Wednesday, March 5, 2025


We call them faerie. We don't believe in them. Our loss.

And as the seasons come and go,
Here's something you might like to know.
There are fairies everywhere,

Under bushes, in the air,
Playing games just like you play
Singing through their busy day.

So listen, touch and look around,
In the air and on the ground.
And if you watch all nature's things,
You might just see a fairy's wing.

~Author Unknown~ 

My photos of the fairies were taken in the San Diego Botanical Garden many years ago (maps above showing its location). The middle photo is blurry, but I noticed that I had caught a little hummingbird in frame. It is in the left of the photo, slightly above and to the side of the fairy's left wing, sitting on a branch. I was visiting the children's garden at the time, having walked all over the other areas and needing a rest. Keeping still and very quiet is a wonderful way to take everything in, and to see what little birds might appear, as in this case the hummingbird.

I had the place all to myself. The whole garden was very quiet and the only occasional person I came across was one of the volunteer gardeners. It took about an hour to get there driving north, and it was the first time I had used GPS. 

We actually lived in San Diego for many years back in the 80's, as I have mentioned before on other posts. I was looking forward to visiting with old friends.

On this occasion I had gone along on one of Gregg's business trips and we hadn't thought of getting GPS up to that point, but he didn't want me getting lost. We were late to the party, but I took to it like a duck to water and my adventures began, starting with the botanical garden. A lovely memory and another place I would like to get to again one day.

Thanks for looking and 

I hope you day will be great.


  1. The Fairies are delightful! And I love the poem, especially the last two lines. I saw the little bird before I even read what you said about him!

  2. Wonderful post. Of course, I am tuned into fairies everywhere! Sometimes I think you are one. Denise, Aloha!

  3. I just watched "the watchers" on Netflix. These fairies are tall and slender cannibals

  4. I visited San Diego several times over many years, the last time in 2003, and each time urban sprawl had become progressively worse, and pristine canyons where I used to go birding had filled with expensive homes, and private roads prevented access to areas I formerly visited. It was not many years later that wildfires spurred by the Santa Ana winds took care of some of those homes. I am quite sure that I will never go there again.

  5. What cute little fairies those are. I would have liked to have seen that garden in person.

  6. The fairies are wonderful and thank you for the map. A lovely post.

  7. The fairies are cute, love the post and photos.
    A wonderful memory of your San Diego trip.
    Take care, have a great day!

  8. I didn't notice the bird at first...the fairies are beautiful.

  9. We should all believe in fairies and (good) magic.

  10. A park /trail in our County has one section for children to bring in earth friendly supplies to build fairy homes. I did post years ago I'll try to find it.
    My birds are most unhappy with me today. I heard lots of HBO tweeting too. Last night I moved all the feeders to the garage. We are expecting high gusty wind and rain starting around 9 til 1pm. Be glad when that is over.
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. link to my post about the fairy trail

  12. I have seen other photos of your faires and wondered where you found them. I wonder if kids even like fairies now. that might be why it was empty. now if you filled the garden with those GAME people it would be crowded.. not many books about faries these days..

  13. How fun to be able to enjoy that garden without a crowd about you! Growing up in Southern California...I know those roads. :) Happy March, Denise.

  14. The fairies are a pleasant sight for me. I lived in San Diego in the 1950s as a child. I have many good memories.

  15. What a lovely adventure. Thank you for including the map! My US geography is rather weak.

  16. Never saw or heard about fairies growing up in Minnesota. I don't remember ever reading about them in the Fairy Tale books I read--lol! Didn't know about them till I saw Peter Pan on TV--lol! Then, of course, I fell in love with them. ;) Those are such cute ones they hid in the trees! Have a great day! :)

  17. That would be magical to have the whole garden to yourself! I like that idea.


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