Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Before my blogging break, a few weeks ago Gregg said he would like to go for a drive along the Snickersville Turnpike. I always enjoy that area. We did a shorter version this time and I only took a few photos. The weather was sunny and in the mid 70s. 

There were bales of hay in the fields, always a pretty sight in the countryside.

Forever curious I did a search on them. At one place I read that “bales are often wrapped in plastic and stored out in the fields until needed for livestock. The outside edge of a hay bale may be damaged by the weather, but the interior of the bale will stay suitable for animal food. Outdoor storage has reduced the costs of building and maintaining hay barns, so the classic wooden barns are slowly disappearing.” When I read this I thought well, that makes sense but I would be sad to see those old wooden barns disappear completely.
On another website I read that these round bales can weigh from 600 to 2000 pounds. They are either left in the field until they are used or may be moved to a covered storage area. Also, sheep and goats will not eat trampled hay. Horses and cattle are not so picky. I also read that hay is the largest field crop in Virginia.
We drove along the fence line of this property, and it went on for quite a distance. There were small US. flags attached to each post, and banners on the gate as you can see.
I have mentioned before but I often wonder who lives at the end of these driveways.
Some gates had an intercom. I'm just snapping pictures as we drive along. Even on country roads there always seem to be cars behind us, with not many opportunities to stop. Just as well for the nosey parkers who like to take photos on drive-bys from the passenger seat, of stone pillars with planters on top of them!  When the opportunity arises, we will pull over to allow the cars following us to pass. And then we travel at a more leisurely pace, until the next car arrives. These are narrower country roads than those nearer the freeways, and generally these followers live here and probably know all the twists and turns, and go faster than we are prepared to.  
I can't remember the name of this small town, but I was interested in the mailboxes that had a small roof over them. Each mailbox belongs to a different home, this info in case you are living outside of the States. People come to their individual box and get their mail, as the mailman doesn’t deliver them through a slot in your door. This may change in the bigger cities. Everyone in my community has an individual mailbox at the end of their driveway, attached to the top of a wooden post, waist high.
I enjoyed these pretty flowers climbing over the wall.
Shortly afterwards we turned off the turnpike and headed back. It was a nice ride, although shorter than usual, but even the short ones are very enjoyable. If you ever want to visit the area I found this website with vacation rentals and Airbnbs. They were fun to look at too. Here is a photo looking beyond an old stone wall…
and a historical marker showing local history.

We stopped off at Wendy's not too far from home, and deciding to have a fast-food meal instead of putting one together ourselves. We were both feeling a bit tired. It was a nice change as we rarely go to Wendy's. We ordered the same thing, a baked potato and small container of chili. They were very good and piping hot.

Waffling over with! Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully you're having good weather where you are. I have missed visiting but I am catching up ever so slowly. I am eager to see all your photos and writings.

Enjoy the rest of your week. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Look who turned up on our deck last night.  Not the best but I had a couple of seconds to take his photo through the screen. 

He came pretty early too. It was the raccoon the night before.  Big Bunny is hiding from both of them. Sorry foxy, you're out of luck for bird seed. I told Gregg I almost offered him an egg buttie instead. I told him to come back in the Autumn. But he didn't like being spotted and was down the steps in a flash.  These animals are coming out earlier and earlier. We are always having sightings of foxes in our neighborhood, no need to mention the rascally raccoons.

Look at those pretty legs and paws?  His tail was dark too and it had a white tip on the end. Want to be my pet Foxy Roxie? No?  Oh well!

Thanks for looking everyone, 
and enjoy your day!

Monday, July 1, 2024


No recipe for this one, or a proper photo, but very simple to do. With these summer temperatures, we wanted a change from just plain water. I remembered being given a glass some time ago, and decided to make it this week. There has been a double batch in a large pitcher sitting in the fridge ready and waiting. I replenish the water if needed and it lasts a couple of days. I just top it off and add a few more slices of lemon. You may have your own versions. It certainly is a very refreshing drink, if you like this taste combination.  Also great to sip on a hot, humid day. I am adding it on here to remind me how much we both enjoyed it.

Cucumber and Lemon Infused Water - serves 8

8 cups (2 quarts) water (you can use tap water but I don’t like how ours tastes so I usually fill up my measuring jug with water from the refrigerator filtered water dispenser, and pour it into the pitcher. You might have great tasting tap water.)

1 large thinly sliced hot house cucumber, the kind without seeds. You may see them as English Cucumbers. (These were the only kind we could get when growing up, and as is often the case when you have anything as a child, we often prefer them to anything else. You don’t have to deseed them and they seem milder in taste to me. Three of the smaller regular cucumbers could be used probably, the type with seeds. We reached our own taste combination after a couple of tries.)

2 to 3 large lemons, thinly sliced

2-3 sprigs fresh mint for garnish (optional)

Extra slices of cucumber and lemon for garnish  (optional)

Wash and dry the cucumber and lemon. Thinly slice them and add to a large pitcher.

Fill the pitcher with water and refrigerate for at least one hour and up to 24 hours.  

Making and serving right away works too, but it won't have as much time to infuse.

To serve, pour the cucumber and lemon water over a glass of crushed ice. (I am not one for a lot of ice and water only is enough for me, especially if that water has been well refrigerated.) Garnish with some of the lemon and cucumber slices from the pitcher or add fresh to the top.

As you drink the water, you can top up the pitcher with more water. Add extra cucumber and lemon if you think it is needed.You will know when it is time to make a fresh batch.

Not that the following were the reasons why I made this, but I have read several articles online that I found encouraging.

Here are 7 benefits. 

1. It alkalizes the body. Lemons and cucumbers are alkaline forming foods that will help the body function at its optimal level.

2. It is packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants and silica, good for cleansing toxins from the body.  Silica is supposedly nature’s anti-aging secret.

3. The silica in cucumber is a mineral necessary to keep connective tissues healthy. Add a few slices to your workout water bottle.

4. Vitamin C and antioxidants can double as an immune system booster. 

5. Aids in digestion. Citrus flavonoids stimulate and purify the liver. An entire cucumber averages about 45 calories and a lemon only 17, so a few slices to your water is not going to add many calories.

6. May help you drink more water. We like things that taste good. Better tasting water just may prompt us to drink more.

7. Lemon-Cucumber water first thing in the morning gives a nice boost. All thanks to the Vitamin C, potassium and phytonutrients.

There is all kind of information on line when you put what are the benefits of Cucumber-Lemon Infused Water in your search engine. I don’t necessarily believe everything I read, so I go to several places in my search and compare information.

And, when it is anything to do with our health, the first advice we should get is from our own physician.

I am also including this link from the Mayo Clinic.  The article is about the benefits of drinking water, and if you scroll down the page, there is a list of various food combinations I will enjoy trying at some point.

(For non-French speakers, 'Tchin-tchin' means 'Cheers' in English)