Saturday, September 21, 2024



There are new guests at the birdfeeder this week. Camera Lady has no idea where this is going to go right now.

Side story: Caesar Salad is often believed to have been created by Julius Caesar, but it was another Caesar in the 1920s that came up with it. His name was Caesar Cardini, an Italian chef who owned a restaurant in Tijuana, Mexico. He moved to Tijuana from California to avoid Prohibition, and it was here on July 4th, 1924, where Caesar is believed to have invented the Caesar Salad. 
According to his daughter, Rose Cardini, the restaurant was overrun with American customers. Short on ingredients in the kitchen, her father assembled what was left: lettuce stalks, olive oil, raw egg, croutons, parmesan cheese and Worcestershire sauce. Originally intended as finger food, the original Caesar salad recipe called for whole lettuce leaves, which were to be dipped in the dressing and then eaten with the fingers. It was a hit! Cardini's salad became so popular that it was soon being served in restaurants all over the world. Today it is one of the most popular salads in America.

And that's how it goes on a Saturday morning at the bird feeder, where Camera Lady never really knows what kind of groaner she is going to write about until it's written.

Thanks for groaning along with me my friends,
and have a great weekend.

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