Wednesday, October 18, 2023


these are trees that I pass all the time. I have watched a few turn color and these were particularly beautiful. I missed the most glorious part with the sun shining directly on them.  But I am happy that I got these photos before they lost all their leaves.

"Love the trees until their leaves fall off, then encourage them to try again next year."
~Chad Sugg~

"Two sounds of autumn are unmistakable...the hurrying rustle of crisp leaves blown along the a gusty wind, and the gabble of a flock of migrating geese."

~Hal Borland~

"There is something incredibly nostalgic and significant about the annual cascade of autumn leaves."
~Joe L. Wheeler~

I made the above into a painting on my ArtCard App.  I haven't done one in a while.

Next are scenes from Halloween.  Some families are starting to put up a few decorations.  These very tall scary looking figures have started appearing this year.  I have seen them in other areas.

Another painting on ArtCard...

and in monochrome.

There was this one also.  I am hoping to drive around to take photos at night before the spooky season is over.  Decorations look even more effective when lit up in the dark.

I found the cartoon and decided to end my post with it, not exactly anything to do with Halloween.  I winced for the poor dog and smiled at the same time, followed by an "awwww".  I haven't seen any porcupines around here, so the dogs appear to be safe from them at least.  I wonder if the cartoonist is taking something out of his own dog's life experience?  A little humor but with a point, no pun intended.

That's all for today.  

I always appreciate your visit.  
Thanks you and whatever your plans are, I hope you enjoy them.


  1. The trees are beautiful, and my favorite is the first one. Vets say that no matter how many times a dog gets quilled, they never learn.

    1. That is very interesting Ginny, you would think they would. I suppose their instincts take over. That tree is a beauty.


  2. Gorgeous trees. Halloween is really not celebrated here - though the stores are trying to convince us differently.

    1. It wasn't celebrated where I grew up either Sue, and that probably has an effect on how I feel now. I used to make Halloween cookies for our son when he was young and make more of an effort, but now I am not one for decorating for this particular event. I have pumpkins out for the Fall but no jack o' lanterns or any kind of spooky stuff, bah-humbug, lol! And it doesn't stop me from taking photos when I pass by :)

  3. They are lovely trees and you certainly did a good job with your art Denise.

  4. Love the fall colors.
    Poor dog, I hope he learns the lesson and in the future knows how to tell the difference between a squirrel and a porcupine.

    1. Thank you Ann, this is one of the many reasons I love Fall! Yes, poor dog and I hope so too :)

  5. The trees are beautiful. I have always been sad when all the leaves are gone. As a child it was like they die - even though I knew they weren't dead.

    1. Hi Carol :) I can see that, we carry so many of our childhood feelings into adulthood.

  6. Beautiful foliage in your area, Denise. The colors are really coming to fruition now that the temperatures are cooler. Have a happy day, my friend.

    1. Thank you my friend :) I expect it is the same for you. I wish you a happy day also.

  7. the cartoon is funny and i agree, poor pup with all those bandaids on his nose. those trees are awesome, and all the tree colors are on the Trendy Color Swatches for this year. walmart is full of clothing in those colors. it seems the skeletons are getting bigger and bigger, we have some of these giant ones in the neighborhood and they are bigger than the ones last year

    1. Most definitely, poor pup! The trees seem to be more vibrant somehow :)

  8. The trees are so beautiful and colourful at this time of the year...

    1. They certainly are Angie, one of the reasons I love the Fall :)

  9. Beautiful Autumn colors and trees! The Halloween decorations are cute. Take care, have a great day!

  10. Elms and oaks are two of the most beautiful trees in the fall, thanks for sharing. We have so few of those in our area. On your last picture, I have had the joy of pulling quills out of more than one dog. No fun at all!

    1. Hi Jim and Barb :) they certainly are and you are very welcome. Your poor dogs! I have seen photos online and oh my goodness, Just awful!

  11. Those trees in autumn are always delightful to see and nice that you can drive by and not have to rake up the leaves! :) A great lesson for a dog to learn for sure and another one is to leave skunks alone!!

    1. Very much so Ellen, though our yard gets full of them. We do get help fortunately :) as for the dogs, I hope so. Now I come to think of it, I haven’t smelled a skunk around in a couple of years. We have gotten a whiff from half a mile away. Must be horrendous to get sprayed by one.

  12. Thank you for this sweet interlude, Denise!

  13. Replies
    1. They do a very good job I must say :) Thanks Roentare!

  14. Your color is looking much brighter than ours here in mid-Michigan. I LOVE that cartoon!

    1. Perhaps yours will be more vibrant in a week or so :) Glad you enjoyed the cartoon Jeanie, thank you!

  15. A lot of beautiful colour in your post.

    All the best Jan

    1. Happy you enjoyed Jan :) Thank you and all the best to you too.

  16. Looks like Autumn has arrived in your area, and it certainly is beautiful, Denise. I love those red trees. They remind me of the ones I used to see in my old town. We usually get the golds here first, but I have seen the oranges and reds in town also. The Autumn quotes are nice. Have a good October week, Denise. Enjoy this wonderful season.


    1. Thank you Sheri, it certainly has. The trees will be bare soon, so I am enjoying them while I can :) It’s lovely to have these reminders. I wish you the same my friend.

  17. The cartoon made me laugh. So I’m stealing it, of course.

    1. Wonderful! So glad you like it enough to use :)

  18. Fabulous autumn colours. We see nothing of Halloween around us and I have to admit I am not sorry!! Cheers Diane

    1. This is a lovely time of the year isn’t it Diane? Halloween is very popular, though we always wonder how many children will turn up for candy. We have several new families who moved into the neighborhood with young children, so perhaps more will ring the doorbell this year :)


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