Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Below is our weather forecast from 3-5-25 to 3-11-25. Looks like the weather is heating up.

Thank you family and friends for always letting me know you enjoy these. I sometimes wonder if anyone is interested in what we do, as it's most definitely not a very exciting day-to day. But we enjoy going back and that word again, looking at the 'mundane' things we were interested in at the time. I hope you have all had a great weekend!

I haven't done very well this week for keeping up a daily routine journal. I was feeling a bit below par and didn't feel like writing anything down. Husband and son went off into Georgetown one day and I have already shown those photos

Wednesday February 26th, 2025: we went to Green Spring Gardens. That was nice and the sun was shining, the temperature was in the mid 50s. I walked a little further than the time before, saw new flowers and plants starting to show, with a sky that was a perfect blue but first... 

we had our car picnic. A few days previously Gregg had picked up cream sodas at the store, popped them in the trunk and forgot all about them. They were a nice surprise. 

He fixed himself an old favorite, a cheese and onion sandwich on a roll. The first time he had this combination was when it was given to him by someone who ran the naval canteen service on the ship he was on in the early 70s, and who was part of the NAAFI (the Navy Army Air Force Institute). 

He had been on an exchange tour with the Royal Navy, and I am repeating myself continuously on this blog but that's how we met. He was in the UK for a two-year duty exchange tour. 

He hadn't had one of these sandwiches in I can't remember how long, but suddenly decided that's what he wanted for our car picnic. Mine was chicken and lettuce on wheat. Nothing fancy but always tasty. 

Almost forgot, we had two flasks of hot soup also. When he was out the day before for a few hours, I made broccoli, cauliflower and cheddar soup. You can see the recipe at this link. I made it without the half-and-half but with 2 percent milk and a carton of low sodium chicken broth instead of the chicken base and water. It was lovely and a nice addition to the sandwiches. We sat there for a while, too chilly to eat outside just yet, but our car picnics are always enjoyable. (If needed, we get the small vac out when we reach home but have had no problems so far.) 

We sit facing the garden and see a bench through the trees. I am thinking that will be a nice place for our future car picnics as it's a hop, skip and a jump from where we park.

So, there we were at the garden. Earlier we had tried to get down to the ponds by driving over to the other side. Unfortunately, there were 'no parking' signs very near where we could see the short walk to where we wanted to go. So, we drove back to the regular entrance. (I am hoping to be able to walk down the hill to the ponds before the end of the year and, as always, keeping my fingers crossed.)

There's 'our' house that is not our house in the distance. I am looking forward to seeing what they will be planting in their garden beds out front. 

We are sitting on a bench and looking across the green. The sky was gorgeous, and the witch hazels were blooming in places.

There were snowdrops popping up everywhere.

I won't share all my photos from the garden today. Another post will be in a few days. I didn't take too many as it was another short trip.

Thursday and Friday, the 27th and 28th rolled by: brain in a bit of a fog truth be told.  

Saturday, March 1st, 2025: and here we are at the beginning of a new month.  Happy first day of the month to everyone. I sketched something new. I'm calling them scribble sketches, because I really have a hard time slowing down on these things. I got the original from Pinterest, one of two favorite go-to places. 

Breakfast: Saturday doughnut from the supermarket for both of us, and coffee for me. Gregg gets his strawberry jam filled dusted in powdered sugar. I get the one coated with chocolate on the top (of course) and the custard filled.  

Late lunch/early dinner: a jacket potato with baked beans. 

Snacks were a few almonds and a dish of skinny popcorn.  A naughty and nice day today.

Sunday, March 2nd, 2025: son came over for a few hours in the morning. He arrives with coffee for me and a muffin. Gregg is not partial to either so ate a lemon yogurt and drank an iced tea. Pat on the back for you I said. 

Later will be our traditional evening get-together to watch The Oscars. We have been doing this for several years. Son and our daughter-in-law will turn up around 5.30 p.m. for our evening of fun. We are eating light, a charcutier board and our darlings are bringing pastries from a bakery in Chantilly. (Gregg had I had ours for breakfast the next day and they were incredible, 10 out of 10 Gregg said.) The charcutier board was our evening meal. I've discovered I like stuffed grape vine leaves. It was sort of like a Ploughman's Lunch but Greek style. Everything on there was very tasty, three kinds of olives, cheeses, the stuffed grape leaves, small and round hot peppers that were hot but not too much, and probably some I have missed. 

Son and D-in-L explained most of the movies to us as we are most definitely not up to speed on these things, but it's all part of the fun. I do enjoy seeing the fashions on the red carpet.

As enjoyable as our time was together, we found ourselves a little bored with the big event, and felt it went on for two long. And then, wouldn't you know it, the timer for the show cut out on us before the last two major awards were given - didn't know there was a timer but we stream our TV now - and we weren't able to watch the finish. 

No matter how much we tried, we couldn't get it back. I think there might be a lot of miffed people out there as apparently this was done to thousands, and the message was that they had a blackout. It was also the first time they had streamed the Oscars live so our son told us, a major hiccup. Can't do much when that happens with something live. I think we had all had enough anyway as we were all tired and it was past our bedtime. 

Even so, we had a great time because after all, it's the company right? 

Time to stick my head in a cup of tea and snorkel my way down to the bottom! 

Have a great day everyone, have a great March and 

thanks for stopping by.


  1. I love Cream soda, and haven't had any in so long. Now I will buy some (if I can remember!). Gosh, I wish I could draw as well as you do! You really have talent! I always loved the Oscars. But now we never go to the movies, and I don't know most of them or the actors in them. The only thing I enjoy is the fashions they wear, some of which are so outrageous! Like Christina Agulara this time.

    1. Thank you Ginny, my drawings always seem so bad to me but I guess we are our own worst critics. Cream soda is one of those drinks I have but rarely but I enjoy it very much. We never go to the movies either but I do like to see the fashions. I am curious about Christina Agulara’s dress as I didn’t see it. The ones I did reminded me of the old Hollywood styles and thought them elegant, 9 times out of 10 anyway :)


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