Tuesday, July 2, 2024


 Look who turned up on our deck last night.  Not the best but I had a couple of seconds to take his photo through the screen. 

He came pretty early too. It was the raccoon the night before.  Big Bunny is hiding from both of them. Sorry foxy, you're out of luck for bird seed. I told Gregg I almost offered him an egg buttie instead. I told him to come back in the Autumn. But he didn't like being spotted and was down the steps in a flash.  These animals are coming out earlier and earlier. We are always having sightings of foxes in our neighborhood, no need to mention the rascally raccoons.

Look at those pretty legs and paws?  His tail was dark too and it had a white tip on the end. Want to be my pet Foxy Roxie? No?  Oh well!

Thanks for looking everyone, 
and enjoy your day!


  1. That's a cute one. Looks a bit young. Are they getting braver looking for food? Linda in Kansas

    1. Thank you Linda :) I think they may be, there are more sightings these days, according to my neighborhood app.

  2. He is beautiful! How wonderful that you spotted him and were able to snap him! I went to your Big Bunny post. You must have posted it only a day or two ago. I do not remember it, and sure enough there was no comment from me. How on earth did I miss it?? It is one of your best, and you have no idea how much it tickled me. When I get up in the morning, I am going back to read it again, but slower, while I drink my coffee. It is so adorable!!! It may be my favorite post of yours ever!

    1. I agree Ginny, he certainly is a beautiful animal. I'm glad you read Big Bunny and I appreciate all your sweet comments about these posts. You certainly make my day. Thank you! :)

  3. Introduced though they are, I have a very soft spot for foxes. Thanks for sharing this young beauty.

    1. You are very welcome Sue :) I have my own soft spot for these lovely foxes, and so many more animals I see in our neighborhood.

  4. Has cute face and the expression on it is telling me to give it something to eat..but once you start that I expect they appear all the time.

    1. Hello Margaret :) I think he was a little disgusted with me. He eats our birdseed in the flat bed feeders, so he knows where the food is. Now I have stopped for the summer (we seem to get more animal visitors during the summer months), he no doubt makes the rounds in the neighborhood. Many others around here will be sharing their bird feeders.

  5. He is very handsome - I like his smart legs. I know they're a pest, but I'm always thrilled to see foxes.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Roentare :) He certainly was very aware of his surroundings. Unlike the raccoons who just look up at me when they see I am looking through the window, and then continues eating, foxes disappear quickly. I'm glad they retain their wildness. Being too habituated to humans isn't a good thing for them.

  7. He is pretty, great sighting! Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I have been seeing them more often these days. You take care and have a wonderful ay also :)

  8. Oh, how adorable he is. What a treat to see him right there on your deck. It seems that wildlife everywhere is getting braver about coming out looking for food. I suppose it's necessity though since their homes are slowly being destroyed in the name of progress.

    1. Thanks Ann :) Agree totally, we are displacing them so quickly. I live in a very built-up area but there are lots of spaces where trees provide cover, for now.

  9. He's so pretty! Great shots of him!

    1. Thank you Donna :) He certainly is a pretty one. Sending hugs :)

  10. Replies
    1. Isn't he? I thought the combination of dark paws and tail added to that beauty :)

  11. Wow! That is close! He is a brave one! I am seeing them everywhere lately, when I don't remember ever seeing one before? They are often on the beach too. Good picture!

    1. There seems to be a surge of them everywhere lately. Thanks Billie Joe :)

  12. That circle of life, a dog eat dog world!

  13. he is adorable..you live in wildlife paradise, or at least your deck does.

    1. We do see a lot of wildlife on the deck and in the area in general. I would rather watch them than turn on the TV :)

  14. He's awfully pretty with those legs and sweet face. But very skinny. Are they all skinny? I'm not terribly familiar with foxes.

    1. They can be very lean but I am no expert. All the foxes I have seen over the years of living here, they seem to be this way, especially the young ones. Thanks for the question Jeanie :)

  15. He looks like a very handsome young fox. I'm glad you managed to grab a photo before he disappeared. We used to have foxes visit the bottom of our garden and enjoy lying in the sun. Fortunately they never caused any damage. I wonder if master fox will visit you again.

    1. I agree Beverley, he is :) In one way I hope he visits again but I do worry as we live in an area with lots of traffic and busy roads not too far away. I am not sure what their range is. Most people welcome their sightings.

  16. Wow! You have a wild kingdom around your home, Denise. He or she is a beauty. Thanks for sharing your sightings.

    1. Feels that way sometimes Martha Ellen :) you are very welcome, so glad you enjoy them.

  17. Welcome back from your break, Denise. I didn't realize you posted again. Wow, a fox on your deck visiting you. And he's a handsome fellow too.

    Happy July!


    1. Thanks Sheri, it’s good to be back. I am late popping over as I have a lot of catching up to do :) So happy you enjoyed my fox.

  18. Aw, is he too young to be alone?

    1. I sometimes wonder where his family is Sandi :)

  19. You are certainly getting your share of wildlife in the backyard, Denise, and it seems there is never a dull moment when the feeders are out.

    1. Thank you Dorothy :) we seem to be getting more and more in the area and the feeders have been put away now until the Fall.

  20. We do occasionally see foxes, you managed to get a good photograph.

    All the best Jan

  21. We have a very handsome, healthy fox patrolling our neighbourhood. I haven’t seen it in my yard yet, but I could easily miss that. We may soon eliminate the problem of stray cats!

    1. Thanks David :) Thankfully we don’t seem to have stray cats roaming around our neighborhood. I am concerned for smaller pets though. Foxes are beautiful animals but they are after all’s said and done, wildlife. They will do what they have to do to survive.

  22. Foxes can be very bold but can disappear in a flash.

  23. A beautiful fox lady!
    If I saw her suddenly in front of me I would be scared!!

    1. She certainly was Katerina :) Fortunately I was behind the glass and inside when I saw her.


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