Friday, March 14, 2025


We park our car on the right-hand side... 
and walk across a wooden boardwalk to get to the other side of the pond. This is another place I have shared many times over the lifetime of this blog.
If you carry on and go over a small bridge, there is a trail that will eventually take you to the visitor center. Normally we turn left and enjoy our walk next to the water. There are new shoots of Yellow flag iris showing in the shallows.We took the photo of the beaver lodge below our little friend here as we were making our way back to the car, which looks a bit torn apart, and is actually a dozen or so feet away from the previous location. There was also a wire fence preventing access to a water pipe I noticed. You can see this delightful animal below, a photo taken from a previous post. 

I wonder if the park people are trying to discourage them from damaging any of the trees, but that's what I thought last year? And then we saw beaver swimming into the middle of the waterlilies. Hopefully we will be seeing the same later on. We were a bit too early today I think. Fingers crossed! If you would like to see that post of our North American Beaver, click at this link.

We were welcomed by a pair of ducks. They started swimming towards the center of the pond when we appeared, and there were several tortoises resting on a platform nearby.I liked the patterns in the water that the ducks were causing. The sun was shining in the wrong direction and reflecting off the lens but I was happy to get these.They and the tortoises seemed to be enjoying the sunny and warm weather, as we were.We sat down on a couple of the benches and always like to read the plaques put there. There were new places to sit I noticed.
Some of the messages are very touching. There are donations you can make to the "Honor or Memorial Park Bench Program." The price of each 6-foot bench is $1,500, all made of recycled materials. You can get a personalized plaque installed up to 3 lines, 42 characters per line, I read. More information about this program is here.

This is one of the two overlooks. I see people who enjoy looking into the water, some with fishing poles. I didn't see any fish today though. We usually look when all the waterlilies are blooming and there are many here, but not yet.
I will leave you with a couple of photos of "ducks, beautiful, comical things." 
F. W. Harvey was so very correct. I have his poem which you can read here, but you can see all three verses at this link. I didn't realize there were others, only having seen the first.

I was so very happy to see the ducks today, and the tortoises of course. I am hoping we will see the North American Beaver next time.

Thanks for taking a look, always appreciated. 
Have a great day.


  1. Very beautiful and lively park Denise,
    it was worth the visit, the beaver is beautiful.
    I'm sure that now in Spring it will be even better!
    Thanks for the walk.
    Have a nice day my friend!!

    1. Thank you my friend and you are very welcome :) I agree, with spring on the way, hooray! :) You have a nice day also Katerina :)

  2. My favorite is the sweet beaver! You really had good luck, as they are so shy and hard to find. I also love the Mallard with the reflection of his green head on the water.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I was hoping to see him on this walk but hopefully next time :) I always enjoy reflections in photos.

  3. That looks a good platform there Denise. Nice photos too.

    1. Thank you Margaret, and the platform is relatively new and seems bigger :)

  4. I love coming on your walks around Walney Pond. It is similar to our Unerwood Park lagoon, except of course we don't have beavers.

    1. Thats great Diane, thank you so much! No beavers but perhaps Kangaroos and Koalas? :) Oh, how I would love to see those!

  5. You are very fortunate to catch a glimpse of the beavers. The ones around here seldom emerge during the daylight hours and one has to go out as dusk to see them. The way they can transform a landscape is amazing.

    1. Thanks David, I feel very much so every time I see a beaver :) Ours can usually be seen early in the morning, no doubt after a good workout, or late afternoon/early evening. We are going to time our visit better next time and keep our fingers crossed.

  6. Wonderful. Isn't nature amazing :-D

  7. its a beautiful place and your are right the ducks are beautiful and funny.. nothing beats the great outdoors

  8. Chase those rainbows. Yes, indeed. I love that walk-bridge thingy. How fun the shape.

    1. Isn't that a lovely sign Ivy? :) It's a nice walkway, I'm glad they made it that way.

  9. What a nice place to be able to take a walk. Looks like it was nice and warm too.

    1. It is and one of the easiest and not as far away from home either. It was lovely short-sleeve weather. Thanks Val!

  10. What a wonderful park this is. I would love to visit a place like that.

    1. Thanks Ann, it is a great place to walk. We have done the trails many times over the years and I look forward to doing them again. In the meantime the pond has lots of things to enjoy :)

  11. Hello, Denise
    The park is lovely, a beautiful pond and boardwalk. It is cool to see the beaver.
    Great captures of the ducks. It is a wonderful place for your walk.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Eileen, another place I thoroughly enjoy. I wish you the same :)

  12. What a special spot you have there! The perfect place to enjoy nature and contemplate life.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, thanks Jim and Barb :)

  13. A beautiful walk. I, too, love how rings form in the water when ducks swim. Funny how Canada is known for beavers, although I've yet to see a single one in person. :)

    1. Thanks Penelope, it took me years to see a beaver. I hope they haven't left the pond :)

  14. A nice spring walk! Can''t wait to do that here again.

    1. I hope it won't be too long before you can get out Marcia :)

  15. I love your photos. So pretty.

  16. I love ducks. Not beavers, as they destroy trees. I love the quote on that Loving Memory plaque.

    1. Thank you Gigi, I do too and I enjoy beavers. They are amazing engineers and their dams are a sight to behold :)

  17. Denise what a lovely peaceful walk. The benches are very special
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia, I think so too :) Sending hugs!

  18. Hello Denise :)
    The pond is beautiful and the boardwalk looks like new. Super beaver sighting , and you took good photos of both the beaver and the ducks which I always enjoy seeing. The park benches are a lovely idea and the plaques are touching. It's a peaceful place to go for a walk and pleasurable to take in all the beauty of nature.
    All the best

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment Sonjia, I always enjoy this place. There's always something new to see at any time of the year. So glad you enjoyed it and yes, it is very pleasurable to be out in nature. All the best to you too my friend :)

  19. Looks lovely. Is it accessible for those using scooters or manual chairs? I love all the animals. Thanks.

    1. I thought it might be but looked it up to be sure. It is accessible to scooters and chairs, any of the mobility equipment that might be needed. Good to know and thank you for asking that question :)

  20. Loved seeing the beaver peeking out of the lily pads!
    Looked like the one turtle has a cracked shell. I'm hoping it is the light or something.
    What a beautiful boardwalk!! You have a wonderful place to walk a bit and enjoy nature and the wild ones. :)

    1. They are delightful critters aren't they? Interesting you noticed that as I thought the same, though forgot to mention it. It is a lovely place to spend time and I look forward to going again. Thanks Rita :)

  21. The images are just very lovely. Love the ambience of the views

  22. It certainly looks a lovely place to visit and I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan, I appreciate that very much. All the best to you too :)


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