Sunday, March 23, 2025


We were over here last Wednesday (3-19-25).

This is another house on park property grounds. It is not as large as the house I like so much at the top of the garden, which is older and I just like ‘old’. This is a stone’s throw from the ponds, and it is very pretty.

As we had planned, Gregg dropped me off at the road closer to the ponds. However, not only is the drop-off point a no parking zone, but it is also a private road and has an electronic barrier to prevent other cars from using it. Fortunately, we do have public walking access. The private home on this road is lovely, and I took a close-up photo of the old bird house as I walked by. It has character and will look very pretty when all the flowers bloom around it. I will be sure to take another photo.

I started walking as Gregg drove up the road to where he parks the car in our normal spot. I had my cane and I assured him I would not rush things (something I am prone to do), that I would be as slow as a snail. On that promise he left me to it. Thank goodness for cell phones and GPS trackers as we could keep an eye on each other.

At the first pond I could see no birds or turtles but there were a few people around. On the other side I spotted a small group of young adults who were chatting. I was heading to the first bench where I was to meet Gregg, but there was a couple sitting there. The gentleman had a walker. His wife smiled and asked if I would like to sit down. She would have had to move so I thanked her and said I was heading to the gazebo where I would be meeting my husband. And to myself I must text Gregg and tell him that. But half-way there and as I half-turned, Gregg surprised me. He was much faster than I expected and was at my side before I reached the gazebo. We saw an empty bench on one side of the second pond, and I asked him if he would like to go there. It was a little further but because of this beautifully warm, sunny day, it was preferable to sitting in the shade of the gazebo. We sat down on the bench and started looking around. This is the same view across the pond that I shared the other day.

We spent a good 20 minutes or so looking across. There were two geese and nearby, a gentleman with his granddaughter. It was fun to watch their interaction. Grandfather was sitting on the bench and granddaughter, a little more active, playing nearby. She was about five years old and very interested in the geese, but had been told not to go near them. They were still snoozing.

The lady and gentleman I had spoken to before, caught up with us and we talked with them for a few minutes. They were about ten years younger than us. We didn't want to keep them too long because the gentleman was holding tightly onto his walker, obviously was not in good enough shape to stand too long in one spot. That was my way of thinking anyway and maybe I was projecting, but looking at his face it seemed so. It was, however, one of those very pleasant interactions that we enjoy when we are around and about. 

Gregg and I stayed for a few more minutes on the bench and watched them take the same path that we would be taking. They said hello to grandfather and granddaughter but didn't stop and kept moving forward, very slowly. We gave them their space and didn't continue with our own walk until they had left the area. We followed their tracks around the pond, walker and footprints.

On our side, three ladies make their way towards us and said hello in passing. We noticed grandfather and granddaughter had left the bench and that was our cue to move on. I had it in mind to sit where they had and take photos of the Canada Geese. By the time we reached that bench, the geese had awakened. We both had fun observing them for a while and taking photos. 

I called him 'the Protector'. 

He stood guard the whole time we were taking our photos from the bench.

Protector paid us no mind...

and seemed to be watching the same scene as we were. Across the pond we can now see the bench we had been sitting on originally. A young family had arrived and were playing ball with their toddler. We heard the clang of the metal bat several times and watched as little one swung it near his mom a little too close for comfort. His parents were doing a great job teaching him. Judging by his excited giggles, he was having a great time. We enjoyed watching them for a while and they brought back memories of happy times we had with our own son when he was that age.

Another ten to 15 minutes rest and we decided it was time to walk back. Nearer to our exit spot I told Gregg it would be a good idea for him to go ahead and I would meet him in the same place where he had parked the car before.

I wish I had asked him to leave the camera with the zoom lens as there was now a pair of ducks on the other side, with several turtles sunning themselves on the bank near them. Maybe I missed them before. Not very good photos as my cell phone gets a bit fuzzy when I try to zoom in, but it's a memory.

Two more ladies passed by, smiled and said hello. We were all enjoying the warmth and sunshine. I was looking forward to reaching the car. The spot I was to meet Gregg was not very far away by this time. I was staring down at my feet while walking, and when I looked up, he was heading my way. It was good to be in the car and heading home after such a lovely walk. 

My two last photos show English Ivy trailing on the ground.  Other names are Common ivy, European ivy and Poet's ivy. Botanical name Hedera helix.

I also saw new buds on the trees. This is a Red maple. It is also called Maple tree, Swamp maple, Soft maple and a Water maple. Botanical name Acer rubrum. A common tree in North America and its sap can be made into maple syrup. The leaves are very toxic to horses I read. According to the US Forest Service, red maple is the most common tree in eastern North America.

That's all for now. 

Thanks for looking, enjoy your day 
and have a great week ahead.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you are walking again. Hopefully you will keep getting better until you can out run Greg

    1. Thank you Diane, baby steps as you well know :) I hope you are feeling better also. I don't think I will ever outrun Gregg, lol!

  2. It looks and sounds like a lovely day - I am very happy for you.

    1. Thank you so much my friend, I appreciate that. Hi Sue, are you back posting? That would be wonderful. I will pop over soon and check.

  3. You had very good intuition about the walker man. I know I am not able to stand for very long either. How was your knee after the walk? I like the colors of the house.

    1. My dear other half says I take after my father. My Dad could read people's faces too, it came in very handy with his 30 plus years as a police officer, and he taught me a few things, always looking after his girls. I am very grateful to him for teaching me how to listen to my instincts. My knee was very sore after the walk. My doctor told me that I will probably have to have surgery eventually. C'est la vie! How are you? I do hope you are feeling better. I will write you an email soon. The house is painted a pretty color.

  4. Such a lovely day! Do you need your cane all the time or is it just temporary? I thought your knees were getting better.

    1. It was and thank you Angie :) I have to use my cane all the time, even though I prefer not to use it but that's because I am a bit stubborn. The shots the orthopedic surgeon gave me are only a temporary thing and wear off. I will be going to see him soon to have another one and a chat about future surgery. Taking it one day at a time. I also realize there are people who have to deal with much more than I have to.

  5. Seems like a grand mini adventure. You met old and young, active and less so, and best of all CANADA Geese! And you got some fresh air and even reminisced a little. It all sounds great to me.

    1. Grand is a good word for it and I would agree, a splendid outing. CANADA Geese :) are my favorite bird by the way. Their personalities if studied long enough are wonderful. They can also be very feisty which I enjoy tremendously, as was the case when I accidentally got into an area where there was a nest and the male goose shooed me away, first by coming up to me and pecking at my shoelaces as I was sitting there quietly, and giving me the open beak and tongue. And then when I moved to the other side well away I thought, swam across the pond (this was in another garden) and honked at me loudly. No problem I said. I moved from the area and thought he was amazing, and very protective of his mate. Big applaud from me!

  6. Seems you both had a lovely day. Thank you for sharing what you did and some of your thoughts.

    1. We did Margaret and I am glad you enjoyed my post. Thank you :)

  7. I enjoy places like this and also love interacting with the humans, as long as its like this and a few at a time. the protector is a fine specimen. that pond is so peaceful . my favorite thing you showed today is that awesome bird house. Wow! I long for walking in our parks

    1. You would have enjoyed this place Sandra and I would have loved to show it to you :) Wasn't that a gorgeous bird house? I hope you get to walk in your own parks some time.

  8. Hello Denise,
    Sounds like a lovely day, the ponds are a beautiful view with the geese, ducks and the turtles. Have a great day and a happy week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen, glad you enjoyed too. You have a great day and a happy week also :)

  9. That sounds like a lovely day. So wonderful to be out there observing nature and people watching.

    1. I couldn't have put it better Ann, a perfect description :)

  10. I love your description of your walk around the pond…the people you saw, the wildlife you saw. This post screams leisure. You walk around the pond was done leisurely, and you were aware of everything g around you.

    1. Thank you Linda, leisurely is the only way we go these days, and so very nice to be out and about in such beautiful surroundings :)

  11. Wow, Denise. That's quite the fun adventure through the park. I love that you guys do this. I love that you also gave the couple in front some space to walk on ahead. Very kind of you.

    1. Thank you for those sweet words Ivy. I have had a lot of kindnesses given me, it is always a pleasure to pass them on in some way.

  12. I particularly like red maple. Unique leaves in deed

    1. They are a lovely color, another tree I would like to plant in our garden :)

  13. You had a lovely walk and clearly your knee seems to be improving. It's so nice when the sun comes out - everyone seems happier and readier to have a little chat.

    1. That's very true, it certainly has an effect on people :)

  14. What a pretty day to blaze the trail at your own pace and oh so many sights to see and folks to greet.
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Beautifully put Cecilia. Thank you and sending hugs :)

  15. Glad you made it farther and met some friendly folk, too. Such a pretty park! Nature is such a healer. :)

    1. Thank you and that is so true Rita, nature is a great healer :)

  16. Thank you for the virtual walk. So many experiences in one outing.

    1. You are very welcome Boud and I am so glad you enjoyed me telling about it. Thank you :)

  17. What a beautiful area. I'd sit at a bench and watch also just like you did!

    1. Hello Val :) always fun to sit and take it all in, isn't it?

  18. Sounds like a beautiful spot. We had winter return here on Friday. Only a light dust of snow that soon melted in the sun but the wind and temperatures remind us spring has not fully taken control of the climate.

    1. Thanks Marcia :) It has also turned a little chilly here but no snow. It was 55 degrees F. the last time I checked.

  19. This is a beautiful park. It's nice for you to have such a lovely place to take a quiet walk.

    1. Thank you Sandra, we are very lucky to have a few parks in our area. This one has relatively flat areas that I can manage, and there are plenty of benches to sit on :)

  20. These are amazing photos. Lovely geese :-D

  21. Looks a lovely place to visit, I did enjoy seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad Jan, thank you and all the best to you also :)

  22. As an old bird watcher , I can tell you the best way to watch birds is sit on a bench. the birds just fly by.

  23. Es un lindo parque. Te ando un beso y te deseo una buena semana.

    1. Muchas gracias, me alegra que hayas disfrutado del parque. Te mando un beso :)

  24. Yes, the Geese are so protective of their family. The used to always honk LOUD when I visited my mom and dad at the cemetery. There were dozens of them hanging out, and it was such a sight. You took some great pictures of the Geese, Denise.


  25. You are just enough ahead of us to give me hope in the weather department! It looks like a wonderful day out and truly, spring has come to your world!

  26. Green Spring Gardens looks like a wonderful place to visit, take a walk and to sit and enjoy the wildlife.


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