never did find out exactly what they did with it.

    1. Thank you Ginny, happy you enjoyed it :) Interesting about your parakeet.

  2. So lovely to get to know you better Denise. Thank you

  3. O I love the story...your mom sounds like a great parent and lady. I didn't grow up having pets but I adore dogs and cats...not rat though, however cute they look..LOL Happy Sunday, Denise.

    1. Thank you Angie, my mother was a blessing. I like how you adore cats and dogs :) I hope your Sunday was great and a happy week to you!

  4. We grew up with LOTS of animals. Dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, turtles... I wouldn't have had it any other way.

    1. That sounds wonderful Sue, thanks for sharing the animals you grew up with :)

  5. That is such a sweet story and your mother dealt with the pet rat-child perfectly. What a lovely person.

  6. My oldest son was the one who brought home the most pets, snakes, frogs, anything cold blooded. I lived with it, but when the snake got out of the aquarium and into his jeans drawer, I made him put everything out doors in a pen.. he laid the king snake on the bed on a cold day thinking it would not move. it was loose in the house for 3 days.
    he once came home from 1st grad with a shoe box that had a pigeon in it. the teacher gave him the box to take it home. I enjoyed your stories of rats and mice and all pets NICE

    1. I smiled all the way through your comment. You are a lovely mother! :)

  7. Lovely AI.
    Gosh you must have been sad when you found your pet gone. What a lovely way your mother described a mother's loss at miss her child, then you took the same route with your sweet is that tale, Denise.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the picture Margaret, it is always fun to see what comes up with the prompts I give. Also glad you enjoyed my story I have told hubs this a few times over the years, and as I look back and remember, I appreciate and love my mother all the more :)

  8. Hello,
    I loved your story Denise. I have always been an animal lover, but I usually stuck to finding stray dogs to bring home. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. So glad Eileen :) you have a kind heart bringing the stray dogs home. I hope you had a great weekend and a happy start to your week.

  9. Pets and children do go together, of that there is little doubt. It’s odd in a way how parents decide what’s okay and what’s not. Hamsters, gerbils and white mice are acceptable rodents, yet rats not.


    1. Very true, that really is what it’s all about and understand your comment about rats. In our case I think the fact that our cat used to bring many rat and mice
      ‘gifts’ home that appeared to be living in a nearby railway embankment, had a lot to do with her decision. I am thinking mum’s reason for giving the rat back, was more fear of its safety from our cat than anything else. Also, if our son had asked for one after I released this little wild mouse back into the fields, he would probably have gotten one. Instead the first animal when asked what he would like, was for a turtle :)

  10. Hello, and good morning.
    You are a good story teller Denise. I was captivated by your story of your 24 hour pet rat. Much the same thing happened to me when I brought home a small kitten given to me by a school chum. The kitten was far too young to be parted from it's mother and was given back the next day. Your mother was a very understanding parent and my mother consoled me by buying me two goldfish,
    Have a lovely Sunday
    All th best

    1. Thank you Sonjia, I much appreciate your comment, and so happy you enjoyed it. I also enjoyed your story of the kitten. It sounds like your mother was a lovely lady also. You have a lovely day also and all the best to you too :)

  11. What a sweet story that is. Your mother had a good explanation for why the pet rat wasn't there any more.
    My kids had dogs, cats, goldfish and hamsters. Somehow the hamsters got loose and we had no idea where they went. I suspect they had been living in our crawl space because it was several months after they disappeared that I spotted one of them running across the basement. I wasn't able to catch it and I never did see it again.

    1. Thanks Ann, and so nice to read about your kids' pets. Fun to read about the hamster too. They are like that aren't they?

  12. Awww! What a sweet story! And I like the photo that went with it...Mine was a pet chicken that I named, Crip...she had a hitch in her gait when she walked.

    1. Thank you Donna, loved hearing about your pet chicken. I would have loved having one. What a great name! Sounds a sweet little thing. Sending hugs :)

  13. Your mother did let you down very gently and in terms that a child could understand and nice to read that you had pet rabbits.

    1. Thank you Beatrice, we had four hutches my dad built for our rabbits. We had many :)

  14. What amazing sharingof a pet rat making the neighborhood rounds. Glad the rat didn't bite. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda, he was a friendly rat, and had been well taken care of :)

  15. Denise, I have rturnd bcaus I forgot to ask how your knee i doing. My computr i spoilt
    not all h kys work.

    1. You are very sweet to ask Sonjia, thank you so very much :) and for coming back, especially as some of your keys are not working. I still have a ways to go but healing ever so slowly.

  16. Oh Denise this was such a sweet 'short' story....about your 24 hour pet rat.
    I am happy that you had other furries in your life.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Very happy you enjoyed Donna :) I am also very happy I had furries in my life. They brought much joy to me and my family.

  17. haha.. i'm not sure how happy I would be if one of my kids bring home a 'pet' rat.

    1. Hello Henna, I know you have great love for your family. I suspect you would handle it as well as my mother did :)

  18. LOL I only remember horses and Saint Bernard dogs when I was very small, but when I was about 6/7 my father somehow acquired a 12 foot Indian python. He said he had got it for me but....... When we left the UK in 1953 it was given to Bristol Zoo. If there were any rats around at that stage I am sure they would have been python food!!
    Cheers Diane

    1. That was a wonderful read Diane :) A fascinating story around your time back then. Yikes on the 12 foot Indian python.🐍 I hope you will tell us all about you leaving the UK and going to Africa(?) or have a link on one of your other blogs perhaps. I shall have to remember to ask when I pop over.

  19. Oh Denise your 24 hour pet rat story is priceless! I like what you and your mother said about the little rat missing its family. I'm not sure my Mama would have been that nice about me bringing a rat home! My Daddy was the one that bought home so many pets he found by the side of the rode--mostly dogs and cats that had the best life ever in our home. I hope you Sunday has been a good one.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) I am happy you enjoyed it. Your Mama and Daddy must have been wonderful parents for you to have such wonderfully warm memories. Sunday was lovely thank you, and I hope yours was too.

  20. A happy /sad story.Do you have any pets now?

    1. Thank you Diane, sadly I don’t have any pets now. Gregg feels I would be falling over them all the time. We both love animals but we will ‘adopt’ the ones we see when out and about :)

  21. A guy gave me a tiny white bunny when I was in college. I took him for walks and he grew and grew. Someone stopped me and asked if I'd like to sell him. Uuuummm... I had a suspicion he didn't want it for a pet. I had to leave Waldo Bunny with my parents when we moved to Hawaii. Waldo had a very long land happy life in Hawaii.

    1. Hello Kay :) a sweet story about walking your bunny 🐰. Good to know he had a long happy life with your parents.

  22. Uy los animales nos dan tanto. Aunque no me gustan los ratones. Ellos tiene derecho a existir . Te mando un beso.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario. Se agradece mucho. te mando un beso :)

  23. What a sweet story!
    Your mum sounds like she had a unique way of handling things.
    I'm glad you had other furry friends in your life.

    Happy Monday, Denise!

    1. Thank you Veronica :) and I very much appreciate your comment. Thank you!

  24. I so enjoyed these stories, Denise!

  25. What a lovely memory you shared about your 24hour pet rat.

    1. Happy you think so :) Thank you so much Beverley.

  26. this was a great story denise, your mom was a gem!!

  27. It's not surprising to hear that you loved critters even when you were a young girl, Denise. Your story of the pet rat had me on the seat of my chair. Not sure you know this about me, but I have a dreadful fear of mice and rats. Don't know when or how it came about, but I am terribly afraid of them. I think that's why I don't care for squirrels or any rodents haha. I know, living in the mountains, we're going to get the squirrels, but I haven't seen any mice, and hopefully never will. Aside from the pet rat, that girl looks so sweet in the picture, and I'm sure you were such a dear child who loved all things of the wild.


    1. Goodness Sheri, this must have given you the heebie-jeebies. So sorry about that. I know what it's like to have phobias about such things. I ought to put a warning in the title. I hope your mountain mice stay out of sight and out of mind, and the squirrels make themselves as scarce as possible :) My love of animals came from my Dad's side of the family. I always remember his mother being the same way, so that's where he got his love too.

  28. Such a fun story! Your mom was creative, thoughtful, and sensible all at once!! (I can only imagine the reaction of the other mother when she got her son's pet back again!; she had certainly celebrated prematurely!)

    1. Hi Sallie, thank you so much! Yes, mother was very good at such things. I am so glad to see you back. I missed you! I am guessing your journey across country is now behind you and you are happily settled back in Oregon? I look forward to popping over.

  29. I did enjoy reading this, thank you Denise.

    All the best Jan

    1. You made my day, and you are very welcome. Thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  30. I like these stories! This is really poignant.


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