Thursday, March 6, 2025


 These are the photos that Gregg took at Green Spring Gardens after our car picnic the other day. Not as many photos as usual because my trips are very short but as short as it was, it was lovely to get out and see what was going on. This place is a favorite garden.

I was very happy to see a new Paperbush plant (Edgeworthia chrysantha) in another area of the garden.  There is a much larger one not too far from the gazebo. I talked to the garden manager who passed by as I was intently looking at it some time ago. We had a lovely conversation, and you could tell she thoroughly enjoyed telling me about it. She could see a happy sponge who was only too willing to soak up all the info I could. I told her truthfully, I had never seen one before. It is in my two previous posts here and here where I go into more detail. I hope that lady is appreciated. She certainly was, and hopefully still is, an excellent ambassador for the garden.

I was delighted to see the Woodland crocus (botanical name Crocus tommasinianus).  

Just like the first photo, this is a relatively new planting. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings in this moment, but I think these were near the recently installed Moon Gate. It's a Koreanspice viburnum (botanical name Viburnum carlesii).

A Bigleaf hydrangea (botanical name Hydrangea macrophylla). Also beautiful and I have seen these in dried flower arrangements.

Snowdrops (botanical name Galanthus nivalis) and how lovely they are to see. A harbinger of spring like all the other flowers we saw blooming on our walk.

An old tree stump and even this I find appealing. 

I always enjoy seeing Gregg's photos when I download them at home. We seem to take shots of the same things but there are ones I don't think of. He sees patterns in nature that I don't. 

I think I will stop here as it's late and I am ready to put the laptop up for the night. I will share what I saw soon. 

Enjoy your day and as always,
thank you for stopping by.


  1. Gregg takes wonderful photos!! the bigleaf Hydrangea, I have a couple fake ones out now that look just like it!

  2. Lovely to see the photos and spring bulbs in bloom..thank you Denise.

  3. Happy Spring! I have seen lots of snowdrops and croci yesterday...spring is at the corner.


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