Friday, July 5, 2024


She sat at the back

And they said she was shy

She led from the front 

And they hated her pride

They asked her advice

And then questioned her guidance

They branded her loud

And were shocked by her silence 

When she shared no ambition 

They said it was sad

So she told them her dreams

And they said she was mad

They told her they’d listen

Then covered their ears

And gave her a hug

Whilst they laughed at her fears

And she listened to all of it

Thinking she should 

Be the girl they told her to be

Best as she could

But one day she asked 

What was best for herself

Instead of trying 

To please everyone else 

So she walked to the forest 

And stood with the trees

She heard the wind whisper 

And dance with the leaves

And she spoke to the willow 

The elm and the pine

And she told them what she’d been told

Time after time

She told them she never 

Felt nearly enough 

She was either too little

Or far, far too much

Too loud or too quiet

Too fierce or too weak

Too wise or too foolish 

Too bold or too meek

Then she found a small clearing 

Surrounded by firs

And she stopped and she heard

What the trees said to her

And she sat there for hours

Not wanting to leave

For the forest said nothing…

It just let her breathe

~Breathe by Becky Hemsley~

Becky Hemsley is an author I have only recently discovered and am so happy I did because when reading her poetry, I find myself saying, "Wow!" Becky lives in Leicestershire, UK, with her husband, two boys and their dog. She was formerly a primary school teacher for 15 years, but now writes full-time and has written four collections. The first - entitled 'Talking to the Wild', which features the poem 'Breathe'. Also, another book now which is a follow on, 'What the Wild Replied. I treated myself to these two books. She also has two further regular collections, and one of loss and grief poetry, as well as three children's books, one of which is an illustrated version of 'Breathe'). She is drawn to, and moved by, nature and its consistencies with human emotion (this I can attest to). In her words, "I often think the phrase 'human nature' is a good one to describe my thought process when writing. I aim to make a difference with words by helping people realize they are not alone."  She really is an amazing poet!

The yellow flower is from my archives.  Its name is Goldencup St. John’s wort, botanical name Hypericum patulum.


  1. I really like it. I am going to Amazon to check her out. I love nature poems.

    1. Wonderful Ginny, I'm glad you like her work :)

  2. Which of the two books do you like the best? The second one sounds a bit better to me?

    1. Right now I can't compare Ginny. I am reading the first book at the moment. I like to go through them and read each one over and over again. I am a plodder :)

  3. The flower is really lovely and what a beautiful poem Denise, rather taken with it.

    1. That flower is definitely a favorite with me, thank you Margaret :)

  4. This is powerful, beautiful. And true.

  5. I have read this poem before and I love it. Thanks for sharing it. I didn't realize she had books out. I'll have to go look for them.

    1. Thank you Ann and you are very welcome :) That's great you know the poem, it was new to me.

  6. What a touching poem Denise. Thank you for introducing Becky Hemsley to me. I must check out her work.

    1. I had the same reaction Martha Ellen, her words touched me too :) I am happy you enjoyed it enough to see more.

    2. I've been reading her extraordinary poems--so heartfelt! Thank you again for her introduction. Have a cool weekend indoors, my friend!

    3. So happy you have been enjoying them Martha Ellen, I think they are as you say. You have a cool weekend also my friend and I am definitely staying indoors :)

  7. In my experience - which goes back a long way - there is nothing like the restorative power of a forest. Trees are underestimated; in fact unknown to many.

    1. And mine also David, I feel so very much at peace among the trees :)

  8. A lovely poem, thanks for sharing. Take care, have a wonderful day and happy weekend!

    1. You are very welcome Eileen, so happy you enjoyed it. Thank you and I wish you the same :)

  9. This poem is really beautiful and profound

  10. Thank you for introducing this poet, Denise. The power of trees cannot be overstated.

    1. You are very welcome Janice and thank you :) I couldn't agree more!

  11. wild clapping! standing ovation! this is priceless and I needed to hear it. that is how trees and woods make me feel.. blessed peace and quiet

    1. I am very happy you enjoyed this so enthusiastically Sandra :) We all need to hear such words at times and I feel the same way as you do about them.

  12. An inspiring poem! What kind of bloom is that? Saw lots of them here, but have no idea the name.

    1. I am happy you enjoyed them Angie :) The bloom you mentioned and have seen is Goldencup St. John's Wort. You can read about it here:

  13. Wiersz jest piękny i prawdziwy. Czasami bardzo się staramy zaspokoić wymagania innych a zapominamy o sobie. Miłego weekendu:)

    1. Cieszę się, że wiersz przypadł Ci do gustu i bardzo się z Tobą zgadzam. Bardzo prawdziwe!

  14. Ohhh I do so like a surpise find like this. I've recently discovered new authors and love their books
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Delighted it surprised you Cecilia. There are times when I read something such as this that I go, "Ohhhhh!" So very touching! Thank you :)

  15. She has some very down to earth observations.

  16. lovely!! a gorgeous image as well!!

    1. Thank you Debbie, much appreciated and so glad you liked this :)

  17. As you know I have been writing poetry again. And I must say thank you for introducing me to this poet who is so in sync in this poem with what I am trying to create. Also, I am always trying to make things shorter. And while it is important to get rid of extraneous matter, this poem shows me that length has its proper place as well. Thank you so much Dee for being such a wonderful companion. Aloha!

    1. Oh you are very welcome Cloudia and thank you for your ever so sweet comment. Yes, I have been enjoying your poetry very much. I know what you mean about the length. I look for much shorter ones but the more I read the more I knew I wanted to share. Some are like that aren't they? :) The words just speak to us.

  18. This is a lovely poem and good advice for us all. Your flower photo is a beautiful illustration.

    1. Thank you Jeanie, so glad you liked both poem and flower :)

  19. Thank yu for the nice poem an dbright yellow flower Both are so nice.

    1. Greetings Aritha, you are very welcome to both and thank you. Makes me smile that you enjoyed them :)

  20. Oh Denise... This is so beautiful. Sad, beautiful and then peaceful.

    1. I agree Kay, all those things. Thank you so much :)

  21. For once I read the full poem. So meaningful.
    And she sat there for hours
    Not wanting to leave
    For the forest said nothing…
    It just let her breathe

    1. That’s wonderful! :) Beautiful lines I agree. Thank you!

  22. It is hard to describe how it makes me feel...but I so agree we need to take time just to breathe.

    1. Indeed, I know what you mean Rose, we do and I totally agree :)


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