Friday, October 20, 2023


 I have put these together over the last several weeks.  I usually do a couple of them a week (on my iPad). Today I am concentrating on animals and birds.  

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day and weekend 


  1. They look incredibly realistic - and lovely. Thank you.

  2. Are they from the web? My favorite is the cat and the leaf-headed dog.

    1. Thanks for asking Ginny :) The puzzle app is downloaded onto my iPad. You get free ones and also ones to purchase. Those are two of my favorites also :)

  3. They are just divine, every one of them Denise.

  4. Love all of these. They're so cute. I can't even pick a favorite. I see one that I think is the cutest then I look at the next and think maybe that one is the

    1. I know what you mean Ann, I always pick one and then another comes along that I love even more :)

  5. Beautiful puzzles and images. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed Eileen, and I wish you the same :)

  6. Replies
    1. That's great Donna, thank you and sending hugs :)

  7. Such a cute and beautiful collection of critter photos

  8. are these box puzzles? and you put that many together? i have NEVER put a puzzle together other than a few online and the kind toddles use that are wooden shapes. love that bunny. all are beautiful

    1. Sorry I'm late getting back to your question Sandra :) These are online ones from an app I downloaded on my iPad a few years ago. Putting puzzles together relaxes me. I still get excited when I find that next piece, ha! I have a few boxed puzzles unopened in my cupboard and I keep saying I should start them soon, but the only space I can do them on is the dining room table and it takes me a while to do those, so I don't want to take up the space.

  9. A lovely set of photos, jigsaws. I love the hedgehog. Have a good weekend, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane :) He's a cute one that's for sure. I hope your weekend has been a great one. Have an equally great week!

  10. Those are all so cute. Hope you and Gregg have a lovely Friday!

    1. Thank you Ellen. We have had a lovely few days thanks, and I hope the same for you :)

  11. Replies
    1. They're great aren't they? Love putting them together :) Weekend is almost over here and it went great. I hope yours did too and I wish you a splendid week.

  12. Darling puzzles, Denise. I especially love the British robin. We have a puzzle on our table all the time. Have a nice weekend!

    1. So happy you enjoyed them Martha Ellen :) I really must start on my boxed puzzles sometime.


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