Wednesday, July 31, 2024



(At least for a little while, just long enough to center ourselves, which I think everyone needs at times. I am not sure who said the above, but they must be a very smart and caring individual. I saw the words and put them in the center of the wreathe of flowers.)


  1. Very good advice. The bible even tells us to be still, and what better place than nature? I would love a wreath like this one!

    1. Beautifully worded Ginny :) yes, what better place. Isn’t it a beautiful wreathe?

  2. Good words and a beautiful AI Denise.

  3. Pretty image and great advice. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen! Much appreciated and thank you :)


  4. Wise words indeed. I think all of us get overwhelmed by the news some times.

    1. Very true, that's a world-wide condition isn't it? Thank you my friend :)

  5. Excellent advice. Honestly, I can't tell you the last time I watched the news. It leaves me very uninformed but I don't know that the news is always totally accurate anyway.

    1. Hi Ann, good for you :) I'd rather read my news these days.

  6. Every weekend is my switch off time

  7. The flower wreath is very beautiful...and very wise advice!

  8. I hope your break energises you. Enjoying all that Nature offers is a cure for many things.

  9. Every day, usually first thing in the morning as the sun comes up over our mountain view, with a hot cup of coffee, listening to the bird song.

    1. Oh my goodness, that sounds totally idyllic! Thank you for that beautiful image Carole :)

  10. this person does't live in Florida. the heat is like being shut in a steam room at the Y and the key locked and trapped trying to breath under water. also we had an even worse storm last night than the last one..... 50 mph winds and 3 inches of rain in 30 minutes flat... leaving behind the outdoors impossible to be out except at day break the sentiment is good though, but will not be doing that until November. its beautiful and good advice. bob has been watching Olympics which is great because the news is not blaring

    1. Yes, well, that puts a different perspective on things! I remember Gregg saying once that before we were married, he was heading across country to another duty station, going through the desert and rolling up the windows to keep the hot air out. I'm sure this can be taken figuratively too, and as you say, it's a good sentiment :) Glad the Olympics proved a good respite. We have been watching it here too.

  11. Oh boy howdy is that ever so very much true. One of the reasons I love walking outside. However the triple digits have returned so today I walked in our very huge mall near home. 2 1/2 laps around gave me 4,020 steps and 1.2 miles.
    I did get some interesting photos inside though
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. That's good to remember Ceceilia. Mall walking is very popular around here. Sending hugs :)

  12. I love this. I do wish I could breathe without coughing. Sorry, whining, again.

    1. Oh dear, hope you can do that now Jenn. Really feeling for you and that horrible cough. Whine away my friend, you deserve to, and you have a sympathetic ear here :)

  13. that is a beautiful and very special picture you created. i can hear you saying those words...we are watching the olympics right now and i could not be prouder of all the athletics and how about our girls winning the gold, what a thrill to watch!!

    1. Happy you think so Debbie :) I agree about the Olympics. We have enjoyed seeing the events greatly, and proud of those who competed and brought back their medals :)

  14. A reminder we all need in this hectic connected world. I like how you framed it in the flower wreath.

  15. Such good advice, Denise. We watch minimal news. Just enough to stay informed. The wreath is lovely!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, we're the same :) Glad you liked that wreath, thank you my friend :)

  16. That was a good place to put those words of encouragement! Happy last day of July to you!

    1. Thank you Ellen, and it is now the 11th of August, so you can tell how long it is taking me to catch up with everyone. Happy 11th Day of the Month :)

  17. Hi Denise, The climate is too hot right now to go outside...40 degrees in the shade here
    and it'is hard to breath, but when it's cooler, a lot cooler a walk in a garden with a bench to st on is therapeutic indeed.

    1. Gosh that's hot! It will be lovely to get out in the garden won't it?


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