Monday, August 12, 2024


I remembered the Quiche Florentine recipe I found a couple of months ago. I had a container of fresh spinach I needed to use, and there was also a box of puff pastry in the freezer, the kind with two sheets. It was easy enough to thaw the pastry out and roll them to fit a couple of pie plates. The recipe comes from Living Lou and the original recipe can be found here. I recommend visiting Lou’s recipe as she has step-by-step instructions with photos.

Quiche Florentine with Fresh Spinach

1 9” deep dish frozen pie crust, or you can use your own favorite pie-crust recipe, or the frozen pastry sheets as mentioned.

For the filling:

1 tablespoon salted butter

2 shallots, chopped 

1/2 teaspoon salt, divided 

4 cups spinach (mature or baby spinach), roughly chopped

3\4 cup grated cheddar cheese (Gruyère or Swiss can be substituted)

1/2 cup 35% cream (I used half and half)  

1/2 cup 2% milk

4 large eggs

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Place pie crust on a baking sheet and prick all over with a fork. Bake for ten minutes.

Meanwhile, make the spinach filling. Melt the butter in a non-stick pan over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook for about 2 minutes, until they begin to soften. Add the spinach and 1/4 teaspoon salt and freshly ground pepper.  Cook another 2 to 3 minutes until spinach is wilted.

Transfer wilted spinach mixture into a sieve, and using the back of a spatula, push and stir the mixture to draw out excess liquid (this is to help prevent a soggy crust after cooking). Spread cooked spinach mixture evenly in the bottom of the crust.  Sprinkle grated cheese evenly over spinach.

In a large bowl, whisk together the cream, milk, eggs, with remaining salt and pepper. Pour over the spinach and cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes in a 375 degree F. oven, or until quiche is golden brown and still slightly jiggly.

Freezing instructions:

After baking, allow to cool completely before wrapping in aluminum foil and freezing. The quiche will last for three months in the freezer. When ready to bake, unwrap and bake in 375 degree oven for about 50 to 60 minutes.

This recipe can easily be doubled to make two quiches.

Excellent recipe! We both gave this a 10 out of 10.

The changes we made: 

Below is the frozen puff pastry dough I already had in the freezer.  I had bought it originally to make an appetizer, but this came up first. After thawing I rolled out both sheets to fit two pie plates. They worked perfectly. Just had to trim it a little to fit.

Next time I will look for my actual quiche dishes. No problem using the pie plates, there was just a lot of pastry on the edge, as you can see below. I trimmed it off for my first photo.

Instead of shallots I used and diced half of a large sweet onion already in stock.   

I didn’t add any salt as we are monitoring our salt intake at the moment. Didn’t miss it at all!

I used half and half instead of the 35% cream.

Our oven runs on the colder side, and I ended up adding at least 15 more minutes to the cooking time before it started to get puffed and golden. You will have to judge your own cooking time, as this is just a guideline.  

I also added strips of foil to wrap around the pastry edges to prevent burning.

My sides are a favorite, sliced tomatoes, and sliced avocado (not seen). They were nice accompaniments.  

A mixed green salad would be lovely too.  

A sprinkle of black sesame seeds was my garnish this time.

I made enough filling for two quiches. We used one of them for dinner and had two more meals over the next couple of days. We froze the second quiche for another day. 

I was thinking that this might be nice without a crust, but I got the side-eye from my dear other half. He really liked that crust, and definitely had a point. This whole recipe was delicious and perfect for us.

If you prefer to copy and paste instead of going to the links above, here is the address out in full.

That’s about all I can think of right now. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section.


  1. My mouth is watering. I must try to make it as Bill has problems with his teeth and can't chew tough stuff this would be easy for him to eat and I might try it without the crust.

    1. That's wonderful Diane, I hope Bill enjoys it as much as we did :)

  2. That looks so delicious. I used to like quiche, but then the egg thing kicked in, so it's out for me now.

    1. Dietary issues need to be taken care of first I agree :)

  3. Looks good Denise and I bet it tasted good too.

  4. This sounds quite delicious - an interesting version of familiar quiche.

  5. That looks really good. I had a quiche dish at one time but I have never made one. I don't know what ever happened to the dish but I don't have it any more.

    1. Thanks Ann, in that case a pie plate would be ideal to make this in :)

  6. Looks delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. You are very welcome Eileen and thank you :) I wish you the same!

  7. It looks delicious! And healthy as well. Would also make a great lunch.

    1. Thanks Ginny, it was very tasty and it would make a delicious lunch :)

  8. It looks so good! You're so smart to keep frozen pastry.

    1. Hi Carol, thank you! It certainly comes in useful at times :)

  9. I love a good quiche and yours certainly would make me happy Denise. I had to chuckle at the side-eye comment from your other half! The puff pastry crust must have been delicious. Happy Monday!

    1. So glad Martha Ellen, we were very happy with the way it turned out. Fortunately, my side-eyer is very honest in his opinions about the meals put on the table ;) Happy Monday to you also :)

  10. I used to make Quiche Lorraine, which was terrific. Haven't made it in years.

    1. It must have been Gigi :) I hope you get to make another one sometime. I often find that I forget how good things were and they get put away for a long time.

  11. It's so pretty how you served it on the fresh tomato slices.

    1. Happy you think so Karen, I try to make it look pretty on the plate. Always trying :)

  12. It's always great to find a recipe that matches what needs to be used up in our refrigerators and freezers! Yum!

  13. what a great recipe, it looks and sounds so good. i LOVE quiche...good anytime but especially on holidays when they can be made a day in advance. 10 out of 10 means i am going to try this and i LOVE those puff pastries. there are a ton of great recipes on pinterest that use them, sweet and savory!!!

    and i think a sweet onion might be better than a shallot, i don't find shallots to be as sweet as they say they are!!

    1. Hello Debbie :) happy you like the look of it. I haven't made one in quite a while. Yes, excellent for the holiday seasons. Thanks for the reminder, Pinterest is a great place to get ideas. The sweet onion certainly worked for this recipe.

  14. The noise you hear is my lips smacking what beautiful tomatoes too
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. That's wonderful Cecilia, thank you :) I also love a plain and simple tomato sandwich on a favorite bread, yum! Sending hugs!

  15. Tomatoes! Yes, I love them too. And avo. All good eats. Pie looks GOOD!

    1. Hello Ivy, they're great aren't they? Thanks so much!

  16. This looks yummy. I've got to get some puff pastry for the freezer.

    1. Hello Buttercup, very happy you think so. That puff pastry is a great one to have handy :)

  17. Oh, that looks good... I could take a bite straight away :-)) What did I have today - ahh salmon fried in butter and I also fried apricots. That was very tasty.
    And yes, I have to make your Quiche Florentine too... we love quiche :-))
    Kind regards to you. Viola

    1. I wish I could give you a slice Viola. You fixed my favorite fish and your ingredients sound delicious! Kind regards from me also :)

  18. Gracias por l receta. adoro los Quiche. Te mando un beso.


    1. ¡Maravilloso! Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado mi receta. Te mando un beso.

  19. That looks awfully good! (I always use half and half, too!)

    1. Thanks Jeanie, the half and half does very well doesn't it?

  20. Replies
    1. It was Rose, I'm looking forward to taking the other out of the freezer sometime this week :)


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