Sunday, March 16, 2025


 I found these online. They have been making the rounds for a while, so you may have seen some already, hopefully not all. Words added below each picture for international blogging friends to translate with the translation gadget on my sidebar. Enjoy! 

I waited until my human left the room and ate an entire FAMILY SIZED PIZZA by myself.

Now that the snow is melting I’ve finally figured out where all my socks have gone.

Self explanatory.

The next one is amusing but trying to get the point across for those who think these beautiful animals are cute, cuddly, fluffy cows instead of wild animals. They need their own space, a lot of it! The park officials recommend keeping a distance of 100 feet and view from the safety of your vehicle. I can attest to the fact that they can travel 100 feet in no time at all when running, and sometimes it's a good thing to keep the engine running.

When you say you are going to take an hour nap and wake up nine hours later.

"Stop selling vacuums."

"Dog: I welcomed the hedgehog to her new home by trying to eat her. My mom spent an hour plucking quills out of me.
Hedgehog: I chase the dog around the house because he’s scared of me now."

I terrorize tiny humans and corner the neighbors for fun.

I snuck into my mom’s horse trailer and joined her on a three hour road trip to her next rodeo. Hotels are awesome. I should do this more often.

She’s keeping him company.


  1. I love these! Well, those humans were really dumb to leave the dog alone with the pizza on the floor, duh! Of COURSE he is going to eat it! My favorite is Rodeo Cat.

  2. Wonderful post. Happy Sunday 😊

  3. These are great. They made me smile.

  4. My favourite is the Bison in the national park. Ignore that one at your peril!

  5. I haven't seen these before, they are good Denise.

  6. I like them all and have seen none of these before.. agree a bout the people who try to pet a buffalo. sheer craziness to do that.. got a chuckle from each one

  7. They are all cute, thanks for sharing.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  8. These are all great. I don't think I've seen any of them before.

  9. And so now I can more appreciate not looking online as all of these were new to me, Denise.

  10. National Park Service comes up with the best stuff!

  11. That was a fun Sunday morning post! I like the rooster sentenced to carry a sign.

  12. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

  13. Have to grin all the time while reading them...thanks, Denise.

  14. I'm not on social media so all of these were delightfully new to me. :)

  15. Lovely selection, Denise. I'm smiling!

  16. Happy Sunday my friend! I love all the memes. Animals are funny.

  17. These were all good Denise, thank you.

    All the best Jan

  18. Lindos perritos. Me fascinaron los memes. Te mando un beso.


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