Monday, March 17, 2025



With thanks to our dear friend Ann for the very pretty and elegant St. Patrick's Day card, I wanted to put it on today's post along with these lovely sentiments inside.

Thank you so much for continuously spreading the joy Ann, and brightening my day each time one of your lovely cards pops into my letter box.

I don't have my usual recipe, but I do have a link to some Irish Soda Bread I made a while ago. You can find it here. There is also another link (not on my blog) but one called Parsley, Thyme and Limoncello for Irish Colcannon Potatoes. And if these don't paddle your own canoe, at this link you will find 62 Irish recipes you can make instead.

Irish Folk Song "Paddle Me Own Canoe" can be found here. Who knew?

So without further ado...Sláinte!
Pronounced slawn-che, which means "cheers!" or literally, "health"...

and I will leave you with an Irish Blessing.

"May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow and may trouble avoid you wherever you go."

I wish you all top of the morning, and may it be a wonderful day for you all.


  1. Her cards are always so wonderful, and professionally done!

  2. thank you for that last blessing, get thee behind me troubles... love Ann's card and your photo of it is excellent..

  3. Super kartka . Wszystkiego dobrego życzę:)

  4. Lovely card, and a good day to be Irish.

  5. I did not know about the day until I read a few posts about it.

  6. Pretty card! Happy St. Patrick's Day, have a magical day!
    Take care, have a happy week ahead.

  7. St Patrick's Day is very big over here in Scotland! Lovely cards. :-D

  8. Glad you liked the card. Thanks for all the links. I may have to go make myself something Irish to eat today

  9. Happy Thanksgiving! I love that Irish quote. Very nice.

  10. I meant to say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day." Sorry.

  11. Aren't her cards beautiful?? I love when one comes!!

  12. Denise what a beautiful card and verse.
    I have my corn beef brisket in the crock pot, I'll add carrots in a bit.
    Usually cook the cabbage and potatoes separately but I'm thinking I might
    add the 'taters to the cp today. Just have to cut them smaller
    Happy St Patrick's Day form me who is a wee Bit Irish but probably more
    Southern American

  13. Everyone's Irish on St Patrick's Day.

  14. Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you. That is a lovely card and lovely thought. I'm going to try the soda bread. I like soda bread.

  15. Thank you for the blessing and sharing the card and sweet greetings from Ann. Happy St Patrick's Day to you x

  16. Gorgeous! And happy St. Patrick's Day too!

  17. What a lovely card.
    Happy St Patrick's Day.

    All the best Jan


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