Monday, July 1, 2024


No recipe for this one, or a proper photo, but very simple to do. With these summer temperatures, we wanted a change from just plain water. I remembered being given a glass some time ago, and decided to make it this week. There has been a double batch in a large pitcher sitting in the fridge ready and waiting. I replenish the water if needed and it lasts a couple of days. I just top it off and add a few more slices of lemon. You may have your own versions. It certainly is a very refreshing drink, if you like this taste combination.  Also great to sip on a hot, humid day. I am adding it on here to remind me how much we both enjoyed it.

Cucumber and Lemon Infused Water - serves 8

8 cups (2 quarts) water (you can use tap water but I don’t like how ours tastes so I usually fill up my measuring jug with water from the refrigerator filtered water dispenser, and pour it into the pitcher. You might have great tasting tap water.)

1 large thinly sliced hot house cucumber, the kind without seeds. You may see them as English Cucumbers. (These were the only kind we could get when growing up, and as is often the case when you have anything as a child, we often prefer them to anything else. You don’t have to deseed them and they seem milder in taste to me. Three of the smaller regular cucumbers could be used probably, the type with seeds. We reached our own taste combination after a couple of tries.)

2 to 3 large lemons, thinly sliced

2-3 sprigs fresh mint for garnish (optional)

Extra slices of cucumber and lemon for garnish  (optional)

Wash and dry the cucumber and lemon. Thinly slice them and add to a large pitcher.

Fill the pitcher with water and refrigerate for at least one hour and up to 24 hours.  

Making and serving right away works too, but it won't have as much time to infuse.

To serve, pour the cucumber and lemon water over a glass of crushed ice. (I am not one for a lot of ice and water only is enough for me, especially if that water has been well refrigerated.) Garnish with some of the lemon and cucumber slices from the pitcher or add fresh to the top.

As you drink the water, you can top up the pitcher with more water. Add extra cucumber and lemon if you think it is needed.You will know when it is time to make a fresh batch.

Not that the following were the reasons why I made this, but I have read several articles online that I found encouraging.

Here are 7 benefits. 

1. It alkalizes the body. Lemons and cucumbers are alkaline forming foods that will help the body function at its optimal level.

2. It is packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants and silica, good for cleansing toxins from the body.  Silica is supposedly nature’s anti-aging secret.

3. The silica in cucumber is a mineral necessary to keep connective tissues healthy. Add a few slices to your workout water bottle.

4. Vitamin C and antioxidants can double as an immune system booster. 

5. Aids in digestion. Citrus flavonoids stimulate and purify the liver. An entire cucumber averages about 45 calories and a lemon only 17, so a few slices to your water is not going to add many calories.

6. May help you drink more water. We like things that taste good. Better tasting water just may prompt us to drink more.

7. Lemon-Cucumber water first thing in the morning gives a nice boost. All thanks to the Vitamin C, potassium and phytonutrients.

There is all kind of information on line when you put what are the benefits of Cucumber-Lemon Infused Water in your search engine. I don’t necessarily believe everything I read, so I go to several places in my search and compare information.

And, when it is anything to do with our health, the first advice we should get is from our own physician.

I am also including this link from the Mayo Clinic.  The article is about the benefits of drinking water, and if you scroll down the page, there is a list of various food combinations I will enjoy trying at some point.

(For non-French speakers, 'Tchin-tchin' means 'Cheers' in English)


  1. Wow, you really did your research! It looks so refreshing even from the pretty picture.

    1. I try to get as much info on these things as I can. Glad you enjoyed the pretty picture. It's a prompt I did in Copilot. Thanks Ginny :)

  2. That is a delicious combination. I've never tried lemon and cucumber together.

    1. Thanks Janice, the first time I saw this was when I was given a glass some time ago. It just popped into my head as soon as it turned 90 degrees outside ! :)

  3. Not for me. I like lemon water but am not a cucumber fan.

    1. Thanks Sue, not everyone's cup of tea I know :) I have had the lemon water and I really enjoy that too.

  4. Always a good refreshing drink in the warm to hot weather Denise, I do it for our summer.

    1. It certainly is Margaret and thank you. I will do this more often now. In fact, cucumber and lemons are on today's shopping list :)

  5. It sure does sound refreshing. I like cucumbers and lemons both so I bet it's tasty.

    1. Thanks Ann, if you like the taste of cucumbers and lemons together, you should enjoy it :)

  6. Thanks for this great information, Denise. Taste is everything and this sure looks like it would be nice to enjoy on these very warm (hot!) days of summer.

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen :) I agree with everything you say.

  7. I eat cucumber quite frequently and eat citrus fruit too, so I think I’ll skip this one.

    1. Yes, David, understand completely. I have friends who prefer eating fruit and veg instead of putting them in a smoothie. I guess I like both and now I enjoy water with these additions. Also, I drink a lot of plain water in the heat of the summer, this just takes it up a notch for me. I enjoy cucumber sandwiches also, and am always putting it in our salads :)

  8. Great info and post. I enjoy my lemon water. Happy July! Have a great day and happy new week!

    1. Just plain lemon water is delicious on a hot day:) Thank you Eileen, I wish you the same.

  9. I have heard of putting things in water, but thought it was just for the taste. I am a lover of water and it is all I drink so never tried it. I did no know the benefits of these fruit/veggies would go into the water.. sounds good and looks great...

    1. You and I are the same with water, sounds like Sandra. There is also someone who is drinking more water because of the cucumber and lemon now and that makes me very happy :)

  10. it sounds like it would be refreshing on a hot summer day!! i like the benefits!!

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Jeanie, I will be making another batch in the morning :)

  12. What a nice summer gift Thank you Denise! Aloha

    1. You are very welcome Cloudia and so glad you like the sound of it. Thank you :)

  13. Oh, that sounds so refreshing. When Jess visited this past week, I made her some cold lemon water, and added some honey, and it was really good. These drinks are nice to have during the hot summer months.


    1. How splendid you have had Jess visit. Cold lemon water with honey sounds delicious!


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