Wednesday, March 12, 2025


You can find their website here

I thought I would share more goodies. I also was surprised to read a few negative reviews, which seemed strange. Son and D-in-L have gone there several times now and never had a problem. They have always given it glowing reports, and encouraged us to go as we were looking for something a little different. We felt the same way when we visited on this occasion and that one time last year. It is a place we will look forward to going to again sometime, and more often. Our son and daughter-in-law say they never pay attention to bad reviews, and prefer to make up their own mind. We are the same way and in fact don’t usually do so. Not sure why I did this time, except that I was trying to pinpoint the location and something popped up.

On the right of the above photo is a center storage unit where we found our fried croissant.

It has been a long time since we tried anything like these. We tend to keep away from bakeries for the most part. When we visited last year, Gregg was hoping for a sandwich and didn't realize at first all they sold were cakes and pastries. But after trying the one brought for us on our recent evening get together, he was seriously wanting another. Here are the photos. Not much else to talk about having said a lot yesterday.

and cakes.

I don't know the actual name of this pretty cake but those are slices of mango on the outside.

Black Forest Cake

That’s all for now until the next time we go. 

Thanks for looking and enjoy your day!


  1. I would buy three different ones and make a three course meal out of them! Well, after all, one has to make the trip there worth it!

  2. Just wonderful looking food Denise. Makes ones mouth water and hungry, I'm cooking a baked chicken so with the smell of that cooking and your photos of food my mouth is watering more.
    Never do I pay much attention to reviews unless most of them are bad ones..


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