Sunday, June 18, 2023


"Walk a little slower Daddy," said 
a little child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps, and I don't want to fall.

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
sometimes they're hard to see;
so walk a little slower Daddy for you are leading me.

Someday when I'm all grown up
you're what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child
who'll want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right, and know that I was true;
So walk a little slower Daddy, for I must follow you.

~Author Unknown~


Walk alongside me, Daddy
and hold my little hand.
I have so many things to learn
that I don't yet understand.

Teach me things to keep me safe
from dangers every day.
Show me how to do my best
at home, at school, at play.

Every child needs a gentle hand
to guide them as they grow.
So walk alongside me Daddy,
we have a long way to go.

~Hellen Bush~

Two poems for Father's Day, as I couldn't decide which to choose, they are both share-worthy.

The photo was one I took at Meadowlark Gardens.  I don't go out of my way to take photos of parents with their children, but this was such a pretty scene and whenever I see fathers, and mothers, sharing such a special moment together and to sound very corny, it always touches my heart. I had snapped their photo before I realized.  

My own father-favorite is a photo of hubby and son, when son was small enough to sit on his Daddy's shoulders.  We were living in that area and one day we took a walk down to the beach in Carmel, California (1983-ish).  This was taken after a very enjoyable playtime in the sand, another one of those treasured memories.  I followed them several paces behind going uphill, and our son looked around to see where I was.  A perfect family moment in time captured forever.  

So, I dedicate my post today to all you father's out there, my husband, my own father and all those in our family included, but especially my son's father.

     Happy Father's Day!


  1. What a wonderful Photo memory. And the first one has such an unusual effect! I have never seen editing like that. LOVE the bittersweet poems, and I'm glad you posted both of them.

    1. Thank you Ginny, this effect was from an old app and I can't remember which one it is now. I should have made a note at the time and kept it in a folder but there are times when I am organized and times when I am not :) Happy you enjoyed everything.

  2. Happy Father's Day to all dads celebrating it, we do it later in the year.
    Love the poems and your art work Denise, particularly the last one :)

    1. Thank you Margaret and happy you liked my post :) It's a different day where I came from too.

  3. Somehow the male backside image brings more fatherly love than the fronton.

  4. Happy Father's Day to your hubby! Have a great day and happy new week!

    1. Thank you Eileen and to yours also. You have a great day and happy new week also :)

  5. Wonderful poems for today. Love the photos too. Especially the one of your husband and son.

    1. Thank you Ann, so glad and much appreciated :)

  6. What an absolutely fantastic picture of your husband and son! The editing, highlighting just the two of them, somehow made it even more poignant.

    1. So kind of you Penelope, it certainly is my all-time favorite of them :)

  7. both are beautiful images and i can't pick a favorite. Happy Fathers day to the men in your life that are fathers. agree with roentare about the backside best. it is a treasure that you captured that moment in time for ever

    1. Thank you Sandra :) You and Roentare were spot on. I was trying to take care of their privacy. It worked out well.

  8. Very thoughtful poems on Father's day. I told my daughter today that I liked being a dad.

    1. That's a real sweet thing you said to your daughter Red, I'm sure that made her feel very content. You are a wonderful father :)

  9. Happy Father's Day. You got me 🥲


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